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西安长安区韩家湾M29墓,由斜坡墓道、壁龛、天井、过洞、甬道、砖券墓室组成。墓道口与甬道之间,绘有青龙,白虎,侍者等,壁画的内容及表现方式丰富了对唐代中晚期墓葬壁画的认识。为对其进行保护,用XRD、SEM-EDX、Micro-Raman等技术对该壁画结构和颜料成分进行分析,同时对壁画进行了现场清理及保护。结果表明该墓室壁画的制作是在墓道两壁上先抹一层草拌泥地仗,再于其上刷一层白灰后绘制,绘制壁画的颜料主要为黑色,黑色颜料的呈色物相为炭黑。  相似文献   
弦歌台又被称为绝粮祠,整体布局以中轴线为中心呈现东西对称,现存建筑的规制为三进院落,从南向北依次为正门、戟门、大成殿、弦歌书院。大成殿作为弦歌台最核心的建筑,外观气势宏伟,彩绘精美绝伦,是我国东部地区规格较高的孔庙建筑之一。弦歌台大成殿在自然环境和人为因素的长期影响下,彩绘表面出现了褪色、龟裂、颜料脱落等多种病害,彩绘修复工作已成为当前文物保护亟待解决的棘手问题。本工作对彩绘样本的层位和形制进行详细分析,从剖面和表面等多角度进行全面研究,发现大部分彩绘样本由内向外的结构依次为基底层、地仗层、颜料层,蓝色彩绘样本所使用的地仗层为传统的单披灰工艺,与之不同的是红色彩绘样本为无地仗彩绘,红色颜料层直接绘制于基底层上,推测这可能与时代的发展及工艺的变化有关。为了更好地服务文物进行科学保护,需要了解大成殿彩绘颜料成分及制作工艺等。采用超景深微观分析、扫描电镜及能谱仪分析、显微拉曼光谱分析等现代技术及方法,对彩绘颜料样本进行了层位结构、微观及成分检测分析。结果表明,在制作工艺上,大成殿彩绘颜料层剖面多为两层以上叠加,是明显的重层彩绘,说明历史上至少经历过两次以上重绘。同时发现大成殿彩绘颜料层既有重...  相似文献   
花山岩画是研究我国百越民族古代社会历史最重要、最直接的资料,岩画颜料脱落和褪色是岩画的主要病害。任何文物发生病害既与其制作材料和工艺有关,也与其保存环境因素相关。本工作在花山岩画制作材料和工艺分析研究以及区域环境特点分析的基础上,分析并讨论了岩画颜料脱落及褪色发生的原因。结果表明,岩画颜料层病害主要是受物理风化(温差变化、高湿度与光辐射)、化学风化-溶蚀作用和胶结材料老化引起;颜料褪色是由于岩画颜料表面覆盖泥质薄膜和颜料胶结材料老化导致颜料颗粒脱落致使颜料色彩饱和度降低,岩画颜色变淡变暗。  相似文献   
水陆庵位于陕西蓝田王顺山下,庵内现存三百余平方米精美绝伦的明代彩绘泥塑,是我国泥塑保存最多、最完整的明代彩绘泥塑群之一。为明确水陆庵彩绘泥塑的颜料使用情况,采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪、显微红外光谱仪、扫描电镜-能谱仪和显微拉曼光谱仪对颜料样品进行科学分析。结果表明,除中隔壁背面重妆区域的蓝色颜料主要成分是普鲁士蓝之外,水陆庵彩塑使用的颜料大多为矿物颜料,包括铅丹、朱砂、铁红、氯铜矿、雌黄和云母等。研究结果将为水陆庵后续保护修复提供科学依据,并为丰富关中地区明代彩绘泥塑颜料类型补充科学信息。  相似文献   
为了对壁画颜料种类进行无损识别,根据不同的物质对光的吸收特性不同,决定着光谱反射率不同这一特性,提出一种基于可见光谱的颜料识别方法,并对敦煌壁画所用颜料进行了分析。提取可见光谱曲线二阶导数负数部分表征曲线峰值区域的几何轮廓,利用中值金字塔对提取结果进行三层分辨率表征以突出曲线峰值位置信息,归一化三种表征尺度并组合构建特征空间F,以欧氏距离为准则对壁画采样点与颜料库样本进行相似度判别,从而识别出壁画用颜料信息。结果表明,本研究构建的识别方法能够对壁画颜料种类进行无损识别,在壁画数字存档及修复领域具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   
A painted monolith, as important as the Aztec Calendar or the Coyolxauhqui, has been discovered in the ritual Aztec center of Mexico City. It represents Tlaltecuhtli, the bisexual manifestation of the Earth from whom all life comes. Still, pigments, which have lost their conglomerating resins, have to be retained. In this study, the consolidation of ochre pigment on original fragments from the Aztec sculpture is presented. Several compounds were tested as consolidants, on the one hand natural polysaccharides, Funori and Slobber of Nopal exudate, on the other derivatives of cellulose, Methocel® and Klucel®, and also commercial consolidants as KSE 300® and Paraloid B72®. To simulate the ageing of consolidated samples, they were treated in an Accelerated Weathering Tester. Then, both sets of samples, fresh and aged, were characterized structural, morphological and texturally by using X-ray diffraction, electronic microscopy and nitrogen adsorption, respectively. A leaching test was performed on consolidated samples to evaluate the consolidant efficiency.  相似文献   
