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The ‘Troubles’ is a euphemism associated with sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland from the late 1960s until the late 1990s. Similarly, that term also is used to depict turmoil in all of Ireland between 1916 through 1924. During both eras, political imprisonment coupled with various forms of political violence (e.g. bombings, executions, and prisoner abuse) marred Irish society in ways that invoke socio-religious meaning. In particular, the sanctity of death captures the intense semiotics of those events and points to further theorising along lines of the Durkheimian tradition. As we shall examine herein, violations of the sanctity of death compound social conflict and the resistance it creates. Fieldwork was undertaken in Dublin and Belfast where official landmarks were explored in-depth: Kilmainham Gaol and the Crumlin Road Prison, respectively. Additionally in Belfast, other – unofficial – cultural sites provide further evidence of socio-religious symbolism, most notably the Irish Republican History Museum, Roddy McCorley’s Club in West Belfast, and murals in both Loyalist and Republican communities. Whereas Durkeimian theory remains at the forefront of the analysis, insights also are informed by heritage studies, in particular notions of cultural performance in contested societies.  相似文献   
邓小平在人与自然关系的主体方面,主张控制人口,主要涉及绿色发展的人口与资源协调发展观;在人与自然关系的客体要素方面,倡行植树造林,内含了绿色发展的生态安全观、群众主体观和持续绿化观;在协调人与自然关系的支撑条件方面,强调科教对经济建设和环境建设的先导作用,突出立法建制对环保事业发展的保障作用,蕴含有绿色发展的科技观、教育观和法制观。总结和研究邓小平绿色发展思想,对于深入把握当代中国马克思主义绿色发展观的历史与理论逻辑,贯彻落实党的十八大以来关于生态文明建设的新认识、新设计、新规范,实现美丽中国梦具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Political geography can make distinctive and important contributions to both geography and political science, but this will require attention to the boundaries of these disciplines, emphasis on the comparative advantage of geographers with respect to the study of the shapes of physical space, and systematic consideration of boundaries as problematically institutionalized norms. Mapping, per se, cannot be the core of any discipline.  相似文献   

Patrick McCarthy underlined the role of political language in the crisis of the Italian Republic. It was both a reflection of the crisis and an active agent of political change. A study of Berlusconi's political language reveals the importance of his new, simplified style of political communication in the creation of his party Forza Italia and of his own personal charisma. He has been able to adapt his rhetoric to changing political circumstances and to different publics. Romano Prodi was successful in 1996 in constructing his image as the ‘anti-Berlusconi’, and Walter Veltroni also broke with the old style of hermetic political discourse acknowledging the inspiration both of Robert Kennedy and Tony Blair, but the language of the centre-left in recent years has generally failed to convey a clear message and has perpetuated obscurity in order to conceal its internal divisions. A comparison with the political language of Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair reveals interesting similarities and differences. Thatcher, like Berlusconi, appealed to the need for national revival in the face of the threat from the left, but her language, unlike his, was rooted in the tradition of Protestant individualism and invigorated rather than challenging the existing party system. Blair managed to make skilful use of a new rhetoric of emotion and to incorporate elements of Thatcher's appeal in his ‘new Labour’ synthesis. In conclusion: McCarthy was deeply preoccupied with the possibility of an alternative and more honest style of political communication.  相似文献   
卢文弨,清乾嘉时代著名校勘学家。本文就其校勘学思想与所用的方法略作论述。  相似文献   
在国际共产主义运动中,在苏联、在社会主义的新中国,文艺始终是革命的“齿轮和螺丝钉”。新中国的美术家在为工农兵服务、为政治服务中,艰苦地、小心翼翼地寻求政治与艺术的结合部,在中国画、油画、版画、雕塑领域中,创作出一批批属于这个特定历史时期的为人民大众所喜闻乐见的力作。毛泽东晚年的极“左”路线,最后也将“三突出”、“高大全”、“红光亮”的美术推向顶峰与终结;同时,也为改革开放新时期的中国美术,提供了复兴与发展的机遇。  相似文献   
为参加万隆会议,周恩来制定了“争取扩大世界和平统一战线,促进民族独立运动,并为建立和加强我国同若干亚非国家的事务和对外关系创造条件”的总方针.围绕这个总方针,周恩来本着求同存异的精神,采取各种有效措施和办法,排除各种干扰和破坏,使会议形成了不同社会制度的国家和平共处、不同文明求同存异的“万隆精神”.万隆会议的召开,为中国提供了一个走上国际舞台的机会,而周恩来的和平外交思想也得到广泛传播并产生了深刻影响.  相似文献   
《每周评论》时期高一涵政治思想研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<每周评论>对推动五四时期舆论界的进步起了极为重要的作用.作为新文化运动重要领导人物的高一涵,在<每周评论>上发表了许多文章,其政治思想表现为反对日本帝国主义的侵略,抨击军阀的黑暗统治,追求理想的民主政治,导引着进步舆论的前进.研究<每周评论>时期高一涵的政治思想,对于深化五四时期思想的研究,恢复高一涵的历史地位,有着重大的学术意义.  相似文献   
汪菁华 《安徽史学》2005,1(6):93-96
国家主权意识构成了陈独秀前期国家思想的理论起点.由此,陈独秀阐明了有关现代国家理论,对中国封建专制制度及其黑暗现实进行批判,并积极探索了在中国实现宪政制度的具体途径,表现出鲜明的时代特色,代表了历史发展的方向.  相似文献   
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