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Lipids preserved within the walls of ancient pottery vessels are routinely analysed to reveal their original contents. The provenience of aquatic lipids in pottery is generally connected to vessel function (e.g., for cooking or storing fish, shellfish and aquatic mammals). However, ethnographic reports from early historic Alaska mention the use of aquatic oils for waterproofing low-fired pottery. Results of lipid residue studies on Alaskan pottery reflect an exclusive function of pottery to process aquatic resources. However, can one be sure these residues are the product of vessel function and not a remnant of the manufacturing process? The study presents the results of an experiment where the preservation of aquatic lipids during the firing process at different temperatures was measured. It was found that nearly all lipids were removed at firing temperatures of ≥ 400°C. Petrographic analysis of Alaskan pottery samples indicates that firing temperatures were generally > 550°C but < 800°C. The contribution of pre-firing manufacture-derived lipids to samples fired at these temperatures may be regarded as negligible. While the possible presence of aquatic lipids from post-firing surface treatments cannot be excluded, such treatments appear unnecessary for well-fired pottery.  相似文献   
There is a long tradition of studies of the Indian Ocean trade focused almost exclusively on the trade between Roman Egypt and India. Less attention has been paid to the formative period of early historical long‐distance trade in the Indian Ocean. The aim of this paper is to discuss some aspects of the development of this trade, based on an analysis of the South Asian pottery found at two different settlements: Sumhuram in the Sultanate of Oman and Tissamaharama in Sri Lanka.  相似文献   

We present a new technique to detect flat archaeological sites with minimal ceramics using an unmanned aerial vehicle that maps surface stone concentrations. Methods deployed include point pattern analysis of stone concentrations and a machine-learning technique using unsupervised classification of visible stone signature qualities, which are used in simple linear regressions to compare with geophysical and ceramic surface survey results of a site in Iraqi Kurdistan. There is a stronger fit (r2?=?0.77) between surface stone concentrations and architecture identified by geophysical measurement, while surveyed ceramics show a weaker fit to defined architecture (r2?=?0.31). Surface stone concentrations are potentially a better proxy than ceramics for determining the presence of past settlement in regions where stone was commonly used, sites are relatively flat, and ceramics are found in low concentrations. The methods advanced here can be scaled to wider areas, particularly in mountainous regions, where surface stone features are present.  相似文献   
古代的琉璃陶是中国陶瓷史上一个重要的品种,而明代的琉璃陶更是记录当时皇家建筑历史的重要见证,也是当时一个烧造较多、风格独特的重要陶器品种。几十年来,随着考古工作的深入进行,发现了大量明代琉璃陶文物和资料。本研究以明代琉璃陶烧造为主要内容,从考古发现和历史文献两个角度,对明代宫廷和藩王使用建筑用琉璃陶及陪葬使用琉璃陶俑、民间使用琉璃陶人像以及琉璃陶相关器物进行综合性叙述和梳理,也对明代琉璃陶的一些相关问题进行了研究。  相似文献   
琚丽萍  韩长松 《中原文物》2012,(4):75-77,93
焦作市出土的简式陶仓楼明显地反映了焦作地区出土的陶仓楼从豪华走向简易,从繁荣走向衰退的过程。简式陶仓楼的出土,为研究东汉中晚期的社会经济、建筑结构、丧葬习俗提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
This article develops the idea that the emergence of the Neolithic world was closely linked to discovering and becoming aware of new aspects and dimensions of reality. Practices such as pottery making and cultivation promoted attentiveness to new aspects of things and the environment, which in turn generated a new kind of lived world that was, in a sense, richer, larger and deeper than before. It is proposed that new forms of material culture and new material practices – new ways of engaging with the material world – expanded people’s horizons of perception and thinking. This cultivation of perception was an important mechanism through which new ways of life and thought associated with the Neolithic came into being.  相似文献   
本文利用拉曼光谱(Raman)、X射线衍射(XRD)和X射线荧光光谱(XRF)等方法,分析了青海省化隆县纳卡遗址出土的马家窑文化及齐家文化彩陶。结果显示:马家窑文化黑彩在不同文化阶段其显色机理不同,半山阶段黑彩以磁铁矿及黑锰矿为主,且Fe/Mn比值较低,反射率最低,呈现浓翠的黑色;而马厂阶段黑彩则以赤铁矿及黑锰矿为主,Fe/Mn比值较高,反射率偏高,主波长为400~450nm,呈偏紫色的黑彩。表明马家窑文化陶工已认识到赤铁矿与黑锰矿的混合矿物颜料、含锰磁铁矿二者之间具有不同的呈色性能,并且熟练掌握了浓淡的变换规律,使之满足于彩绘的需求。齐家文化黑彩以磁铁矿为主,含有锐钛矿,主波长为650~700nm,呈偏红黄色的黑彩,表明这个阶段彩陶的烧制温度不高,彩陶文化已趋向衰落。  相似文献   
根据陶器类型学研究,把花厅墓地分为四期。把拥有玉琮、玉梳背饰、玉项饰的墓作为大型墓,把拥有玉镯、环等装饰品的墓作为中型墓,把只有陶石器等的墓作为小型墓。根据形态分析,把随葬陶器分为大汶口式、良渚式、薛家岗式、大汶口一良渚式和大汶口一薛家岗式五类,把玉器分为良渚式、花厅式和融合式三类。从死者头向、葬猪习俗、随葬品组合等方...  相似文献   
2010年焦作市文物工作队在武陟县圪垱店乡清理汉墓两座,为西汉晚期至东汉早期墓葬.墓葬中出土的陶厨房、羊圈、猪圈等模型明器,造型精美,为研究汉代的社会经济生活,提供了重要的实物资料.  相似文献   
郑州商城的三处青铜器窖藏共出土了八件青铜大方鼎,目前学界一般认为铜方鼎的原型与陶方鼎有关。但通过造型与纹饰的细节分析,可发现大方鼎的原型应为方形木质容器,乳钉纹带模仿了容器边套、箍圈上的成排铆钉。南顺城街窖藏的四件大方鼎,其纹饰的演变体现出从模仿铆钉原型到向装饰化发展的过程。  相似文献   
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