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本文针对在“乾隆大阅甲”修复过程中所涉及到的种种问题进行了详细地分析和论述,深入探讨了对文物修复原则的理解,同时,列举实例阐明国内、外的文物修复惯例和要求。在遵循文物保护的基本原则———“不改变文物原状”的前提下,制定出修复方案,得到了满意的修复效果。最后,在理论探讨与实际修复的基础上,得出这样一个结论:要综合考虑所修文物的时代、文化背景和传统习惯等,并结合现代科学技术与手段,具体问题具体分析,目的是体现文物的三个价值。对于修复标准来讲,是没有绝对和唯一的,一件文物的修复只有最适宜的方案,而无标准方案。  相似文献   
以街道办事处为研究单元(以下简称街道),选取西安市主城区53个街道作为研究区域,利用Erdas imagine空间分类和建模方法、Arcgis区域分析方法、SPSS因子分析和聚类分析法等对2013年西安市主城区客观生活质量进行评价,并探究其空间格局。结果表明:①在生态环境因素主导下,外围客观生活质量高于接近内城的区域,南北区域高于东西区域,并在总体布局中出现"飞地";②在社会经济因素主导下,客观生活质量以内城为中心向四周辐射,形成放射状格局,同时在曲江等街道出现"异值区";③总体客观生活质量以内城及其南部区域较高,高值区呈现集中连片分布,低值区呈现"马鞍形"分布格局。  相似文献   
根据江苏省样本地市的城乡公共服务水平及居民满意度调查数据,通过构建指标体系及权重,构造重要性与满意度矩阵等方法,本文从基础教育,医疗卫生,社会福利,文体服务、公共设施和生态环境及公共服务等方面对江苏省城乡公共服务水平的差异进行了分析。结果表明:江苏省城乡公共服务水平的区域差异明显,苏北地区的城乡差异较大,苏中和苏南地区较小;居民对城市公共服务满意度总体好于农村;城市与农村各类公共服务水平差距显著,尤其表现在文体服务与公共服务设施上;多数地市城乡公共服务水平协调度偏低。针对分析结果,本文提出了促进江苏省城乡公共服务协调发展的政策建议。  相似文献   
西部山区乡村聚落空间演进研究的主要进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西部山区由于生境条件差,很多地区面临较大的人口压力,生态问题和贫困问题长期交织在一起,不仅一直受政府扶贫工作的关注,也受区域乃至全球生态保护和社会发展相关组织的关注。本文主要从不同时间段、不同地区梳理了自20世纪初以来西部山区乡村聚落空间分布规律及其影响因素的研究,从理论、实证及生态系统等多角度对西部山区乡村聚落空间演化的过程及其成因机制进行了分析。作者认为随着多学科融合程度的加强,山区乡村聚落演化的研究逐步从以案例区分析为主的一般性的规律揭示走向以模式探寻为主的普适化的理论体系构建,对于山区乡村聚落,由于涉及更多的生态、贫困等多种区域发展问题,开展乡村聚落空间演化的综合性研究的需求会更加迫切,并在此基础上指出未来研究的方向。  相似文献   
Assessing biodiversity in natural landscapes continues to be a focus of attention. While some researchers assess the value of predictive features, such as land‐form, others examine concentrations of rare species, seeking insight into their significance. In this paper I examine two inter‐related concepts. I explore the distributions of rare species on the landscape, assessing correlations between landform, numbers of rare species, and protected areas. I also examine the role of protected sites in maintaining biodiversity. Using records of rare plant collections for the south‐western portion of Ontario (the Carolinian zone) that were compiled as part of the Atlas of Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario project, and combining these with a) a map of the landforms of south‐western Ontario and b) the locations of protected areas within this region, an analysis was made of the spatial coincidence of rare vascular plants, landforms and protected areas. The findings here indicate that protected areas are critically aligned with the distribution of rare vascular plant species. While protected areas occupy less than 2 percent of the study region, approximately 20 percent of the 4379 unique rare plant records analyzed (representing 170 of the 293 rare species in the database or 68%) were collected from a protected site. In addition, while 42 percent of the rare vascular plant records occur on a single landform type, sand plains, sand plains occupy only 18 percent of the region. And while 24 percent of the study region is composed of till plains, less than 2 percent of the rare plant collections were found on this landform. Significantly, four land‐forms, representing 50 percent of the study region, support over 80 percent of all rare plant collections. L'évaluation de biodiversité dans les paysages naturels continue d'être un point de mire. Pendant que certains chercheurs estiment la valeur des caracteristiques prédictives, telles que des formes de relief, d'autres examinent les concentrations d'espèces rares pour comprendre leur signification. Dans cet exposé, j'examine deux concepts intereliés. J'explore les distributions d'espèces rares dans le paysage, évaluant les corrélations entre les formes de relief, les nombres d'espèces rares, et les sites protégés. J'examine aussi le rôle des sites protégés dans la conservation de biodiversité. La coïncidence spatiale des plantes vasculaires rares, formes de relief, et sites protégés a été analysée. L'analyse utilise, en partie, l'inventaire de collections de plantes rares pour