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For the first time, the mineralogical–geochemical compositions of the white paste inlay found on vessels from sites (10th–8th centuries bce ) in the northern Pontic region are investigated. Samples of the white paste on vessels from settlements, burials of sedentary groups and graves of early nomads were analysed by means of scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) methods. Between the 10th and eighth centuries bce , various innovations occurred in the working area. Iron processing technology and the manufacture of iron products also appeared. Other innovations were changes in the manufacturing technology of ceramics. A high-quality, polished/burnished surface and ornaments with white paste inlay are characteristic of this pottery. When collating white paste mixtures of different European sites, similarities in the preparation of white paste recipes for vessels from the Balkan and northern Pontic regions are evident. During the Early Iron Age, further changes in the manufacture of the white paste were discovered in the northern Pontic region, namely the application of high-temperature firing to obtain more resistant synthesized material such as calcium alumosilicates and silicates (wollastonite). The development of iron metallurgy in this period could provide a basis for the elaboration of new techniques in ceramic manufacture.  相似文献   

Pottery from the Ward site village (31WT22; ca. A.D. 1100) in mountainous northwestern North Carolina exhibits remarkable synchronic diversity that evokes speculations about prehistoric social institutions. Large fragments of ceramic jars recovered from the base of a storage pit at a nearby single house site appear to represent the wares of one household dating to approximately A.D. 1350. Like the Ward site pottery, diverse tempering materials and surface treatments at this site defy existing typologies and show that individual artisans availed themselves of a palette of technological and stylistic choices, some of which were introduced through interaction with neighboring Mississippian and Woodland groups, especially those lying to the south and east.  相似文献   
通过对廖纪墓出土彩陶粉彩脱落原因和颜料成分分析,在多次实验的基础上,筛选出适宜的固色剂。经使用PEG增加颜料致密性后再固色的保护方式,使固色后的粉彩层表面不泛光泽,平滑,触摸不掉色,保持了器物色泽的原貌,达到了保护粉彩层的理想效果。  相似文献   
中国瓷器与土耳其陶器的相互影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国瓷器对土耳其陶器的影响是中国古外销瓷研究中的重要课题之一。欧、美及土耳其学者对此课题进行了多年的研究,成果颇丰。本文仅对之略作介绍,并从中国学者的视角观察作进一步的研究。同时对双方陶瓷相互影响的历史背景及海陆交通作一概略地叙述。  相似文献   
P. Mirti  P. Davit 《Archaeometry》2001,43(1):19-33
Sherds of Campanian pottery were studied by SEM‐EDX. SEM images show that slips of Campana C are scarcely sintered and are thicker than the well vitrified coatings of Campana A and B and imitations of Campana B. Slips of products with a grey slip on a grey body are very thin and well vitrified. EDX analyses indicate that slips are richer in aluminium and iron, and poorer in silicon and calcium, with respect to the bodies. Higher potassium is also found in all of the coatings except those of Campana A. Here relatively high sodium makes the total alkalis comparable with those of the other products, except Campana C, where it is somewhat lower. Measurement of thermal expansion and X‐ray powder diffractograms suggest that firing temperatures were mostly in excess of 900°C, but some samples of Campana C seem to have been fired below 800°C.  相似文献   
