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史前太湖流域,礼器出现在社会初步分化的崧泽文化时期;良渚文化时期已经是一个分层的复杂社会,社会成员分化成为不同的等级、阶层,与此相适应,太湖流域史前社会出现了陶质、石质和玉质三种不同质地的礼器,并有着比较严格的使用制度,太湖流域史前社会的礼仪制度初步形成。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期中南区婚姻制度的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立前后,中南区由于长期受封建婚姻制度的束缚,各种陋俗在许多地方普遍存在,广大妇女的社会地位极其低下。1950年《中华人民共和国婚姻法》颁布施行后,中南区在全区范围内大张旗鼓地开展了一场宣传和贯彻《婚姻法》的群众运动,经过调查试验、宣传发动和总结表彰,彻底地摧毁了封建婚姻制度,建立起了新民主主义的新型婚姻制度,形成了男女平等、民主和睦的社会新风尚,从而促进了中南区整体性的社会文明与进步。  相似文献   
经国家文物局批准,云南省文物考古研究所与美国密歇根大学人类学系签订为期3年的合作协议,进行"滇池区域史前聚落形态考古调查"项目,目的是通过开展全面的区域系统调查,寻找并确认与石寨山文化(亦称滇文化,时代约从春秋时期至西汉末期)有关的遗址和聚落[1],揭示这些聚落的  相似文献   
《War & society》2013,32(3):183-210

Inter-service rivalry and personality friction characterized various stages of the US war effort in the Paci?c against the Japanese. The ?ghting at Buna exempli?ed these problems, in which inter-service friction (among other reasons) deprived Allied troops of needed naval support during the Papuan campaign of 1942–43.  相似文献   
Platt National Park, Oklahoma, was the smallest national park in the United States until it was combined with an adjacent, reservoir-centered recreation site in 1976 to form Chickasaw National Recreation Area. Set aside as Sulphur Springs Reservation by agreement with the Chickasaw Indians in 1902 and designated a national park in 1906, Platt is the only American national park to be demoted since World War II. The story of Platt's creation and demotion reflects the changing mission of the National Park Service (NPS), shifting images of nature and recreation among the American public, and broader social forces that frame park purposes. What started as local boosterism of hydrotherapy in cold mineral springs grew into one of America's most visited national parks by the 1920s. Despite its popularity, Platt lacked both scenic grandeur and political influence; it did not fit prevailing images of wild nature among NPS bureaucrats and the urban elite who formed the core of the environmental movement; it was too small, too humanized, and too ordinary. As images of people embedded in nature have gained wider acceptance in recent decades, would this small, geographically distinctive, and culturally rich “park of the people” have met a similar fate today?  相似文献   
The historic core of the Arab‐Islamic city has always played an integral role in the formation of the identity of the contemporary Arab city. It serves as the reference for the city’s character. This is especially so in Cairo, where historic quarters still act as the city’s most influential social and cultural source of inspiration. Today, many forces of neglect and deterioration have diminished this role. While attempts have been launched to confront this situation, they have focused mainly on restoring the historic city of Cairo, itself a World Heritage Site. This paper probes the actual reasons for the deterioration of the historic core of Cairo, as well as those that dominate the current efforts for revitalisation. In these processes it is the political dimension that is the most influential in the decision‐making affecting the proposed urban changes in historic Cairo.1 The present inquiry was supported by a workshop organised by the author to examine the attitude of the professionals representing different organisations involved in conservation in historic Cairo. This workshop was held on 12 and 13 September 2001 at the Italian Archaeological Centre in Cairo as part of the empirical work of the author’s PhD research.   相似文献   
产业转型期的长三角区域海洋旅游特色产品链构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马丽卿  胡卫伟 《人文地理》2009,24(2):125-128
长三角地区是我国综合实力最强的经济中心,这一地区海岸线漫长,海洋旅游资源丰富,具备了发展旅游的资源、需求、区位和产品四大优势,是重要的旅游目的地和旅游客源地。近年来,长三角地区的入境旅游增长幅度逐年下降,旅游经济在国民经济体系、对外经济体系和服务经济体系中的比重也正发生着变化,旅游业面临着转型。作为现代服务业的旅游业是无边界产业,它与其它行业的广泛融合、相互渗透,形成了多样化的产业新形态。本文剖析了长三角地区转型时期的旅游产业,分析该区域旅游产业的新形态,并提出了构建海洋特色旅游产品链的设想。  相似文献   
罗海明  甄峰 《人文地理》2005,20(4):9-14
本文运用中国大都市区界定指标体系,根据2002年数据对长江三角洲大都市区进行了重新划分。从划分的结果看,后者与前者相比发生较大变化。而中国大都市区界定指标体系对这种变化表现出了一定的不适应性,因此本文试图通过中美大都市区界定指标体系的比较研究为中国大都市区界定指标体系的修订提供参考。  相似文献   
尺度重组理论视角下的粤港澳大湾区建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粤港澳大湾区建设是由中央政府推行的新的区域发展政策安排,旨在调控国家、区域和城市尺度之间的关系进而引导资本流动以实现特定的空间发展目标,因此可视之为新一轮国家的尺度重组。借鉴西方的尺度重组理论,本文主要从大珠三角城市在经济上的空间联系以及香港问题在政治上的领域关系等两个方面,探讨关系空间如何影响到国家的尺度重组,以及国家的尺度重组对城市的尺度重组的影响。研究认为,粤港澳大湾区建设在于重塑资本流动的地方空间,为“资本固着”提供社会活动平台,继续参与国际劳动分工,深化经济合作,提高区域的全球竞争力。与此同时,国家也通过尺度重组来解决经济全球化过程中出现的领域政治问题,通过新的空间规划把边界问题纳入一体化的经济发展体系之下,保证政治稳定。中央政府把国家建设的尺度下移到粤港澳地区,促进了粤港澳的城市发生多元尺度重组策略,包括城市内部的尺度上推和尺度下移,城市外部的合作联盟和尺度政治。最后,文章从区域发展的角度分析粤港澳大湾区建设带来的影响,讨论粤港澳大湾区的建设与实践对尺度重组理论的补充和对认识国家政治经济发展的启示意义。  相似文献   
In this study we applied a multidisciplinary approach, coupling geophysical and geochemical measurements, to unveil the provenance of 170 obsidian flakes, collected on the volcanic island of Ustica (Sicily). On this island there are some prehistoric settlements dated from the Neolithic to the Middle Bronze Age. Despite not having geological outcrops of obsidian rocks, the countryside of Ustica is rich in fragments of this volcanic glass, imported from other source areas. The study of obsidian findings was carried out first through visual observations and density measurements. At least two different obsidian families have been distinguished, probably imported from Lipari and Pantelleria islands. Analysing the magnetic properties of the samples, these two main sources were confirmed, but the possibility of other provenances was inferred. Finally, we characterized the geochemical signature of the Ustica obsidians by performing microchemical analyses through electron microprobe (EMPA) and laser ablation (LA–ICP–MS). The results were compared with literature data, confirming the presence of the Lipari and Pantelleria sources (Sicily) and indicating for the first time in this part of Italy a third provenance from Palmarola island (Latium). Our results shed new light on the commercial exchanges in the peri‐Tyrrhenian area during the prehistoric age.  相似文献   
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