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This paper explores the origins of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) treaties and their implications for the Australian social contract. This analysis includes how and why ISDS emerged in NAFTA, was rebuffed with the failure of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI), and became incorporated into most subsequent bilateral US trade and investment agreements. The paper considers Australia's exposure to ISDS—first through using it in bilateral investment agreements in nations with inadequate governance mechanisms to support the rule of law, then turning against it when a multinational tobacco company tried to use the mechanism to overturn scientifically endorsed, democratically approved and constitutionally validated tobacco plain packaging measures. The paper concludes by exploring the hypothesis that an alternative governance vision can be achieved in which the system of investment arbitration and trade law is made coherent with presumptively more democratically legitimate normative systems such as constitutional and international law.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue against understanding and treating nature as external. Arguing against such externality of nature, I suggest that the human situation is best understood by reference to postnatural right. As abstract and revolutionary, such right is critical, leveling, and teleological. This forms the basis of a formative metaphysics that I proceed to test against the concept of the common good and a recent theological engagement with climate change. At the conclusion, I argue that the plurality of nature recommends understanding society as a “greater society” that in turn has implications for how we think about civil society.  相似文献   
Human-induced global threats are compelling many anthropologists to rethink roles, methods, and paradigms and engage in public debate and action on energy policies, extraction processes, commodity chains, and consumption. Laura Nader's Energy Reader embodies her decades-long engagement as a catalyst for public debate on U.S. energy issues. Tanja Winther's Impact of Electricity exemplifies ethnography informing development practice. Strauss and colleagues’ Cultures of Energy reflects diverse approaches seeking to build cultural understandings to inform energy choices. There remains a need for collaboration with anthropologists embedded in energy-related agencies—positioned where they can leverage anthropological knowledge to push policy envelopes.  相似文献   
This article investigates the potential linkage between particular policy design ideas and distinctive patterns of politics and power relations. The research examines a sequence of four cases involving the use of the cap‐and‐trade policy design principally to combat global climate change through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Through the lens of arenas of power framework, the comparative case analysis suggests the existence of consistent linkages between particular cap‐and‐trade design ideas, and distinct patterns of political conflict and empowerment. The article concludes with a brief consideration of what the findings suggest about the national politics of climate change policymaking in the United States in the near term, and more important, an assessment of the implications for the further development and refinement of policy theory.  相似文献   
The excavation in the 1890s of a skeleton of the warm‐water marine mammal Dugong dugon, associated with Aboriginal artefacts, from a Botany Bay salt marsh, marked the beginning of speculation about climate and sea level change in Australia over the period of human occupation. The dugong bones have recently been dated, giving a conventional 14C age of 5520±70 years BP, which is consistent with three older 14C dates for a layer of buried trees that underlies much of the north Botany sediments. The carefully drawn cross‐sections of depositional strata produced by the original discoverers allow further interpretation of the pattern of Holocene sea‐level fluctuations in the Sydney region. Layers of estuarine sediment, such as the one containing the dugong skeleton, are inter‐bedded with peat layers containing in situ roots and stumps, suggesting that the site alternated between sub‐aerial exposure and submergence throughout the Holocene. The presence of the dugong is suggestive of warmer conditions, and its inland location indicates a more extensive Botany Bay in the recent past. This is in agreement with other work from southern New South Wales describing both warm‐water marine species and higher sea levels several thousand years ago.
This paper reviews selected evidence of environmental changes in the central Canadian Rockies during the 20th century. The instrumental climate record shows that mean annual temperatures have risen ca. 1.4°C over the last 100 years but seasonal patterns of change are complex. The greatest increases have been in winter temperatures (3.2°C / century). Precipitation data, though limited, show variable patterns of change on decadal scales with generally higher levels of precipitation in the mid-20th century. The longest streamflow record also shows considerable variability, with highest flows in the 1950s. A tree-ring-based temperature reconstruction indicates summer and spring temperatures in the last half of the 20th century are higher than any equivalent period over the last 900 years. Although no accurate regional estimates exist, glaciers have probably lost ca. 25% of their area in the last 100 years and may be smaller now than they have been at any time in the last 3000 years. These two lines of evidence suggest that the climate of the late 20th century is exceptional in the context of the last 1000 to 3000 years. Small but significant vegetation changes are taking place at the upper treeline ecotone in response to climate changes over the 20th century (e.g., seedling establishment). However, the most significant landscape change in the last 100 years is the transformation of the character of the montane forest due to a reduction in forest fire frequency, largely due to an active policy of fire suppression. Dans cet article, on révise certaines manifestations des changements environnementaux qui se sont produits dans les Rocheuses canadiennes au cours du 20ème siècle. Ce registre instrumental climatologique indique que les moyennes annuelles de température ont augmenté d'environ 1,4°C en 100 ans, mais les modèles de changements saisonniers sont complexes. Les