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根据陶器类型学研究,把花厅墓地分为四期。把拥有玉琮、玉梳背饰、玉项饰的墓作为大型墓,把拥有玉镯、环等装饰品的墓作为中型墓,把只有陶石器等的墓作为小型墓。根据形态分析,把随葬陶器分为大汶口式、良渚式、薛家岗式、大汶口一良渚式和大汶口一薛家岗式五类,把玉器分为良渚式、花厅式和融合式三类。从死者头向、葬猪习俗、随葬品组合等方...  相似文献   
宣汉罗家坝墓地的年代当在战国中期至战国末期。墓葬形制、葬具与葬俗,以及随葬品的器用特征显示,罗家坝当为蜀文化墓地,而非此前公认的巴賨文化墓地。达州宣汉一带在历史时期地理优势突出,战国中期早段M33的突现为《史记》所载蜀伐楚及取南郑的两次军事行动提供了考古学证明。秦灭巴蜀前夕,开明蜀国盛极而衰,无力东顾,罗家坝邑聚因此骤然贫困化。秦灭巴蜀至战国晚期中段,正值秦楚在长江一线的拉锯,罗家坝的军事组织因此得以保留。只是墓地的平民化特征依旧突出,且蜀文化仍然占据主导,反映出秦对巴蜀既笼络又防范的统治政策。白起拔郢,楚国东迁,次年张若又取巫、黔中,罗家坝或因此彻底失去了作为军事驻地的价值,故在战国末期前后已经趋于废弃。罗家坝墓地的案例为从考古学本位出发界定与区分巴、蜀文化提供了突破口。  相似文献   
To date, anthropological comparative studies from Switzerland are rare. Therefore, this research aims to make a comparison between the alpine individuals from Zweisimmen (ca. 14th–19th), and 17 other rural and urban populations from Switzerland all dating to the medieval and early modern period. An osteoarchaeological analysis was carried out on the rural population of Zweisimmen, consisting of 134 skeletons. For each individual, the arm position and orientation were observed in the field, while preservation, representation, sex, age, stature, trauma and pathologies were recorded in the laboratory. These results were compared with data from published and grey literature in order to gain a better understanding of chronological and regional patterns in Switzerland. A chronological development was observed in the orientation, arm position and use of a coffin, which suggests a change in burial practices and beliefs throughout time. The demographic profile represents a natural mortality; however, children and especially neonates are underrepresented in this sample. Some individuals were buried in groups, suggesting simultaneous burial during a period of increased mortality. The palaeopathological findings suggest that the living conditions in rural alpine Zweisimmen were similar to those of other contemporaneous populations, as well as those living in an urban setting. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
2009年7月-9月,郑州市文物考古研究院对河南四方汇泽清华.紫光园小区经济适用房项目工程内古文化遗迹进行了考古发掘,清理东周墓葬28座。墓葬均为长方形竖穴土坑墓,有棺椁,个别墓葬有头箱和腰坑。葬式以仰身直肢为主,另有仰身屈肢和俯身直肢葬。随葬器物组合为鬲、盂、豆、罐。对研究郑州地区东周墓葬形制具有重要价值。  相似文献   
This paper examines changing gravestone design in Prince Edward Island (PEI) (1820–2005) and relates these changes to changing modes of production in the monument industry. Information from field surveys, newspaper advertisements and business correspondence reveals how supply-side factors helped shape the morphogenesis of the island's cemetery landscapes. Among these, different sources of raw materials and manufacturing innovations over time resulted in the use of harder, more durable types of stone. With these changes, gravestone production and design moved increasingly away from local monument works towards off-island producers in Vermont, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Since the early 20th century, PEI's gravestone suppliers vertically integrated along Fordist mass-production lines and increased choices available to local monument sellers and their consumers.  相似文献   
An adult male buried in the late 1600s or early 1700s and excavated from a plantation slave cemetery in Barbados had the cemetery's richest assortment of grave goods: an iron knife, several types of metal jewelry, an earthenware pipe, and a necklace of money cowries, fish vertebrae, dog canine teeth, European glass beads, and a large carnelian bead probably from India. Most of these artifacts are unique to New World African descendant sites. The individual was probably an African-type diviner/healer whose high status in the slave community is reflected in his relatively elaborate artifact inventory.  相似文献   
陈翔 《江汉考古》2020,(1):81-87
西司马墓地中部偏西的82座墓葬,从出土器物、葬制葬俗来看,年代应为西周早期,最早可到武王时期,最晚不出成王时期,墓主应是殷遗民。其中西向墓和南向墓应分属两族,二者在墓葬形态和财富上有着较为明显的差异。西司马殷遗民墓地很可能就是武王时期迁徙殷遗民政策的结果。  相似文献   
湖北秭归东门头汉墓与宋墓清理简报   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
东门头墓地地处湖北秭归郭家坝镇,1997年湖北省物考古研究所对该墓地进行了发掘,共清理汉墓3座、宋墓1座。这4座墓均位于东门头古城城垣外,对研究东门头古城有一定意义。  相似文献   
本报道了湖北襄阳法龙村付岗墓地的9座墓葬及出土的32件陶器和7件铜器。该墓地的时代为战国晚期至西汉早期。发掘认为,付岗墓地可能是邹湾遗址的公共平民墓地。  相似文献   
包上墓地位于重庆市万州区新乡镇寨子村八组,北与武陵镇隔江相望,东北距万州市区约36.5公里,地理位置为东经108°15′25″、北纬30°33′75″(图一)。墓地位于长江南岸一级台地上,地势北低南高,东西各  相似文献   
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