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一楚系铜器中,有关楚王(今頁)的讨论曾是学界的一个热点问题。楚王(今頁)先前仅见于楚王(今頁)钟。此钟为钮钟,螺形枚,篆间与钮上饰斜角对夔纹,鼓部饰象鼻对夔纹。正面证间、  相似文献   
东魏迁都邺城,学术文化中心转移,北魏太和以来积累的文明成果萃集邺下,为东魏北齐史官制度的发展与《魏书》编纂提供了良好条件,并由此形成了史馆修史与大臣监修制度。大臣监修与史馆修史二者一体,史馆是一专门修史机构,似在宫禁集书省与起居省内,已不同于北魏秘书省之史阁。大臣监修改变了北魏以来秘书监、丞典领国史的传统,入馆修史加兼著作,脱离了秘书著作系统。著作从秘书省游离出来,与集注起居形成更加密切的关系。东魏北齐沿承北魏,置集书省和起居省,北魏以守尚书典注起居,东魏北齐以散骑常侍等侍官监领或撰修起居注。史馆修史与起居集注,造就了《魏书》、《齐书》、《齐纪》等史书。东魏北齐史官制度变化的依据为礼制的修订,唐代礼多因循北齐,故其史馆修史制度亦上承北齐。  相似文献   
本文在对汉代万石君石奋家族研究的基础上,通过对石奋家族相关的先秦诸支石氏进行系统分析和梳理,从而确定东周时期卫国石氏不仅分布时段较长,内容较为丰富,而且还应该是中华石氏的主支脉系。卫国石氏不仅是汉万石君家族的直系祖根,曾属于赵国所有的石城,也应该是卫国石氏封邑以及中华石氏的祖根地。  相似文献   
进入春秋时期,西周形成的传统政治格局开始发生改变,社会开始出现一种比较宽松的发展局面.各诸侯国凭借当时宽松的政治环境竞相发展自己的实力.齐国成为首先发展起来的国家,在其发展过程中,它不断吞并周围的小国,其中纪国是第一个被吞并的国家,主要原因是齐国为了占有纪国丰富的海盐资源.  相似文献   
本文认为,中国古代并没有真正意义上的国家观,各王朝所持有的是天下观。即在法理上,中原王朝并不认为天下有与自己平起平坐的国家。这一观念自先秦时期奠定之后,影响深远,即便是由传统的"蛮夷之邦"入主中原的王朝也不自觉地接受了这一政治观念。但是,天下观在其长期的政治实践中,却不得不每每面临诸多强大对手的挑战。因此,每当此时,双方的实际控制线就有了一定的边界含义。不过,真正近代意义上的边界出现于清朝。即当清朝面临沙俄这样从未接触过的具有全新文明的强大对手的挑战时,近代意义上的国与国之间的边界才最终形成。换言之,只有当中国面临的对手足够强大,或者说其文明受阻于强敌时,天下观才转为国家观,有边无界的状态才得以消解。  相似文献   
Recent research on the southern highlands and Pacific Coast of Mesoamerica has investigated topics of interest to all archaeologists. Although best known for studies on the development of early social complexity, research in the region also has addressed hunter/gatherer subsistence patterns, early sedentism, the origins of food production, the development of the state, migration, the construction of social identity, political economy, and the collapse of complex societies. Research has accelerated in the past ten years, fueled by efforts of scholars from a number of disciplines. Recent paleo-ecological studies have provided much needed data for understanding human social action against the backdrop of the natural environment, while the region also has been the scene for testing numerous innovative theories of social change. Studies of identity and its manifestation in material culture have been especially productive.  相似文献   

The article examines the idea of the Ethical State in Italy within the context of the Risorgimento and of Neapolitan Hegelianism. The article first analyses the Neapolitan Hegelians’ idea of nationality and its relationship to the concept of “national character”. Then it focuses on the differences between Hegel’s and Spaventa’s concepts of the State. Finally, it places Silvio and Bertrando Spaventa’s liberalism within Risorgimento debates after 1848, pointing to differences with moderate liberals such as Cesare Balbo or Vincenzo Gioberti. By delineating the context of ideas such as nationality, national character, ethics, and the state, the article sheds new light on the relationship between liberalism and nationalism in nineteenth-century European political thought.  相似文献   
从本质上讲,中国现代平民教育运动是一场国民教育运动。20世纪20年代公民教育运动兴起后,晏阳初等人虽然也曾致力于此,但无论从其思想认识还是从社会实践上看,均不出国民教育的范围。平民教育运动在塑造现代国民方面的主要贡献,是向底层社会播散现代国家观念和国民意识,这从当时编写的平民千字课本中可以看出来。平教运动期间通过平民千字课向底层社会播散现代国家观念与国民意识的做法,对我们今天完成民族复兴大业,仍有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Geographic analyses have centered on how state and capitalist enterprises—often in collaboration with each other—deploy volumetric territorial strategies and processes to achieve their ends, i.e., control in the form of securitization or resource extraction. We invite an exploration of different ways voluminous environments, their flows, and ecosystems can be experienced and represented with analyses of diverse activities of cave explorers in Venezuela, Cuba, and Mexico. These activities call attention to the heterogeneity of volumetric territorial projects. By exploring and mapping subterranean spaces, cavers co-opt some of the techniques of the state and/or capitalist territorialization and commodification. But the experiences of underground exploration and even mapping exceed and sometimes contradict the motivations and effects rightfully associated with these volumetric practices. Not only are these activities deeply affective and embodied, they typically happen beyond state reach. Moreover, following cavers' explorations requires more open conceptions of both territory and voluminous spaces, and the ecological rhythms and flows that constitute them. Doing so leads to the recognition of how cavers experience and enact alternative volumetric territorial projects. In the process, some of these projects forge defiant national imaginaries, literally from below. The possibility and potential of these imaginaries come from the unique quality of subterranean exploration: only those who explore and survey passages underground know their location, extent, and at times, their content. Yet, there are dangers as well: not only are most of these projects far from emancipatory or inclusionary, they can be co-opted by state and/or capitalist enterprises. The implications of this last point are complex and potentially contradictory: while state knowledge and control of caves and karst environments may limit caver access and activities, lack of state knowledge and control may also result in these environments and their contents’ lack of protection.  相似文献   
杨勇  白云翔 《中原文物》2020,(1):102-115
在古代铜镜铸造中,镜范的制作和使用是最为关键的环节,也是铸镜技术的核心所在。山东临淄齐故城出土的汉代陶质镜范在材质、结构和制作工艺等方面,都较先秦陶范有了很大的改进,反映了汉代铸镜技术的进步。这些镜范在制作时于泥料中羼入了大量稻壳灰,焙烧火候也高,因此范体密度低、重量轻,内含大量孔隙,适合铸造,同时又结实耐用且不失柔韧性,从而便于工匠对其进行塑形、雕刻乃至修补和改制。镜范结构设计亦较科学、合理,不仅可铸造出好的产品,而且有利于保护镜范,以达到多次反复使用的目的。另外,镜范成形工艺的改进,特别是刻纹技术的普遍采用,既保证了镜范的质量,也使工匠的艺术创造力得以充分发挥。技术上的进步,造就了汉代临淄镜范优异的铸造性能,同时还使其可以多次反复使用,从而大幅度提高了当时的铜镜生产效率。  相似文献   
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