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隋炀帝大业年间编纂了《诸郡物产土俗记》、《区宇图志》、《诸州图经集》3部大型地理图书。前后参与其事的编纂《区宇图志》者近50人,现在可考者约10人。隋炀帝时,《区宇图志》多次重修,其原因有三方面。一是修撰者的文体繁复,二是体例失当,三是修撰者狭隘的民族观、区域观念。而隋炀帝时编纂多种地理图书的条件之一,是隋朝对全国各地吏治、民情、风俗、物产的调查。其直接原因,则是隋炀帝的文化素养,以及实际的经济和政治目的,即地理图书作为国家征收赋税土贡的根据,以地理图书来记载其统一华戎的功业、以地理图书归美隋炀帝的政治目的。隋炀帝对地理学有其贡献。  相似文献   
钱谦益与瞿式耜这两位人物,一位是大节有亏的文坛盟主,一位是节义薄天的孤忠大臣。然而,就是这样在明末清初出处抉择迥异的两个人,却是情意深厚的师弟。他们四十多年间忧戚与共,是师弟,亦是挚友。乙酉之后两人在政治上虽然选择殊异,但并没有影响到他们的互通声气与彼此间的思慕。虽然瞿式耜在想到自己的这位恩师时也产生过矛盾痛苦的情怀,但他还是以“到头终不负门墙”自励,义无反顾地走向了自己生命的终点。  相似文献   
Unequivocal evidence of Roman vine cultivation and wine making is provided from studies of combined archaeological remains from the site of Gasquinoy (Southern France). Waterlogged and charred plant material (fruits/seeds/wood) collected from wells located in the close vicinity of cultivated fields and wine making establishments confirms the local significance of this activity. The results offer insights on particular aspects of wine production (‘traumatic’ treading of grapes and straining) and provide evidence of secondary agricultural activities such as cereal production and fruit tree cultivation. The potential use of monocotyledonous stems such as Arundo/Phragmites in the farming system is discussed.  相似文献   
本文在前贤研究基础上,就唐中期玄宗时代所置西域渠犁、阇甄、妫塞三个羁縻都督府的沿革及地望做进一步探索。  相似文献   
探索史学的历史、理论及其社会意义--瞿林东教授访谈录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史文  薛义 《史学月刊》2003,(1):5-14
20世纪80年代以来,瞿林东教授在中国史学史研究领域,取得了丰富的成果。对瞿林东教授所作的访谈,内容涉及到他的学生时代、治学道路、学术思想、研究方法.他的一些有代表性的论著,他对中国史学史研究发展趋势及前景的一些认识和对青年史学工作者的希望。  相似文献   
Wine has been considered to be mainly red in ancient Egypt linked with the blood of Osiris, the God of resurrection. No text that refers to white wines from the Dynastic Period (3150–332 BC) exists. The first white wine from ancient Egypt was made near Alexandria during the third century AD. To investigate the presence of white wine in ancient Egypt, dry residue samples from King Tutankhamun's amphorae are studied in this article using the LC/MS/MS method for wine markers. This investigation into the existence of white wines in Tutankhamun's tomb allows us to shed new light on the symbolism of white wine in ancient Egypt.  相似文献   
本在概述胡念贻、潘啸龙得出的《招魂》之作是宋玉、《大招》的作才是屈原,并揭示宋玉《招魂》的创作背景和词旨的基础上,试图揭示宋玉《招魂》的创作时间、屈原《大招》的创作动机及反映的思想,并建议将屈原的“招魂词”恢复其原名《招魂》,而将宋玉的“招魂词”改用其曾用名《小招》。  相似文献   
Resin found within Canaanite amphorae from the Late Bronze Age shipwreck discovered off the coast of southwest Turkey at Uluburun has previously been identified as Pistacia sp. Although evidence from Egypt suggests that this resin was in high demand and typically transported in such amphorae, it has also been proposed that the amphorae contained wine, with the resin used to seal the interior surfaces and to flavour and/or preserve the wine. To attempt to resolve this question, we have analysed five samples of pistacia resin found in amphorae from the shipwreck using a range of analytical techniques which have used in the past for the analysis of wine residues: spot tests, FT-IR, and HPLC-MS-MS. As well as the archaeological samples, we have analysed modern samples of pistacia resin, leaves and fruit to determine the effectiveness of each technique and to exclude the possibility of false positive results. In addition to the analyses for wine we also detail analysis (GC-MS) of the terpenoids for the purpose of further molecular characterisation of the resin. Bulk stable isotope analysis was used in comparison with similar resins to attempt to identify the geographical origin of the resin.  相似文献   
This article reconsiders the religio-ritualistic interpretations of the use of the rhyton within eighth-century CE Sogdiana. Through a close art-historical analysis, it argues that three eighth-century wall paintings from Panjikent illustrate a drinking game. This proposal expands the current breadth of meaning attributed to the imagery decorating Sogdian homes. Not only could the paintings illustrate epic narratives, religious veneration, or moral didacticism, but they could also celebrate conviviality, fun, and humor.  相似文献   
中国的酒文化对诗人的精神世界,创作心态及作品风格产生着深远影响,本文联系中国诗人饮酒的渊源、历史,以李白为典型代表分析中国酒文化与诗人创作的相互联系。  相似文献   
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