plus fortes augmentations ont été notées dans les températures hivernales (3,2°C/siècle). Les données concernant les précipitations - bien que limitées - indiquent des tendances variables de changement selon les décennies et en général des niveaux plus élevés de précipitation au milieu du 20éme siècle. Le plus long enregistrement des débits d'un cours d'eau indique aussi d'importantes variations, les débits les plus forts se situant dans les années 1950. La reconstruction des relevés des températures faite à partir des cernes montre que les températures estivales et printanières de la deuxième moitié du 20ème siècle sont plus élevées qu'elles ne l'étaient durant les périodes correspondantes des 900 dernières annés. Même s'il n'existe aucune donnée règionale exacte, les glaciers ont probablement perdu à peu près 25% de leur superficie au cours du dernier siècle et ils ont atteint leur plus petite taille des 3000 dernières années. Ces deux preuves suggèrent que le climat de la fin du 20ème siècle est exceptionnel dans le contexte des 1000 à 3000 dernières années. Des changements mineurs mais significatifs s'effectuent actuellement dans l'écotone supérieur de la limite des arbres à cause des changements climatiques du 20ème siècle (ex. l'implantation de nouvelles pousses). Pourtant, pendant le dernier siècle, la transformation la plus significative s'est effectuée dans les forêts de montagne. Grâce à une politique active de suppression des incendies de forêt, ceux-ci sont beaucoup moins fréquents.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comparative assessment of the regional impacts and opportunities from climate change in Canada. The discussion draws extensively from a recently completed assessment of climate change impacts and adaptation in Canada, led by Environment Canada. The paper addresses impacts from three regional perspectives: expansion and northern shifts, impacts and opportunities in major regions, and ubiquitous impacts and opportunities. While some broad policy issues are evident, given the complexity of Canada's natural and human landscapes and the projected regional impacts, further research is needed before developing more targeted policy.
Cet article propose une évaluation comparative des effets des changements climatiques dans diverses régions du Canada - et des bénéfices qui pourront en résulter. L'étude se penche sur une évaluation récente d'Environnement Canada des bénéfices des changements climatiques et de l'adaptation à ces changements au Canada initiés par Environnement Canada. Nous divisons l'étude en trois parties: l'expansion et le déplacement vers le nord; les effets des changements climatiques et leurs bénéfices dans les principales régions du pays; les effets et les bénéfices des changements climatiques partout dans le pays. Bien que la nécessité de certaines politiques générales soit évidente, étant donné la complexité de la géographie humaine et naturelle du pays et les différents effets projetés dans les diverses régions du pays, il faudra faire des études approfondies avant de proposer des politiques plus spécifiques pour chaque région.  相似文献   

We document major changes in museum supply in China between 1996 and 2015. These years have seen the opening of many small, low budget and locally managed museums; an increase in the average size and expenditure of all museums; and significant investments in a few large and centrally managed superstar museums. Chinese people have access to larger and better museums and pay lower admission fees. Regional inequalities in museum growth are smaller than inequalities in GDP growth. We relate these findings with the small literature on Chinese museums and specifically the notions of soft power and cultural nationalism.  相似文献   
Policy scholars have increasingly focused on collaborative and competitive relationships between stakeholder coalitions. The Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) in particular has directed scholarly attention toward such relationships. The ACF defines advocacy coalitions as groups of actors who share beliefs and coordinate their action. However, previous research has been inconsistent in defining and measuring coalitions, which has hampered comparative research and theory building. We present a method called the Advocacy Coalition Index, which measures belief similarity and the coordination of action in a manner that makes it possible to assess the extent to which advocacy coalitions are found in policy subsystems, whether subgroups resemble coalitions, and how individual actors contribute to coalition formation. The index provides a standardized method for identifying coalitions that can be applied to comparative research. To illustrate the effectiveness of the index, we analyze two climate change policy subsystems, namely Finland and Sweden, which have been shown to differ in terms of the association of belief similarity with coordination. We demonstrate that the index performs well in identifying the different types of subsystems, coalitions, and actors that contribute the most to coalition formation, as well as those involved in cross-coalition brokerage.  相似文献   
As R. G. Collingwood noted toward the end of his life, the physiologically limited “time-phase” of human observational capacity cannot but deliver a fundamentally anthropocentric and temporally myopic conception of the world as eventful, destructive, and devoid of larger, perhaps cyclical, regularities. Developing at around the same time, Fernand Braudel's project of a history of the longue durée of human interactions with the environment aimed to subvert the short time-phase of a history accessible to immediate human experience. Although Collingwood and Braudel aimed at a conceptual merger of natural history and human history, neither of them could have foreseen what Dipesh Chakrabarty has described as their collapse into each other, which was effected by humanity's transformation into a geophysical force that produced massive, likely irreversible, and certainly long-lasting climate change. Looking at two very different examples of a rapidly growing body of literature on an extractivist orientation as a key factor in anthropogenic ecological transformations on both local and planetary scales, this review essay suggests that an “intra-active” (in Karen Barad's sense) view of human-environmental relationality might help us conceptualize forms of temporality that are capable of superseding Collingwood's anthropocentric “time-phase.”  相似文献   
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