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翁有为 《史学月刊》2020,(4):96-102
全面抗战前南京国民政府省制变革是近代中国省制变革的一个重要历史阶段。这一时期,大体经历了南京国民政府初期的省区分治与权势平衡、二次北伐完成后关于省财权人事权和军事权的央地博弈与武力纷争、中原大战后集权与分治的微妙平衡三个阶段的演变。南京政府正常的省权制度变革无法有序展开,在体制内却只能依靠军事和战争手段解决。这是最下策之下策,而且无法真正有效解决省权过大问题。直到全面抗战前夕,省制变革一直成为牵引中国时局演化与社会变动的中枢和焦点问题。  相似文献   
两汉是中国哲学史上黄老思想发展的重要阶段。西汉前期,部分地方黄老学派由隐而显,先后进入朝廷,开创了黄老学由民间学说飞跃而为官方统治思想的局面。汉武帝时期“罢黜百家,表彰‘六经’”虽为黄老学发展的转折点,但仅止于政治意识形态领域,在其他方面黄老学仍然有很大的发展。自西汉前期至东汉后期,有黄老学者或集聚于王公卿相门下讲论“道”“德”,或授徒讲学、著书立说,从而形成了若干地方黄老学中心。司马迁所说“儒道互绌”应是特殊情况下的个别而非普遍现象。司马迁前后学黄老者更多的是儒道兼习而学有所偏。汉魏时期崇习黄老的学者中,不但出现了家庭式、家族式的黄老学者团体,而且出现了对黄老学发展发挥了重要作用的三位女性。  相似文献   
New empirical relationships between modified Mercalli intensity (MMI) and engineering ground acceleration (PGA) of the earthquakes were generated for the Iranian territory. MMI and PGA values were gathered from 16 large earthquakes. We derived two sets of relationships which predict MMI in terms of PGA; each developed using both horizontal and three components of accelerograms. The first set is independent of earthquake magnitude and epicentral distance. Better results were observed when magnitude and epicentral distance conditions were included into equations. They might be used for both rapid assessments of ground shaking and also mapping damage potential in Iran and neighboring area.  相似文献   
谭雨薇  王锦 《神州》2011,(4X):24-25
金天会六年(公元1128年),黄河决口,拉开了长期夺淮的序幕,。金代黄河下游尚未形成固定流路,但河道逐渐南摆。入元以后,开始经由涡、颍、濉等河而全面夺淮。明代,由于“保漕”、“护陵”等因素,从而使得黄淮关系变得日趋复杂化。清代,保证运道通畅依然是处理河、淮关系的前提,而此时黄河已南行700余年,下游河道淤积严重,终于于咸丰五年(公元1855年)再次改道。流向东北,离开了淮河流域。  相似文献   
本文以我国西藏地方政府的历史发展为主线,试图弄清它与周边地方政权不丹之间早期交往的历史,追溯两地宗藩关系的产生、发展,并分析了随着清朝中央政府的衰落和英国政府加强对南亚渗透,两地宗藩关系逐渐弱化并瓦解的过程。  相似文献   
Predictive capabilities of the four updated NGA ground-motion models (NGA-WEST2) are evaluated in this study for acceleration response spectra using observed ground motions for August 11, 2012 Varzaghan-Ahar events in Iran. The predicted results were compared with those of regional attenuation equations and NGA08 models as well. The results of analyses revealed that the models of NGA-WEST2 improve prediction performance of NGA08 models for the two studied moderate events. All of models underestimate the recorded spectra of the second event for regionally significant period of 0.2 s at source distances below 50 km. For this distance range, almost all of the models underestimate the recorded spectra for periods larger than 1 s.  相似文献   
陶维兵 《攀登》2005,24(2):7-9
全球化为我们带来了党政关系的多种模式。在现有制度资源基础上理顺党政关系,是推进政治体制改革的关键环节和提高党的执政能力的关节之点。因此,我们必须在科学把握党政关系的历史性维度和时代性维度的基础上.改进党的执政方式,重构党的执政功能,从而使党政关系在具体性维度上得以合理展开。  相似文献   
This article presents the results of an experimental campaign on the cyclic behavior of smooth steel bars, used as internal reinforcement of existing Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures; the stress-strain relationship is analyzed for different values of L/D ratio, where L is the stirrup spacing and D is the longitudinal bar diameter. Most of the experimental tests concerned smooth bars with L/D ratios ranging between 5 and 100. The analysis of the test results is complemented by some comparisons of the curves obtained by experimental tests on smooth steel bars with those obtained by experimental tests on ribbed steel bars. The theoretical predictions obtained by existing models available in the literature on the cyclic behavior of ribbed steel bars are then discussed. Our review of these formulations underlines their range of applicability as well as their potential to predict the damage and buckling that occur for different L/D ratios of the smooth steel bars.  相似文献   
新疆与历代中原王朝政治关系的计量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自西汉在新疆设官以来的两千多年中,新疆和中原王朝保持着四类政治关系。本文首先简述了中原王朝在新疆设置政权的沿革,然后以计量史学的方法对四类政治关系存续的时段分别予以统计,以关系的数量程度说明关系的性质。统计结果显示,新疆地区全部或部分在两千多年的大部分时段中处于中原王朝辖治之下,从而表明新疆自汉代以来就是中国领土的一部分。  相似文献   
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