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Within the UK Higher Education system, geography is sometimes taught outside the framework of a conventional geography degree programme. Using a case study of the situation at Napier University, Edinburgh, this paper explores the problems and possibilities of delivering 'footloose' geography within a broadly, but not exclusively, social science context.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with epistemological and attitudinal problems encountered in communicating geographical concepts to non-geographers. It reflects a Canadian context and offers a case study of a group of non-geographers whose special needs are often overlooked: the teachers of social studies. An inductive approach, using systematic geography only as required in order to understand a case study, is found to be effective in building bridges for those new to the subject. The choice of sequence should be from the empirical to the theoretical, in which fieldwork fulfils a point of entry for non-geographers.  相似文献   
采用内容分析的方法,对2008、2009年所刊载论文的资料搜集方法、分析方法、佐证材料类型进行了统计.研究发现:西方文化地理研究更倾向于定性研究的取向,强调研究者本身挖掘社会素材的能力和诠释材料的智慧和客观性.在资料搜集与展示方面,西方学者更加倾向于进行实地研究,多采用参与式观察、访谈等多种方式获取大量的资料,善用文字资料、照片等多种证据来证明研究的信度和效度.本研究希望通过西方经典文化地理文献的梳理,引起国内研究人员对定性研究取向的重视,以及对文本资料、照片等证据作为学术研究成果表达方式的重视.  相似文献   
巡检司是清代最基层的国家行政机构之一,在社会治安和公共事务方面具有极重要的职能。《清史稿.地理志》以宣统三年(1911年)为限,对全国各府、厅、州、县巡检司的设置作了记载,但讹误、疏漏较为严重,本文将其中111处失误依致误原因归纳为七类:不明巡检司废置年代而误;不明巡检司归属而误;不明巡检司名称而误;漏记;误驿丞兼巡检事为巡检司;存疑;点校之误,每类下又分若干种情形,一一作了校正。  相似文献   
沈卫威 《史学月刊》2004,2(3):54-59
《史地学报》是《学衡》的兄弟刊物.在“古史辨”运动中所持的是“信古”的文化守旧立场。柳诒徵和竺可桢分别是历史学、地学的导师.他们打造了南京高等师范学校东南大学的史地学的基础.并在师生中形成强烈的群体意识。其文化保守主义倾向融入了大学的人文传统之中。  相似文献   
游记是旅游者思想的载体,是旅游者自身的"感知地图".在游记研究中,决不能忽略主体的行为地理差异.元代是东西方交通非常繁盛的时期,不少人由于政治、宗教、贸易和个人志趣等原因往来于亚洲、欧洲、非洲之间,流下了大量的文字材料,本文通过这一时期最具代表性的两部游记(<马可·波罗行记>和<长春真人西游记>),分析了当时旅行者行为特征与地理视野的差异性.从文化地理背景看,一个是基督徒,一个是道教徒;从旅游动机看,有商业利益和政治传道的不同目的,在风俗感受方面,一个是猎奇,一个是对自然和人生的感悟.本文还通过这一典型案例,提出中国古代游记研究的三点启示即同一历史时期的不同空间视角,不同历史时期的不同空间视野,群体与个人行为的共性与个性.  相似文献   
This article explores the use of Story Maps in a cultural geography field course that uses a place-based approach to understand the Delta Blue’s culture. In this study, Story Maps was used to capture and map student experiences as they engaged in a field study. Student experiences are captured by incorporating different data mediums such as narratives, personal reflections, digital photos, videos and website. Such a project has the potential to challenge students to work collectively and present a coherent story of their field experiences. This, in turn, can be used to improve the design and experience of a field course. The study demonstrates that the availability of simple web-based mapping platform such as Story maps provides students the ability to harness technology to create geocoded narratives, visual representations and spatial documentation to map their field course experience.  相似文献   
By extracting information from various original materials and using geography departments, curricula, and faculty as indicators, this paper contributes to the discussion of the development of geography in higher education in China from 1904 to 1949. Four mutual connections are outlined. First, the development of geography in higher education is inextricably linked to social and political changes. Second, geography in higher education during the period concerned progressed in fits and starts, which affected its distribution. Third, geography departments were split into two categories according to the type of higher educational institution, which created differences in the tasks, curricula, and faculty of these departments. Fourth, faculty were trained in both domestic and foreign universities, and Western universities made an obvious contribution to the growth of qualified academic faculty. Simultaneously, universities where qualified academic faculty were trained were centralized both in domestic and foreign aspects. The special role of geographers returning from overseas study, the particularity of geography in higher education in China, and the connection between Chinese and foreign geography are also discussed in terms of geography departments, curricula, and faculty.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the role of Ireland and Irish republicanism in the geography, biography and political thinking of the French anarchist geographer Élisée Reclus (1830–1905). This paper sheds new light on the construction of a scientific and political discourse, one which was radically opposed to external and internal colonialisms in the Age of Empire, analysing primary sources such as Reclus' texts and correspondence, along with his transnational networks. It draws on present-day debates on ‘geography and anarchism’, postcolonial Ireland and international circulation and localisation of knowledge. Finally, it is a contribution to evaluating the importance of the ‘British Isles’ as a place for production and reception of the geographical and political works by both Reclus and the other anarchist geographer Pëtr Kropotkin (1842–1921), scholars and militants who lived there in different periods of their respective careers.  相似文献   
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