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胡中生 《安徽史学》2016,(4):120-126
从民间文献中可以窥探清代徽州地区女性葬礼过程。葬礼中普遍存在着宗教信仰和堪舆风水观念,体现了传统文化的多元化和包容性。葬礼中礼俗交融极深,违礼越制成为一种常态性现象,礼法不断被突破而向俗尚靠拢,体现出了鲜明的地方特色。  相似文献   
与历代诸多代人受刑的案件相比,清代命案中的顶凶案件有其自身的特点。顶凶案发生的原因和情节错综复杂,成为一种危害深重的畸形社会现象。发生时间表现为乾隆以降,数量逐渐增多;发生区域以福建、广东地区的械斗顶凶案件最为典型;立法过程表现为例文与司法的相互调适并趋向宽纵。从一手史料出发,对顶凶案件背后的生成机制和司法实践进行探寻和考证,可以在一定程度上揭示清代社会民众的政治生态、文化心理和价值取向,透视出官方与民间的互动实态。  相似文献   
文章从胎釉、造型、器类、釉彩、纹饰、款识等几个方面对清代嘉道咸时期的瓷器特征进行了全面的分析和归纳,为这一时期的瓷器判识建立了较为完备的标尺。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the influence of forensic medicine on therapeutic medicine through a case study of Qian Xiuchang and Hu Tingguang, two Chinese doctors who specialized in treating traumatic injuries. During the early nineteenth century, both men compiled medical treatises that sought to improve on a scholarly model of “rectifying bones” articulated in 1742 by the Imperially-Compiled Golden Mirror of the Medical Lineage. Both texts also incorporated information from forensic medicine, including official inquest diagrams and checklists promulgated by the Qing government. I show that they drew on these forensic materials to help address two interlinked medical issues: understanding the effects of injury on different parts of the body, and clarifying the location and form of the body’s bones. Overall, I suggest that the exchange of ideas between the realm of therapeutic medicine and forensic medicine was an important epistemological strategy that doctors and officials alike employed to improve their knowledge of the material body.  相似文献   
This paper examines negotiations involving the exchange of envoys between the Qing dynasty and Khoqand in 1759-60. The Qing made contact with Khoqand in order to bring rapid stabilization to the newly acquired western territories. Khoqand, on the other hand, established a relationship with the Qing in order to expand their authority over the Kirghiz, and to advance toward Bukhara. Irdana tried to take advantage of Qing authority for the purpose of expanding his territories, but at the same time, he appealed to the other Central Asian Muslims to engage with him in a "holy war" against the Qing. It is true that each power in Central Asia shared a sense of crisis in reaction to the Qing's sudden expansion to the west. However, we also need to examine the competition for hegemony among the powers under the pretext of opposition to the Qing's advance.  相似文献   
Since at least the 1960s, the importance of the tremendous territorial expansion under Qing role to the modem history of China has been generally acknowledged. Indeed, one can say that the frontier story is one of the things that makes the Qing "Qing." However, only in the last twenty years has the study of what is now termed the "borderlands" come into its own as a sub-field. This essay begins by describing some key concepts and terms in the study of the Qing frontier, including the Manchu wordjecen. It then raises the problem of narrative fiameworks, asking how we might best contextualize the growth of the empire, before going on to explore the implications of the discursive shift represented by the "New Qing History" and the extensive research on Qing borderlands associated therewith. A poem by the Mongol poet Na-xun Lan-bao provides the focus for a concluding discussion of a distinctive Qing frontier sensibility.  相似文献   
从现存图样资料看清代晚期长春宫改造工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过调研现存的图样和文字资料,逐步深入地考察了清代晚期长春宫改造工程的过程和工程项目,从而揭示了今天故宫博物院长春宫一区原状陈列展览所无法展现的历史面貌,并以此为线索对于清代宫廷生活、建筑空间及其使用、审美好尚进行了初步分析,特别着重分析了咸丰皇帝和懿贵妃(后来的慈禧太后)在这里扮演的历史角色。  相似文献   
郭丽萍 《史学月刊》2005,1(6):69-76
渊源于新疆方志修撰的清代西北史地研究,在嘉庆末年至道光初年即表现出面向现实的特点。其中,龚自珍、魏源等人关注清政府西北统治政策的得当与否,而徐松等人则重在讲求西北山川形势的真实客观。道光中期以后,随着徐松等人在这一研究中的持续努力,西北史地研究转向对蒙元史及传统史志的研究,表现出由“言今”向“证古”的转变。  相似文献   
在清末法制改革中,袁世凯是积极的推动者和参与者。他上书请求变革法律,积极推荐修法人才,并参与新法内容的讨论;他极力主张多渠道地造就和选用法律人才;他利用直隶总督的地位和权力,将法制改革的许多措施在直隶施行,对推动当时中国封建法制的近代化进程起到了积极的促进作用。  相似文献   
为配合三峡大坝工程和巴东县污水处理厂的工程建设,湖北省文物考古研究所组织考古队对任家坪遗址先后进行两次大规模考古发掘,这里报道了这两次发掘发现的商周遗存和明清墓葬。  相似文献   
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