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The consideration of psychoanalytic issues presents geography and geographers with a number of difficulties; this paper examines those difficulties from within a humanistic perspective. The most common geographical engagements with the psychological therapies have been with their psychodynamic and, to a lesser extent, humanist methodological forms. A humanist perspective on this engagement suggests that it has led to two associated problems. At a disciplinary level it has resulted in an approach that has tended to privilege intellectual knowledge at the expense of emotion, and at a personal level it has not encouraged an approach that is sensitive to difference. This essay proposes that a commitment to an engaged, 'congruent' listening might help temper these difficulties.  相似文献   

Supermarkets in Great Britain have joined the country's Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) in order to demonstrate their commitment to social welfare and environmental standards in their supply chains. They have been particularly concerned to enforce ethical as well as food safety standards in the African horticultural industry, which has historically depended on cheap labour to produce high-value vegetables. The supermarkets' 'ethical turn' appears to signal an important change from forms of commodity fetishism that obscured exploitative relations of food production in the South. This paper, however, argues that in an era of high food anxiety for both retailers and consumers, ethical standards are themselves fetishized. It also shows how the effort to impose such standards on Zambia's horticultural export industry resembles the colonial 'hygienic mission', and faces a similar contradiction.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that geography journals located in so-called ‘small nations’ face special challenges. This paper suggests that three processes have demanded rapid responses from all geographical journals: globalisation of research-publishing, changing professional practices and the restructuring of the institutional context within which research is undertaken. These processes have been powerful in re-shaping geographical research. Examining the case of Scottish Geography over the last 20 years, the paper concludes there is much to be optimistic about, even though some might regret that ‘Geography’, as we once knew it, no longer exists. Recognising the challenges of the current research environment provides a useful starting point for the Scottish Geographical Journal to chart a new future for itself and for Scottish geographical endeavours.  相似文献   
Many indigenous communities are at a crossroads as regards lived experience of traditional livelihoods and members with intimate knowledge of their traditional landscapes. Using case studies from two indigenous communities, this article explores the application of both GIS tools and other geographic multimedia in community-based research projects that document landscape-related knowledge. The study involves a First Nation community in British Columbia, Canada and a Sámi community in Finnmark County, Norway. We discuss how land-use traditions and related knowledge constitute a peoples' identity and explore digital means of transferring this knowledge to support the ongoing transfer of indigenous knowledge between geographically dispersed community members, as well as future generations.  相似文献   
2011年2月19日到20日,在美国中南部的阿肯色州州会小石城举行了"中国历史的地理视角国际学术研讨会",藉以推广地理学在传统汉学界的影响。本次会议由阿肯色州大学小石城分校(University of Arkansas,Little Rock)组织,得到了中国大陆、中国台湾、英国、德国、白俄罗斯与美国等各地学者的高度重视。19日全天开会,总共提交12篇论文,论点创新,时地跨越很广,从古代到当代,从华西北到华东南,收获相当丰富。主要演讲者是伊利诺斯州大学芝加哥分校(University of Illinois,Chicago)的何特勒(Laura Hostetler)和哈佛大学(Harvard University)的包弼德(Peter Bol)。20日上午包弼德举行颇有启示的讲座,即关于"中国历史地理信息系统"的研究与教学实用。  相似文献   
张书娟 《神州》2011,(3X):144-144
高中地理新课程改革工作刚刚开始,作为一线教师在业务上要加强自身修养,强化教育理论与地理知识的学习,及时更新自己的存量知识,使自己的地理教学能力提高,跟上新课程的时代步伐,进而推进新课程改革的落实。  相似文献   
中国区域经济地理学的发展历程、现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域经济地理学是一门既古老又年轻的学科,属于地理科学体系中区域地理的重要部分和经济地理学的重要分支。区域经济地理学的发展历程可以分为四个阶段。萌芽时期:从先秦到1909年德国工业经济学家Max Weber发表《工业区位论》为止,该时期主要探寻区域经济地理学的发展规律;奠基时期:从1910年到1949年新中国成立为止,为区域经济地理学研究框架的形成阶段;形成时期:新中国成立到1978年的十一届三中全会召开为止,该时期建立了相对完善的区域经济地理学学科体系;成熟时期:1979年至今,为该学科在中国区域开发中的广泛实践阶段。在中国区域经济地理学的发展过程中,陈才先生融合中外理论与经验用于中国实际,为中国本土区域经济地理学的理论基础与学科体系的形成与完善作出了创造性的杰出贡献。在总结了区域经济地理学的理论现状、方法现状和应用现状之后,认为区域经济地理学的未来发展趋势主要集中在三个方向:区域经济地理学与新经济地理学、区域经济学不断交融交互发展;"三维目标空间"理论将成为区域经济地理学研究的一种认识论;低碳经济的发展将赋予区域经济地理学研究的新内涵。  相似文献   
1949年底,云南省立昆华民众教育馆出版《云南史地辑要》一书。由方国瑜、凌纯声、陈一得、张凤岐、罗常培、张席、张印堂、何塘、杨、于乃义等著名学者撰写,包括云南沿革、部族、气象、边务、语言、地质史、地形、矿产、农村、文献共十篇,基本上涵盖了云南史地研究的主要内容,时人评论其"学近专门,事不蹈虚"。由于种种原因,该书从出版之日起即陷入"湮没"无闻的境地。本文初步探讨了该书的出版及"湮没"、内容与作者,认为它是对二十世纪三四十年代云南史地研究的首次学术总结,在云南学术史上具有重要的地位。  相似文献   
我国西北边疆史地的研究有着悠久的历史 ,清代中后期达到极盛 ,二十世纪初年 ,利用敦煌、楼兰等地出土的文书、木简等新材料 ,又掀起了一股西北边疆史地研究的热潮。黄文弼继承了前人的研究成果 ,并有所创新 ,他运用简牍新资料 ,结合文献记载 ,加上实地考察所得 ,对西北边疆史地中的一些问题 ,如高昌国历史、罗布泊位置、塔里木盆地南河以及东西方文化交流等作了详细考证 ,开创了西北边疆史地研究的新局面。  相似文献   
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