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This paper argues that between 1969 and 1976 US policy-makers actively sought to transcend nuclear parity. The Nixon and Ford administrations demonstrated increasing uneasiness toward nuclear parity and yet, proved unwilling to match the Soviet Union quantitatively. In the search for an answer to the question of what strategic superiority was in the age of parity, they came to understand it in distinctly qualitative terms, adopting a number of decisions related to nuclear planning, intelligence analysis of the nuclear balance, and nuclear weapons innovation and modernization, aimed at securing a qualitative edge over the USSR.  相似文献   
2001~2005年,上海博物馆考古研究部对广富林遗址进行多次发掘。该遗址遗存共分三个阶段,第一阶段大致相当于良渚文化第四期;第二阶段既同第一阶段之间存在文化延续性,又包含一部分非当地传统的龙山时代文化因素;第三阶段即广富林文化,其中的良渚义化因素较少,却同于油坊类型的关系比较密切。  相似文献   
试析上海市人口老龄化与社会养老设施的发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋韬  汤建中 《人文地理》2001,16(3):16-20
人口老龄化对社会和经济发展都有着深刻的影响。上海市人口老龄化近年来发展非常迅速,而且具有强度大,向心增值性等特点。由于家庭小型化和中青年的生活压力增大,在充分重视家庭养老的基础上,社会养老设施仍有相当大的发展空间。从目前的情况来看,上海市社会养老设施的发展严重滞后于其老龄化及新的社会形式的发展,存在较大的供需缺口,并存在着地区结构性不平衡。但也出现了一些令人鼓舞的现象,如社会各方力量更多的参与,托老所的兴起和发展等。本文在对上海市社会养老设施发展现状进行分析之后,提出了应当多渠道,多形式地发展养老设施,在地区布局上应当因地制宜,并应当加强老人福利人员的培训。  相似文献   
沪简《周易》选释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海博物馆所藏战国楚竹书《周易》,与今本文字多有异同.本文就竹简本中十条异文予以考证,或揭示其释字依据,或分析其通假关系,也间或涉及其讹变关系,提出若干与旧注不同的新观点.  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(4):577-581

Recent media-saturated events such as then-Navy Chaplain Klingenschmitt's hunger strike in front of the White House, an ultimately unsuccessful class-action lawsuit against the Navy that alleged discrimination against evangelical Christians, and formal charges of religious bias at the US Air Force Academy have renewed concerns about the content of chaplain-led public prayers in ostensibly secular contexts. Some have accordingly touted the advantages of offering "nonsectarian" prayer in command-hosted settings, where attendance by service personnel is mandatory in a real or de facto sense. This paper argues that this push toward nonsectarian prayer ultimately does a disservice to the chaplains themselves and the religious communities from whence they come, whether civic prayer is interpreted as an instance of "ceremonial deism" or a rite of civil religion. But the solution it offers is not for public prayers to become more religiously particular, but for military commanders to cease requesting that chaplains lead public prayer of any kind in such settings.  相似文献   
An intensive investigation of China's high-tech sector led by a noted Hong Kong—based geographer examines the patterns of cooperation between firms and local governments (so-called "state-firm strategic resonance") as an alternative to knowledge spillover in an effort to explain why certain firms are more likely to innovate than others within an economic cluster. As a case study, they select the integrated circuit design industry (a key in the development of more efficient computing and thus a critical element of the digital revolution) in Shanghai, one of the most advanced metropolitan regions in China. A systematic analysis of firm-level data obtained inter alia from the authors' 2008 survey and interviews revealed a significant pattern of variation in innovation that could not be explained by inter-firm interactions in the process of industrial clustering. The authors argue that the uneven pattern of technological innovation is contingent on a state-built institutional and market environment designed to stimulate firms' innovative activities, and demonstrate how firms respond to that environment in a Chinese metropolis. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: H700, L630, O310, P230, R280. 5 figures, 7 tables, 57 references.  相似文献   
A senior American specialist on the geography of China surveys that country's enduring interest and involvement with the former Soviet republics of Central Asia, increasingly on the basis of Xinjiang's role as a bridgehead for economic linkages. Among the key features of this growing involvement reviewed in the paper are the establishment in 2001 of a regional security alliance (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) to combat Islamist extremism as well as separatist activities; growing commercial linkages (especially with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan) in tandem with improved transport links and increasing crossborder movements of merchants, traders, and tourists; and China's growing need for oil and increasing reliance on Kazakhstan as a key source for petroleum. China's growing engagement with Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries is examined within the context of both opportunities as well as challenges, the latter reflecting the increasing complexity of Han Chinese and Uyghur/Turkic relations owing to increased Uyghur ties to affiliated populations in the Central Asian states.  相似文献   
A Singapore-based economic geographer explores and analyzes the spatially uneven evolution of the Internet industry in China, arguing that the country's immense regional disparity in the provision of Internet services is best explained by the interplay of place- and path-dependence. The author demonstrates how the highly uneven regional endowments in relevant industrial and entrepreneurial resources have led to the substantial and persistent regional imbalance within China's emerging "new economy." His initial survey of the country's 100 leading Internet content providers (firms), identified from a listing of ca. 11,700 commercial websites, is selectively augmented to reflect an increase of over 70 million Internet users in 2007, reaching a total of 253 million in June 2008, and thus overtaking the United States as the world's largest Internet market. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L10, L86, O30. 6 figures, 1 table, 53 references.  相似文献   
本文以上海为实例,依据创业模式的相关理论,分析了华侨华人在大陆投资创业的主要模式划分、基本特点以及创业模式选择的影响因素。结果表明,华侨华人成功创业与其选择正确的创业模式密切相关,创业模式的选择与行业的关联程度较高,同时,创业模式的选择也与创业者对物质资本、技术资本及人力资本的拥有量密切相关。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,新民主主义的房屋政策明确保护城市私房的所有权和经营权。1956年以后由保护转变为改造,1958年时达到高潮,至1964年全国范围内的私房改造基本结束。公私合营和国家经租是主要的改造方式。由于改造中使用了整风和群众运动中一些"左"的做法,致使改造工作过头,遗留下来一些问题。  相似文献   
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