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楚文化研究又一新成果--《新蔡葛陵楚墓》读后   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨育彬 《江汉考古》2005,(1):95-97,86
河南新蔡葛陵楚墓,是近年来淮河流域考古中新发现的一座战国中期大型墓葬。其墓主人为平夜君成,是与楚王关系密切的重要封君。墓葬结构复杂,并有陵寝建筑遗存。出土有包括青铜器、玉器、漆木器和大量竹简在内的各类随葬品,还有人殉现象。在科学发掘和整理的基础上出版了《新蔡葛陵楚墓》一书,详细介绍和分析了考古资料所反映的楚国历史、葬俗、礼制、历法、手工工艺、书法艺术等诸多信息,是我国楚文化研究又一新成果。  相似文献   
采用X-射线荧光光谱分析法对贾湖遗址出土的绿松石饰物进行了成分的定性和定量分析, 得到了它们的主要成分的含量。除个别样品外, 大多绿松石的成分较纯, 材质较好。这部分样品的含铁量较低, Fe2O3 含量都在 5%以下, 有的仅千分之几。将这批样品和选自陕西安康、湖北郧县和安徽马鞍山的绿松石矿石样品中的P2O5、As2O5、Fe2O3、CuO和ZnO含量作聚类分析, 发现贾湖出土的绿松石不太可能来自陕西安康、湖北郧县和安徽马鞍山等地的绿松石矿区, 但应来自同一个未知地区。  相似文献   
Though Bavaria is far inland, at least 20 logboats are known, but only recently have some been properly recorded. This paper deals with two vessels discovered in the early 1990s. The remains at Laufen-Pfaffing represent a semi-manufactured logboat, which was purposely sunk as was the custom in Austria until the mid-20th century. The vessel from Wessobrunn-Blaik is also unfinished and shows several tool-marks. It is too narrow to float on its own: therefore it is part of a paired logboat. There is plenty of archaeological evidence for this kind of craft, but no ethnographic evidence. Apart from use as ferries, other uses are discussed.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
详细评介了国际移民的学术定义;归纳其六大基本类别,指出不同类型的迁移可能相互转化;阐述了当代国际移民发展趋势,并将华侨华人研究置于国际移民的大背景下进行剖析;对由于缺乏对当代“国际移民”相关定义的基本了解而出现的明显错误给予了指正。  相似文献   
邱树森 《史学月刊》2003,(5):112-120
新中国成立以来的半个多世纪中,通过我国三代蒙元史专家的努力,取得了许多成绩。其中最主要的是唯物史占了主导地位,元朝不再被看成“漆黑一团”,现在普遍认为元朝是一个比较开放的朝代,在经济、文化、民族关系等方面对中国历史的发展有过独特的贡献;同时,研究者发掘了许多新史料,使元史研究向纵深发展。今后的元史研究任重而道远,在史料整理、区域和专题研究、民族研究等方面还有许多工作要做。  相似文献   
中国的华侨华人研究与学科建设-浅议“华侨华人学”   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
本文从中国的华侨华人研究的历史与现状出发,认为现在中国的华侨华人研究已不再是历史研究一枝独秀的局面,而是涉及到政治、经济、文化、历史、社会、民族、人口、国际关系等诸多领域的综合性研究,其研究理论和方法也已广泛地涉及到人文社会科学的诸多基础学科和分支学科,华侨华人研究实际上已成为多学科研究者共同参与研究的“边缘交叉学科”,建立起一门有中国特色的“华侨华人学”势在必行。当前,中国的华侨华人研究应该加强学科意识,在吸收欧、美、日的社会科学理论和研究成果的同时,根据我们本国的国情和社会实际需要,发展自己的研究,在提高学术研究水平的基础上,努力构建中国的华侨华人学。  相似文献   
Recent innovations in portable energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) spectrometry have increased its utility for the geochemical characterization of obsidian artifacts for archaeological provenance research. However, concerns over the utility of PXRF instrumental analyses have been raised, focused on the validity and reliability of the geochemical data produced. Here we adopt the framework of Richard Hughes (On Reliability, Validity, and Scale in Obsidian Sourcing Research, 1998), whereby reliability addresses instrument stability and issues of measurement while validity pertains to an instrument’s ability to discern geochemical source provenance. This is done in order to test the utility of PXRF instruments for archaeological provenance research. k-Means cluster analysis was used to test the accuracy of PXRF through statistical comparison of data acquired via laboratory and portable energy-dispersive XRF instruments. Multivariate analysis was employed to demonstrate obsidian source representation at two Classic Maya archaeological sites in southern Belize – Uxbenká and Ek Xux – and to test the validity of data obtained from a PXRF instrument in answering archaeological research questions pertaining to regional interactions between lowland Maya polities. Results suggest that portable XRF instruments produce internally consistent results. However, data acquired from a PXRF instrument are not statistically equivalent to other XRF instruments. This is to say that while PXRF is not a reliable technique, it is valid for questions pertaining to geochemical source representation.  相似文献   
In this paper, the characterization of Roman amphorae from the Porto dos Cacos (PC) and Quinta do Rouxinol (QR) workshops, in the Tagus estuary, dating to a period between the 1st and 5th century AD was carried out on the basis of instrumental neutron activation analysis data on 260 amphorae fragments, together with mineralogical compositional studies obtained by X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   
In the present paper, it is shown that in the Hergla area (eastern Tunisia), obsidian was present from the early to at least the late sixth millennium cal BC. The presence of cores indicates that obsidian knapping was at least partly carried out in situ. The origin of these obsidians was determined from their elemental composition, by comparison with those originating from western Mediterranean potential sources, including analyses of new samples from the nearby Pantelleria Island. All obsidians were measured following the same protocol, by particle induced X-ray emission or by scanning electron microscopy/energy dispersion spectrometry. All the Hergla obsidians were found to originate from the Balata dei Turchi sources of Pantelleria. A review of the present body of knowledge on eastern Maghreb suggests, in spite of the still very preliminary data available, that Pantelleria was almost its unique provider of obsidians from the Epipalaeolithic to and during the Neolithic. However, the relative importance of the two main Pantellerian sources of Balata dei Turchi and Lago di Venere as providers of obsidian to eastern Maghreb remains to be investigated.  相似文献   
The interdisciplinary field of refugee studies includes gender analyses, but feminism is not its forte. Scholarship in the field has neglected the development of feminist frameworks to trace the power relations that shape the gender and other politics of forced migration. Specifically, the underplayed concept of ‘refugee transnationalism’ is elaborated as a form of globalization where the social and political intersect in particular ways.  相似文献   
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