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This article shows how the Edict of Nantes (1598), that had been criticized by French Protestants when it came out, progressively became the symbol of their belonging to the French nation and the acceptance of their religious particularity. But it is finally after its revocation (1685) that this Edict appears to make most sense to the Huguenot spokesmen. Thinking from a theological point of view as well as an historical, juridical and philosophical one, they consider it as a symbol of religious freedom. However, it is only by giving up their former status lost with the Revocation that they manage to develop an original thinking on the relationship between the State and individuals. In order to achieve this, they must distinguish between the subject or the citizen on one hand, and the believer on the other. But this distinction implies the renunciation of the nostalgia for aProtestant body, recognized as such in the kingdom of France.  相似文献   
通过辨析孙殿起所著<贩书偶记>"子部·释家类·一切经音义二十六卷"条,我们可为之增补两条新的版本信息1.该抄本为高邮王氏家传之书.2.该抄本的底本是最早不超过明英宗正统五年(1440)的永乐北藏本,或是更晚至顺治、康熙间刊刻的嘉兴藏本.  相似文献   
The Influenza Pandemic of 1918–20 in medical debate. The history of the so called Spanish Influenza 1918–1920 is summarized especially in regard to the developments in medical debate. In Germany, Richard Pfeiffer, who had discovered Haemophilus influenzae after the previous pandemic 1890 / 91, managed it to defend his thesis that his “bacillus” was the causative agent of the flu, by modifying his theory moderately. The Early Virology of influenza in postwar times was still fixed to bacteriology and did not yet have the force of school‐building. Aggressive therapy, e.g. with derivatives of chinine, were used in a concept of polypragmasy. The connection between influenza in animals and influenza in mankind was unknown or of no major interest till the rise of virology as an academic discipline in the 1950s. Since the outbreak of avian influenza in Asia 1997 virological archaeology is challenged to fill the historical part in the attempt to fight the threat of the highly pathogenic bird flu. In the beginning of the “short 20. century” politicians and doctors had no interest to build a “monument” of influenza. Today, virological reductionism does not have the power to (re‐)construct such a monument.  相似文献   
唐代前期都督府探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有鉴于前人对唐代都督府认识的分歧,本文从文献的角度论证了今人观念下的都督府自唐代建立至安史之乱的不同职能,即军政职能、民政职能、监察职能。并重点阐述了前两种职能所依据的社会背景,二者之间的相互转化,以及三种职能下都督府与常州之关系,力图解决困扰都督府研究的一些问题。  相似文献   
18世纪末英国马戛尔尼使团访华,是中英关系史上重大的历史事件。英国国家图书馆保存有随团制图员亚历山大绘制的一份完整的访华见闻图。由于绘图者视角的特殊性,这批绘画成为研究当时中国社会不可多得的形象史料。画家描绘了各个阶层、各种职业的人物肖像,也描绘了交通工具、建筑、军事、运河等场景。从社会学角度反映了当时中国的生活状况,以及中英在军力、船舰、生产方式、宗教风俗等多方面的差异。  相似文献   
改革以前的中国共产党与自然科学基础理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东是中国共产党科技思想发展的奠基者和探索者。他认为,科学技术是认识自然、改造自然、争取自由的思想武装;是推动生产力发展的革命力量;是经济和社会发展的重要动力;是社会主义本质的内在要求;是实行社会主义现代化的关键因素;是发挥社会主义制度优越性、赶超世界先进水平的重要保证。发展科学技术,要坚持跨越式发展和重视基础理论研究的统一;坚持自力更生和争取外援的统一;坚持社会革命和技术革命的统一;坚持培养人文精神和科学精神的统一;坚持党的领导和百花齐放、百家争鸣的统一;坚持发挥科学技术专家和普通工人群众的作用。毛泽东科技思想为邓小平科技思想的形成和发展奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
A noted specialist on the Russian economy presents an assessment of the impact of the global financial crisis on the mechanism of the country's economic growth. Focusing on the demand side of the economic ledger, the author explores the question of whether Russia will be able to re-attain the high economic growth rates of the period from 2000 to 2007 after recovering from the crisis. The paper analyzes the sharp drop in production in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, attributing most of the damage to liquidity problems and declines in the price of oil. Empirical evidence is based primarily on data collected by the author from the Central Bank of Russia and the country's federal bureau of statistics (Rosstat). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E010, E200, E660, F210, G010. 11 figures, 3 tables, 29 references.  相似文献   
宋岳珂《桯史》卷三有“稼轩论词”一条,为研究稼轩词的学者所经常征引,然亦有学者认为此条记事全不可信。本文先从动机与效果入手论证岳珂不会凭空杜撰,继而从文献与词作章法出发,论证岳珂所言真实可信,其对稼轩词的批评亦十分准确到位。这条笔记是很有价值的。  相似文献   
良渚文化"神微"图案中的"神面纹"经考应为"傩面",即最古的魌头画,并非巫觋之真面目.这种戴面具的巫覡形象早已见于法国等旧石器时代的洞穴壁画上,其具代表性的有"鹿角巫师"、"羚羊人"等壁画.我国堪当玉傩面像者始出于石家河文化肖家屋脊6号棺,它以人面獠牙为特征,确为非人、非兽、非巫、非神的傩面具--魌头.继之,商、西周墓各出一件玉傩面,经考,其年代属夏至商前期(公元前21世纪一公元前15世纪).外国尚有由若干件玉傩面组成的系列化玉傩面像群.  相似文献   
"革命局"辨析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
据苏俄、共产国际的有关档案记载。1920—1921年间在上海和中国其他几个大城市曾出现过“革命局”(ревбюоро)。对于“革命局”究竟是什么组织。目前已有几位党史学者发表了不同的意见,分别视其为:中共上海发起组及各地共产主义小组、社会主义者同盟的领导机构、具有统一战线性质的机构和俄共在华组织。这几种看法均值得商榷。从档案原文和“革命局”的名称、组织系统、自身结构与功能任务等方面来看,1920年夏成立于上海的“革命局”实际上是直属共产国际东亚书记处的具体负责中国共产主义运动的机构,而在其他城市的“革命局”则是设于上海的“中央局”的分支机构。虽然革命局后来的隶属关系、组织机构有所变化,但其作为共产国际的在华一级机关的性质却始终如一,在指导建立共产党、推动各革命团体的活动、实施共产主义宣传等工作上发挥了重要作用。随其主要使命的基本完成和中共的成立,革命局也归于消失。  相似文献   
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