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In 2000, archaeologists from Yekaterinburg and Surgut excavated the preserved portion (380 sq. m) of the Bronze Age fortifi ed settlement situated on the Bystry Kulyogan River, right bank of the Ob River, 35 km west of Surgut. The settlement was initially estimated to be approximately 650 sq. m in size. An isolated dwelling was located on a small sandy promontory. It was protected by an arcuate moat and probably by a palisade along the perimeter. The dwelling is rectangular in plan and resembles a tall truncated pyramid with rounded angles. It is characterized by a frame-pole construction with vertical load bearing posts, inclined log and pole walls, and fl at or very low gable roof similar to those encountered among traditional Khanty surface dwellings or above grave structures. Walls were fi xed by sandy mounds along the outer perimeter. The largest portion of the dwelling was occupied by a rectangular pit with vertical walls 0.4–0.9 m high sheeted with half-beams or half-section timber. Plank beds were located along the walls. The elevated shelf between the pit and walls was used to store kitchen utensils, tools, and provisions. The Bronze Age assemblage includes 33 stone artifacts and 1640 fragments of at least 25 Kulyogan type vessels. Vessels are jar-like with fl at bottom, decorated with comb and pit patterns. The site is preliminarily dated to the fi rst half or the fi rst third of the 2nd millennium BC.  相似文献   
王勇亮 《神州》2011,(3X):115-115,118
学生创造性思维的产生,有赖于心理自由。建立和谐、民主的学习氛围,便是为学生营造探究式学习的快乐天地,激起学生自主学习的欲望,使学生成为学习的真正主人。将自己对数学的探究内化为一种需要,一种乐趣和一种强的内驱力。  相似文献   
Unearthed bone hairpins from Yinxu, large in number and varying in type, are both utilitarian and symbolic in function. They were mainly buried with a small number of nobles, most of whom were female. This might demonstrate that the common burial custom at Yinxu was leaving hair untied after death. Buried bone hairpins are indicators of social status. A large number of bone hairpins unearthed from dwelling contexts suggests the Shang people’s preference for them, a continuous tradition since the Xiaqiyuan culture, indicating distinguishable hierarchy. Bone hairpins from Yinxu were necessary for daily life but also prestige goods, indicating differentiation in status, wealth, and hierarchy. Bone hairpins of the Yinxu style were used until the Western Zhou period. However, the rituality and symbolism behind the material gradually disappeared, which can be viewed as a material manifestation of reforms in power and ritual during the Shang and Zhou periods.  相似文献   
方方  刘彦随 《人文地理》2013,28(1):100-104
传统平原农区是我国重要的粮食产区和人口集聚区,也将是我国未来人口城镇化的快速发展区。本文基于农村劳动力就业转移与农户家庭总收入之间的数量关系,提出农区发展演化三阶段的理论,并选取不同发展阶段的河南省吴庄村和山东省东店村进行验证。结果表明:微观层面的人口非农化特征与农户家庭总收入存在相关性,宏观层面的县域经济发展能力是农户兼业行为特征的重要外因;兼业农户通过土地流转,种植结构调整改变传统耕作方式,优化了农业与非农业收入结构,并推动农区进一步的发展演变。通过分析传统平原农区人口非农化对耕地利用方式的影响机理,对于保障粮食安全、推进该类型区的社会经济转型具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
汉铜印以其规范模式、艺术成就与风格奠定其历史地位。汉官印字是一种从篆书向隶书过渡。汉官印的特色:严谨中见生动、规矩中见流畅,自有刚毅雄强之气。汉私印则形式自由,款式灵活,丰富多样,印幅面较小,制作精细。从这些古印中可窥测到汉代铜印艺术特色与风格。  相似文献   
本文以淮北柳孜大运河遗址出土的"仁和馆"铭四系瓶为切入点,回顾了其研究史,对这种四系瓶的形制和年代进行分析,认为它出现于金代,流行于元代,其烧造的中心窑场在河北磁县彭城镇,流布于冀、鲁、京、皖北、内蒙等省区.作为酒具,"仁和馆"四系瓶上的这种与酒肆有关的名号反映了当时酒肆繁昌的现实.  相似文献   
张秀娥 《攀登》2008,27(2):105-107
成人教育是终身教育的主体。大力发展各级各类成人教育,以多种形式、多种渠道和多种手段为民众提供多样化的学习机会,是把终身教育思想转化为终身教育行为的重要途径。进一步倡导终身学习观,加强成人教育法制建设和成人教育师资队伍、课程体系建设,拓宽成人教育投资渠道,是不断推进成人教育和创建学习型社会的重要举措。  相似文献   
王乃明 《攀登》2008,27(6):61-65
从农业发展过程和发展趋势看,农业必然要走向集约型规模经营。所谓集约型规模经营就是密集集约经营与适度规模经营紧密结合在一起,并合理搭配,产生较高经济效益的农业经营方式。发展集约型规模经营是我国农业发展、实现农业现代化的必由之路。  相似文献   
廖敏  凌学武 《攀登》2008,27(5):110-112
我国的行政改革引发了服务型政府建设的热潮。在理论与实践层面,服务型政府建设还面临着一些困境,例如,中西方服务型政府建设的理论基础混淆、服务型政府经济发展职能与公共服务职能的困境、服务型政府公共性与民众自利性的困境、政府的单向度服务模式困境以及服务型政府管理与服务的困境。分析这些理论困境.找出问题的症结所在,对于加快我国行政管理体制改革、推进服务型政府建设,具有十分重要的实际意义。  相似文献   
以往对随笔的研究,多见于内容和题材方面,本文着眼于随笔文学的语言特点,以三大随笔《枕草子》、《方丈记》、《徒然草》为例,从文体和修辞入手,分析随笔呈现出的不同语言风格及其成因,探讨文体的演进与随笔文学发展之间的相互促进关系,通过分析随笔的基本修辞风格,研究随笔区别于其它文学形式的基本特征。  相似文献   
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