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南丽萍 《攀登》2005,24(4):157-158
本文介绍了地方文献的特征及重要性,对地方文献的收集、开发利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   
在国际共产主义运动中,在苏联、在社会主义的新中国,文艺始终是革命的“齿轮和螺丝钉”。新中国的美术家在为工农兵服务、为政治服务中,艰苦地、小心翼翼地寻求政治与艺术的结合部,在中国画、油画、版画、雕塑领域中,创作出一批批属于这个特定历史时期的为人民大众所喜闻乐见的力作。毛泽东晚年的极“左”路线,最后也将“三突出”、“高大全”、“红光亮”的美术推向顶峰与终结;同时,也为改革开放新时期的中国美术,提供了复兴与发展的机遇。  相似文献   
试论宋代的市民文艺和商业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋化繁荣昌盛,是华夏化的顶峰之一,本试图从宋代的市民艺的出现及其与商业两的关系中,剖析宋化兴盛的原因。  相似文献   
音乐是汉代文化的重要构成,汉代经学与文学对此均有讨论与表现,二者传递的审美理想并不相同。经学视阈下的音乐之美:以德为本质与归趋;表达欢乐平和之情。汉代文学中的音乐之关,表现为:重视娱耳目乐心意之用;情感悲凄,曲调婉转、急促;乐器以丝竹类为主。  相似文献   
江金波  高娟 《人文地理》2011,26(4):29-34
伴随改革开放30年进程,中国旅游产业不断走向内生驱动、创新发展之路。其在制度体制机制创新、理论创新等理论研究领域以及区域旅游创新、旅游企业创新等实践研究领域取得了初步成绩,但距离西方同类研究仍有较大差距。本文采取文献统计及文献分析法进行研究,揭示其基本特点,对中国旅游的创新研究主要领域进行文献研究综述,总结其研究的增长规律,立足于旅游产业创新研究的国际趋势和中国实际需要,最后对中国旅游的创新研究主要领域进行了展望。  相似文献   
根据出土文献材料,<离骚>中的"謇謇"当读作"讦讦",意思是"直言不讳";"复"字为衍文;"泽"为"臭"字之误;"脩"为"循"之误  相似文献   
略论金代山西文人与地域文学的发展及原因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金代山西地域文学的发展历程可分为三个阶段:一是从金太祖到海陵王迁都之前(1115-1153),是金代山西地域文学的复苏期。二是海陵王迁都之后到章宗朝(1153-1209),是金代山西文学的发展期。三是从卫绍王到金亡(1209-1234),是金代山西文学的繁荣期。金代山西地域文学在金末迎来鼎盛局面主要有三方面的因素:一是中原文化重心的北移;二是"壬辰北渡"时期山西士人的回归;三是金末山西文人的忠国意识与使命感。  相似文献   
This article reconsiders the neglected Italian correspondence of the Cork-born wit, essayist, and journalist, Francis Sylvester Mahony (‘Father Prout’). Re-assessing his traditional reputation as a Tory polemicist, it explores his movement away from the conservative, pro-Union politics of his contributions to Fraser's Magazine in the 1830s, and examines how, despite his continuing rejection of popular O'Connellite nationalism, he came to offer a broadly sympathetic portrait of Young Ireland in the articles he contributed to the London Daily News in the 1840s. It also traces the development of his political thinking at the beginning of the Famine era, focusing, in particular, on the influence of the resurgent nationalist movement in Italy on his reassessment of the Irish question.  相似文献   
Using three contemporary Irish novels: Down By the River and The Light of Evening by Edna O'Brien and My Dream of You by Nuala O'Faolain as well as Irish Medical Journal, I suggest that representations of female cancers are images of female pathology that reify and question disease as limitation of autonomy. Tracing the image of reproductive cancers through parts of the Irish cultural artifacts displays how both the fiction and Irish medical discourse attend disproportionately to female reproductive cancers. The texts construct female bodies as sites of pathology through textual representations of reproductive cancer and build upon Irish metaphors of landscape as female, which conceptualize women's (immobile, permeable) bodies as the site of invasion. Thus, fiction and health genres construct (and restrict) gender autonomy through two versions of border control: movement across body borders and movement across spatial, especially geopolitical, borders.  相似文献   
《慈恩传》全称《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》,是一部记述玄奘生平最早最详实的传记,也是唐代唯一的一部专传;《慈恩传》记述了玄葵不同寻常的一生,更重要的是,《慈恩传》折射出唐代上升时期的唐人风貌:开放的文化心态,进取的时代风貌,强烈的爱国情感。  相似文献   
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