The 67-ha site of Sincu Bara was discovered and extensively excavated in the 1970s. Three primary aspects of its archaeological interest were its vast size, its location in the Middle Senegal Valley, where some of the earliest regional polities in West Africa arose, and the extensive and diverse assortment of copper-based metal artifacts it produced. Deposits with brass appeared to be associated with radiocarbon dates as early as the fifth century AD. It appeared that most of the deposits related to a single, long-lasting occupation by people who arrived with sophisticated copper-based metallurgy in the fifth century and remained at least until the eleventh century, without discernible modification in their material culture. Results of new excavations in 1991–1992 indicate that this interpretation must be substantially modified, since considerable change in material culture, including the introduction of copper-based metals between AD 800 and AD 900, has now been documented. This article summarizes the data from these new excavations and suggests that earlier interpretations were based largely on material from disturbed, severely mixed deposits, which gave a false picture of homogeneity through time.Les soixante sept héctares constituant le gisement du Sincu Bara étaient découverts et fouillés dans les années soixante dix. Son intérêt archéologique est lié aux trois aspects: sa grande superficie, sa location dans la vallée moyenne du Sénégal où les premières unités politiques de l'Afrique de l'Ouest existaient, et finalement, la diversité des objets métalliques en cuivre que le site a livrée. Il apparaît que la plupart des dépôts appartient à une seule occupation de longue durée par un peuple qui est arrivé pendant la cinquième siécle AD, en possession de la connaissance de métallurgie à base de cuivre et qui montrait au moins jusqu'au onzième siécle peu de modification dans leur culture materielle. Les résultats des fouilles de 1991–1992 montrent que cette interpretation doit être modifiée, car il y a eu du changement considérable dans le matèriel, comme l'introduction des métaux à base de cuivre entre AD 800–900. Dans cet article, nous avons résumé les résultats des nouvelles fouilles et nous suggérons que les anciennes interpretations ont été largement fondées sur du matériel perturbé, des dépôts mixtes qui donnaient une image fausse de l'homogenité pendant cette période.  相似文献   
河南省济源市位于豫西北一隅,北依太行,南带黄河,是中国古代四渎之一的北渎济水的发源地。早在战国时期,济源已被视为“有夏之居”,坐落在市郊济水东西二源之间的原城遗址,面积达80万平方米,文化内涵丰富,被学术界推定为夏代帝杼所都之原。西周时武王曾封其胞弟原叔于此,作为拱卫京师的帝胄采邑。东周以原为王畿属地,后来周襄王以原赐晋,晋文公令大夫赵衰为原伯在此长期经营,原因此得到进一步的发展,原城遗址的龙山时代及东周时期的遗存,证实了此地曾经的繁荣。战国时期济源另一处较为发达的地区是位于原城西南的职。软与原…  相似文献   
容波  兰德省  王亮  朱振宇  李斌  王春燕 《文博》2009,(6):266-268
为了掌握陕西省内陶质彩绘文物的基本情况、受损现状及保护现状等基础数据,我们开展了“陕西省陶质彩绘文物调查研究项目”。通过对咸阳地区汉景帝阳陵、杨家湾汉墓、汉武帝茂陵、窑店三义村等大型汉代墓葬出土彩绘陶器表面颜料进行研究,从颜料物质成分、彩绘工艺等方面进行了科学检测和分析,为彩绘陶器的保护修复提供了依据。  相似文献   
Over 200 sherds of samian and colour-coated pottery of late 2nd or early 3rd century date have been analysed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectrometry. Most of this material was excavated at Colchester, England; the remainder is related East Gaulish material. Some clay samples were also analysed. The material divides, after multivariate statistical analysis, into 11 clusters. These accord well with known archaeological evidence and suggest assignments of origin where these are uncertain. In particular, the archaeological evidence for a link between Colchester and the Sinzig potters is supported.  相似文献   
本文分别采用微观结构观察、成分分析和吸水率-密度测定等方法,对比共出的夹砂陶和泥质陶,对孙家城遗址较为典型的夹植物陶进行分析。陶器坯体微观结构显示夹植物陶疏松多孔,植物类孱和料呈现的形式主要有植物碎屑、炭化颗粒、植物印痕等,应与夹炭陶相区别。成分分析表明夹砂陶、泥质陶和夹植物陶所用的制陶原料存在差异性且一定程度上有重合,后两者在制作工艺上有相似之处且有别于夹砂陶,而且夹植物陶鼎的口沿、腹部、足部的原料和制作工艺也不同。陶器胎体断面元素含量的变化可能是制陶过程中有意为之,也或与烧制过程和器表施加陶衣相关。吸水率-密度分析显示夹植物陶的质地最为疏松多孔,质量最轻,而且吸水饱和后更为脆弱易碎。  相似文献   
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