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I advocate in this contribution the need to emphasize the social milieu of pottery production, use, and distribution as a means of gaining a meaningful understanding of the significance of ceramics from archaeological contexts. Je préconise dans cette contribution le besoin de souligner le milieu social de la production, de l'emploi et de la distribution de poteries en tant que moyens de gagner une compréhension sérieuse de l'importance de céramiques venant de contextes archéologiques.  相似文献   
In the early colonial period, Jamaican slaves manufactured pottery that incorporated traditional West African technology with selected European innovations. Recent examination of Afro-Jamaican wares from the seventeenth-century site of Port Royal suggests that the decorative elements are consistent with those that are in wide use among West African pottery traditions, particularly those of the Gold Coast (Ghana). Stamped designs prevail as the clearest example of this continuity. Potential Amerindian contributions to the Jamaican folk pottery industry during this period are considered and shown to be unlikely. The isolation of decorative traits demonstrates how certain craft elements of West African peoples were transported to the New World and integrated with other cultural traditions. It also corroborates the documentary record pertaining to the geographical origin of Jamaican slaves during the early colonial period.  相似文献   
殷墟仿铜陶礼器墓试析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
殷墟四期偏晚阶段出现仿铜陶礼器墓,其器物组合较固定,所含器类较全,学者对其认识不一。作者认为其出现有深刻的社会原因,同时又和人们的意识形态、思想变化密不可分,是人们对资源利用观念的一种转变。  相似文献   
陕西省考古研究所 《江汉考古》2006,(3):37-49,F0002,F0003
2001年4月至10月间,我们在西安市南郊马腾空清理了15座唐代墓葬。所有墓葬皆为南北向,单室墓室,墓道在南,墓室居北。墓葬形制可分为A、B、C三型。可以看清的几例葬具、葬式皆为单棺单人,仰身直肢。随葬品以陶俑最为丰富,计有镇墓俑、男俑、女俑、动物俑等,其中男俑、女俑的中的半身俑时代特征明显,女俑的发式新颖奇特,造型生动,在隋唐考古中较为少见。加之又出土了四盒墓志,具有明确的纪年,可以作为判断其年代的标形器。这批墓葬的发掘为关中地区唐墓谱系的建立增加了新资料,同时对其它地区唐墓的研究也有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
为研究河南信阳城阳城址战国楚墓出土彩绘陶器病害,采用X荧光光谱分析、红外光谱分析和拉曼光谱分析对陶器表面颜料、有机底层、金属涂层进行了分析检测,并对陶胎物理性能进行了分析。研究发现:这批城阳城址彩绘陶器为高硅低铝陶器,为典型北方灰陶类型,吸水率较大,结构比较疏松,烧成温度范围在930℃~1025℃。陶器表面红色颜料主要为朱砂和赤铁矿,黄色颜料为针铁矿; 8号墓部分彩绘陶器彩绘层底含锡; 18号墓彩绘陶器黑褐色有机底层为生漆,为漆衣彩绘陶。这些信息为保护修复方案设计和保护修复实施提供了科学基础。  相似文献   
U-Pb zircon radiometric dating and petrographic thin-section analysis were used for provenance identification of Ferrería and Marrón Inciso pottery styles from La Morena archaeological site in northwestern Colombia. U-Pb dating was applied to zircons recovered from pottery and rock samples from nearby geological units. The results suggest at least three distinct sources: the metamorphic rock unit on which the archaeological site is located, a granodiorite unit that outcrops further away from the site, and a mafic rock that cannot be attributed with certainty. U-Pb in zircons proved to be effective as a provenance method, where ages of the possible source rocks are well constrained, and can be applied to areas where traditional sourcing methods may be problematic.  相似文献   
权五荣  许莉 《东南文化》2011,(2):101-108,132
自1997年后持续发掘调查的首尔江南风纳土城,因城墙规模巨大,出土了许多与王城相符的遗迹及遗物,被推断为百济最初的王城河南慰礼城。遗址出土了诸多邻国制作的物品,证实当时百济与周边国家保持着交流。特别是数十件中国西晋至南朝刘宋时期施釉陶器、钱纹陶器等类物品的出土,揭示了3世纪以后百济与中国在陶瓷器交易乃至宗教、思想层面广泛而紧密的交流,也为百济史及与中国的交流史提供了新的材料和认识。  相似文献   
巩义涉村唐墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑州市文物考古研究院在巩义涉村镇发掘一座唐墓,这座唐墓出土器物以三彩器居多,其中镇墓兽、武士俑等形体高大,对研究盛唐时期郑州地区的唐墓有一定帮助.  相似文献   
本文首先概述了大嘴子遗址第三期文化以及双砣子、大砣子遗址等同类考古学文化发现的陶簋.在此基础上,从陶簋的保存状况、形制、成套出现的礼仪特征等方面,与河南孟津妯娌遗址出土的礼器——铙形器进行对比研究,认为陶簋是大嘴子遗址第三期文化仅见的陶礼器——专用祭器.  相似文献   
位于广西壮族自治区宾阳县的新窑村,尚有现代制陶作坊存在.这些制陶作坊均采用快轮制陶技术.此次,对其进行的考察主要包括原料采集、制作工艺、阴干及烧制等方面.考察的结果,对于我们研究中国古代制陶工艺有着十分重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
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