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The South-China-Sea Tradition is a hybrid vessel-type combining structural features of Chinese and South-East Asian origin. It only occurs from the late-14th to the late-16th centuries and mirrors the production period of Thai export ceramics. This article examines 16 South-China-Sea-Tradition wrecks with a view to determining a well-defined list of characteristics, the origin of those characteristics, and the most likely builders.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   
Tantura F is the first wreck excavated so far in the eastern Mediterranean dated to the beginning of the 8th century AD (the local early Islamic period), based on 14C and pottery analysis. Among the finds were the remains of about 30 ceramic vessels, two anchors, food remnants, fish-bones, a needle, a spoon and a glass vessel. Tantura F was c .15 m long and 5 m wide, and hull remains comprise keel, frames, planks, stringers, mast-step, and other internal components. Construction features clearly indicate frame-based construction, considerably earlier than it is generally thought to have been first employed.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   
Underwater surveys along the Israeli coast have yielded numerous lead artefacts recovered from Roman shipwrecks, found due to sand shortage caused by nature and man. Unique site-formation processes resulted in intact and preserved assemblages of lead artefacts unaffected by prior salvage. These included hull sheathing, anchors, fishing gear, cooking equipment and containers. Most lead was in objects intended only for nautical use. The finds indicate that people on board ships were exposed to more lead than the general Roman population. Thus the Roman ship was a mobile source of lead pollution contaminating people and the marine environment.
© 2007 The Authors  相似文献   
民国时期大学的中国通史讲授,有一个从模仿西洋史上古、中古、近古、近世的分期体系,向断代体系逐步演变的过程,最通行的断代方法为先秦、秦汉、魏晋南北朝、隋唐五代、宋辽金元、明清六段。在前一种讲授体系下,由于分期标准难以确定,造成时期划分极端混乱,中西历史对照讲授的目的难以达到,而且由于受西方中心史观的影响,还出现了强分时代乃至割裂历史的弊端。因此,这种讲授体系逐渐被各大学所抛弃,而代之以后者。后一种讲授体系的最终确立,是在分段问题上充分考虑中国自身历史发展特点的结果。其问题主要在于各段历史在实际讲授过程当中,常常不能衔接,造成通史事实上不通。与通史讲授体系的演变相呼应,通史教科书的编撰,也大体经历了一个从模仿西洋史分期,到依据本国历史发展特点构建本国通史著作体系的演变。这是中国史研究逐渐深入的一个表现。  相似文献   
南宝力皋吐墓地既含有与小河沿文化、偏堡子类型等周邻文化相对应的成份,又有来自北方尚不确定的一些文化因素,以及自身特点鲜明的陶器群。这种多元文化构成是南宝力皋吐墓地最显著的特征,其独特的文化面貌与已知的考古学文化不同,而是一种尚未被认识的新石器时代文化,拟定名为南宝力皋吐类型。  相似文献   
A portable XRD/XRF system and complementary laboratory techniques were employed to improve the knowledge of the procedures used to create Roman and Arabic wall paintings. Integrated physico-chemical investigations were conducted on fragments of artworks collected from the archaeological excavation of the Patio de Banderas in the Reales Alcazares’ Palace of Seville (Spain), and a comparative study on the pigments from both historical periods was performed. As a result, pigments such as vermilion, red ochre, yellow ochre, green earth, Egyptian blue, carbon and phosphor-based black pigments were detected in Roman samples; however, in the Arabic fragments, only haematite was observed. In addition, the size and shape of the particles of the wall paintings were studied with an XRD 2-dimensional detector and SEM-EDX.  相似文献   
当前社会出现了前所未有的大众关心历史的现象,历史知识社会化已经成为一种趋势。这种现象的形成,有着深层次的背景和动因,也对史学工作者提出了新的课题和挑战。本文从传统史学的普及与当前历史知识社会化趋势、当前历史知识社会化趋势的动因、历史知识社会化趋势中的问题、史学工作者面对历史知识社会化趋势的时代责任四个方面,对当前历史知识社会化趋势进行了思考。  相似文献   
近年来文化遗产学的学科建设颇为学术界关注。南京大学贺云翱教授认为:虽然文化遗产事业因为兴起时间及学科建设时间短暂、实践积累不足、原有学科存在一定的阻碍作用等原因,学术界不可避免地会对学科建设产生一些疑虑,但文化遗产学具有强烈的现代性、社会性、跨学科等特点,与考古学、文物学及博物馆学等相近学科有明显的差异,其学科建设具备符合国家现代化建设和中国国情发展需求的优势以及应对全球化的对策优势,教育主管部门、国家有关部委和高校应紧密结合,高校、科研机构与博物馆等应通力合作,充分借鉴先进国家特别是日韩等邻国的经验并勇于建设和创新,学术刊物积极发挥引领与平台作用,共同推进文化遗产学学科建设;并且,随着文化遗产学进入教育部学科名录,成熟的文化遗产学的大学科体系的建设将会得到有效推动。  相似文献   
龚晨 《攀登》2011,30(1):59-61
探索执政党在新形势下妥善处理与主流媒体关系的路径,是顺应时代发展新变化的必然选择;以世界的眼光,坚持统筹国内国际两个大局和借鉴国外政党对主流媒体应用的先进经验,做到博采众长,是提升党和国家国际形象的内在要求;探究执政党建设与主流媒体关系,必将丰富传媒政治学的内容,推动这一新兴学科的建设。  相似文献   
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