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Two prominent American specialists on the Russian economy present a fundamental analysis of basic economic factors explaining how the global financial crisis has played out in Russia and its implications for the country's future. More specifically, the authors examine the consequences of Russia's dependence on and addiction to resource (oil and gas) rents and of the management system put in place under Vladimir Putin to maintain, secure, and distribute these rents. They then investigate how each of these factors has emerged from the crisis and how it might evolve in the years ahead. Focusing on the distinction between rent dependence and addiction, the authors question the conventional wisdom that diversification of Russia's economy (away from oil and gas) is a desirable objective that will render it less vulnerable to external shocks. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E020, F020, G010, O130. 15 figures, 44 references.  相似文献   
长期以来,由于土遗址保存环境的复杂性和特殊性,潮湿环境下的土遗址保护一直是困扰我国文物保护和考古界的难点,至今尚没有成熟的规范可以参考.福建省昙石山遗址作为我国东南沿海地区典型潮湿环境下的土遗址,近年来在遗址加固保护过程中,通过大量室内和现场试验,在适用材料的筛选研究等方面取得了一定经验和成效,是对我国潮湿环境下土遗址保护工作的一次有益尝试和探索.  相似文献   

The project ‘Restoring Underwater’ launched and conducted by the Underwater Archaeology Operations Unit of the Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (ISCR, Rome, Italy) is aimed at the study and the experimentation of instruments, materials, methodologies, and techniques for the restoration, conservation, and in situ display of ancient submerged artefacts. The project commenced in 2001 with the restoration of the vivaria of the Roman villa of Torre Astura (Nettuno, Rome), since 2003 the main subject of researches has been the submerged archaeological site of Baiae (Naples, Italy), where, over the years, the restoration of sectors of certain buildings in the protected marine area has been carried out: the Villa con ingresso a Protiro, the Villa dei Pisoni, the Via Herculanea, and the Building with porticoed courtyard near Portus Iulius. In 2007, in 2009, and in 2010 three new archaeological targets have been added to the research: a group of nine cast iron cannons discovered offshore the coast of the Marettimo Island (Sicily, Italy), the Roman wreck carrying a load of sarcophagi discovered off the coast of San Pietro in Bevagna (Taranto, Italy), and the traditional fishing boat recently discovered off the cost of Martana Island (Bolsena Lake, Italy).

The purpose of this paper is to sum up the work in progress and the results of these ten years of the project. The paper will shows as the conservation and museum display in situ of underwater heritage must not just be considered an opportune choice but may in itself provide a strong stimulus for experimenting new materials and technologies as well as representing a factor in the socio-economic development of the communities concerned, as shown by the example of Baiae.  相似文献   
‘Addiopizzo’ (Goodbye protection money) is a grassroots anti-mafia movement based in Palermo that stresses the individual consumer's responsibility for maintaining the Sicilian mafia's pizzo system. If you purchase products from a business that pays the pizzo you are indirectly supporting the mafia. By encouraging Palermitans to buy from ‘pizzo-free’ businesses, Addiopizzo uses the purchasing power of the consumer to fight organised crime. The community of ‘pizzo-free’ businesses is small but steadily growing whilst the number of critical consumers pledging to buy their products appears to have peaked. This article aims to investigate the reasons why consumers may be reluctant to support ‘pizzo-free’ businesses by asking those who have already made public their decision to do so. Whilst critical consumers cannot fully explain why the majority of Palermo's citizens continue to tolerate the pizzo system their attitudes towards them do highlight differences that may help to account for wider non-participation in Addiopizzo's campaign.  相似文献   
20世纪60、70年代以来,西方发达国家的城市景观空间研究由"物质景观"转向了"物质与文化景观并重"的研究,其本质在于从人本主义视角探究不同景观的区位价值和区位重构关系,尤其关注城市日常生活空间质量观下的人居环境景观与景观的社会公正配置与规划,从而响应不同的区位价值,满足阶层化下的人的区位尊严需求。本文重在从行为文化区位景观价值视角探讨城市区位景观价值的演变特征、区位景观理论的内涵与构成及区位文化景观尊严规划的原理构成等。  相似文献   
以近代中国政府先后颁布的国籍法为纵向坐标,通过对国籍法颁布前后中国政府处理华侨国籍问题的不同状况进行对照,分析了近代中国政府在处理这个问题上经历的逐步法制化的过程。得出结论,国籍法颁布前,中国政府处理华侨国籍问题时无法可依、随机处理,在此类的外交交涉中处于被动地位;国籍法颁布后,中国政府依据成文的国籍法和相关的国际惯例来处理华侨的国籍问题,在此类交涉中占据了比较有利和主动的位置。  相似文献   
张爱平  侯兵  马楠 《人文地理》2017,32(1):138-144
探讨了农业文化遗产地旅游影响的构成及度量方法,并以红河哈尼梯田为例开展了旅游影响感知和居民态度的实证研究。研究表明,旅游对传统农业生计的影响着实存在,居民感知强烈,并且居民在生计方面的影响感知对其遗产保护态度(包括维持传统农业生产)、旅游发展态度具有显著后向影响,而经济、社会文化影响感知对旅游发展态度具有显著作用。未来旅游实践中需充分重视对传统农业生计的影响,积极发挥旅游在保障传统生计、提升生计输出等方面的正向作用,通过构建“观光权”入股等模式,关联居民生计与旅游发展。  相似文献   
清代陕西的农业开发与生态环境的破坏   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
孟晋 《史学月刊》2002,(10):37-40
清代陕西地区,在人口日益增长的压力之下,由于不顾后果的过度垦殖,森林、草原等天然植被遭到严重破坏,水土流失严重,并进而导致了干旱和水涝等自然灾害的日益频繁,耕地面积也随之减少。所以,尽管有广大农民的勤奋开发,农业生产也曾一度繁荣,但由于违反了自然规律,终难逃脱衰落的命运。  相似文献   
试论20世纪60-70年代的河北环境保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪 6 0— 70年代 ,随着资源开发的迅速扩大和工业化的快速发展 ,河北省的环境破坏不断加重 ,环境污染开始产生并呈扩展之势。由于缺乏环境意识和缺乏环境保护科学知识 ,河北省的生态环境处于边恢复、边保护、边破坏的状况。环境、生态平衡等问题日益突出。环境污染和区域性干化加剧成为河北省区域性生态环境恶化的两大突出问题 ,而且直接影响和制约着河北经济发展和人民生活、生存条件。本文试对这一时期河北环境保护的历史进行梳理和探讨 ,总结其得失与经验教训。  相似文献   
The newly adopted United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization's Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage provides the first universal protection regime for this value archaeological resource. A central difficulty in concluding this Convention was defining underwater cultural heritage. This article considers the development of the definition agreed upon and analyses its utility in providing for a pragmatic and effective protection regime.  相似文献   
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