une région dans le sud‐ouest de l'Ontario. Cet inventaire a été compilé pour le projet Atlas of Rare Vascular Plants of Ontario. L'analyse totale combine cet inventaire avec (a) une carte des formes de relief dans le sud‐ouest de l'Ontario et (b) les emplacements des sites protégés dans la même région. Les resultats indiquent que les sites protégés sont fortement alignés avec la distribution d'espèces rares. Alors que les sites protégés occupent mains que 2 pour cent de la region étudiée, environ 20 pour cent des 4379 plantes rares uniques analysées (représentant 7 70 des 293 espèces rares dans la banque de données ou 68%) se trouvent sur des sites protégés. De plus, alors que 42 pour cent des plantes rares se retrouvent sur un seul type de forme de relief (plaine de sable), ce type occupe seulement 18 pour cent de la région. Et alors que les plaines constituent 24 pour cent de la région, mains que 2 pour cent des plantes rares se retrouvent sur celles‐ci. Fait révélateur, quatre formes de relief constituent 50 pour cent la région étudiée mais elles soutiennent plus que 80 pour cent des plantes rares.  相似文献   
It is now common practice, by users of geographic information, to link data held at the postcode level to that obtained from the national census. This paper examines the relationship between Australia Post (AP) postcodes and Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) derived postal areas — which are an approximation of the former based on aggregated census collection districts (CDs). A group of adjacent ABS postal areas in northwest Melbourne was compared with the true AP postcode areas they purported to represent and the discrepancies were investigated. Firstly, shape mismatches were studied and their potential impacts upon resource allocation decisions were assessed. Next, comparisons of areas were undertaken. It was found that, in established inner city urban areas, the two sets of boundaries were highly correlated. However, outer suburban neighborhoods were identified as being particularly prone to major areal discrepancies. The implications of mismatches between these two key boundary data sources may be severe, given that management decisions and the allocation of public and private resources are often based on spatial statistical analyses which use these data sets. The authors acknowledge ABS efforts in providing information at the levels of aggregation that society demands. The introduction of ABS postal areas data has undoubtedly facilitated the use of demographic data in many sectors; it has, however, also caused some problems, for instance, when users assume that ABS postal areas are identical to AP postcodes. These issues could easily be avoided with the inclusion of more comprehensive metadata documentation accompanying ABS data. Research is continuing to develop a method by which agencies may derive common boundaries for their administrative units, yet still meet their own individual data and sampling requirements.  相似文献   
我国旅游景区产权改革初步构想   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍我国旅游景区产权管理现状,分析其弊端,提出景区产权改革初步见解。  相似文献   
抗战胜利后收复区的救济与复原   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了医治战争创伤,恢复正常社会秩序,抗战胜利后,国民政府利用联合国善后救济总署的援华物资在收复区进行了紧急救济与复原。它在难民的救济与安置、工农业生产的复原与经济的复兴等方面都作出了有益的贡献。但这些成果也随之散失在内战战火中。  相似文献   
解放战争时期妇女职业状况考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何黎萍 《史学月刊》2003,(1):107-112
1945—1949年.随着解放战争的进行。中国职业妇女状况发生了较大变化:在国民党统治区,由于国民党独裁统治的加强和财政经济的崩溃,妇女就业机会、职业环境和生活待遇不仅没有得到较好改善.反而恶化,导致了广大职业妇女的普遍反抗:在共产党解放区.伴随解放区的扩大.农妇获得了土地所有权,成了纺织运动的主力。以女工为代表的女职工也得到了广泛的职业平等权.从而展示了中国职业妇女解放的道路。  相似文献   
孙群郎 《史学月刊》2003,(6):112-119
自20世纪初以来,美国城市的郊区化发展十分迅猛,郊区政府实体急剧增多,造成了美国大都市区政治上的巴尔干化,从而为解决大都市区的各种问题产生了不利的影响。为了解决巴尔干化所造成的问题,美国学术界乃至政府机构进行了大量的研究,提出了各种改革方案,许多地方政府还采取了各种改革措施。但由于问题的复杂性,这些改革收效甚微,目前仍然处于探索之中。  相似文献   
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