We have used synchrotron-based X-ray fluorescence imaging (XRFI) to examine sherds of painted ceramics from prehistoric cultures of the American Southwest. These sherds are very well suited to XRFI analysis. Paints can generally be detected and distinguished by the fluorescence intensities of their constituent elements. Spatial maps of element distributions yield the spatial distribution of pigments. Pigments can be distinguished that are (or have become) visually similar; layers that have been obscured by overpainting can be examined; and pigment residues can be distinguished from surface contaminants deposited after painting and firing. As a result, XRFI allows the painted motifs to be clarified and hidden features to be revealed. Furthermore, the very rapid scanning and high sensitivity elemental detection possible with synchrotron-based XRFI facilitate measurements on large collections of sherds, allowing an integrative rather than anecdotal analysis.  相似文献   
In the island of Jaina, Campeche, red and yellow pigmented bones have been found. The study of the yellow and red colors in these burials is important for their possible interpretation, either religious, intentional coloring, or to understand taphonomic processes such as reactions of the original pigments with other compounds. Yellow color on bones is unusual in prehispanic burials.  相似文献   
The 12th century Suntak chair is one of the earliest pieces of furniture known from Sweden. A close examination revealed minute remnants of possible colour pigments on several parts of the chair. Chemical analyses of the pigments revealed the presence of several colours such as black, white and red. This paper attempts to shed light upon the identification and origin of the pigments as well as the time of painting. The original use and the setting of the chair will also be discussed.  相似文献   
为对秦始皇陵出土的彩绘铜车马采取非接触且科学可靠的方法开展研究,选择使用高光谱成像技术,以非接触方式无损地获取文物表面信息。通过对信息的处理与分析,实现对于文物表面彩绘纹样的发现与复原工作。针对秦始皇帝陵出土的二号青铜车马彩绘纹样的受损情况,提出了结合高光谱成像技术与计算机图像技术的数字复原方法。主要是利用了高光谱成像技术“图谱合一”的优势:一方面利用其在近红外区域的高光谱成像结果检测并复原出彩绘纹样难以识别的图案边缘信息;另一方面利用高光谱数据中的光谱信息,将铜车马彩绘纹样上未知矿物颜料的光谱同实验建立的矿物颜料标准光谱库进行拟合,识别出铜车马上彩绘所采用的颜料种类(雄黄1、石青5、石绿1、黄丹、铅白等),从而获得色彩信息。实验结果显示该方法可以得到较为完整的铜车马彩绘纹样的数字复原图像,并为今后对于铜车马更深入的研究和应用提供有利支撑。  相似文献   
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