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2003~2004年,新乡市文物考古研究所发掘了新乡市火电厂251座战国晚期至西汉晚期墓葬,出土一批精美的彩绘陶器、大型铁制生活用品、铜器等遗物.根据墓葬形制和随葬品组合,将墓地分为五期,从战国晚期至西汉晚期,为研究中原战国至汉代文化提供了珍贵的实物资料.  相似文献   
明清时期国家对于汉水下游的水利管理制度经历一个变迁的过程,与这一区域的水利问题的日益突出密切相关,垸田的发展以及带来的问题是主要的因素。钟祥至沙洋的汉江干堤极易溃决,并且关系到整个下游地区的安全,因此在人力组织、资金筹集、岁修维护上,国家的政策表现出明显的倾斜性,相对于沙洋以下的区域,给予了充分的重视。沙洋以下,天门、潜江、沔阳等州县所在区域主要以垸田为主,国家将这一区域的堤防修筑与维护主要交由地方来进行。垸堤岁修维护采取堤甲制的组织形式,由垸民完成,一方面没有固定的资金,另一方面在正常年景之下,垸民可以获得基本的物质生存,因此垸堤的维护面临相当的困难。  相似文献   
The Mesolithic–Neolithic transition in north-west Europe has been described as rapid and uniform, entailing a swift shift from the use of marine and other wild resources to domesticated terrestrial resources. Here, we approach the when, what and how of this transition on a regional level, using empirical data from Öland, an island in the Baltic Sea off the Swedish east coast, and also monitor changes that occurred after the shift. Radiocarbon dating and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses of bones and teeth from 123 human individuals, along with faunal isotope data from 27 species, applying to nine sites on Öland and covering a time span from the Mesolithic to the Roman Period, demonstrate a great diversity in food practices, mainly governed by culture and independent of climatic changes. There was a marked dietary shift during the second half of the third millennium from a mixed marine diet to the use of exclusively terrestrial resources, interpreted as marking the large-scale introduction of farming. Contrary to previous claims, this took place at the end of the Neolithic and not at the onset. Our data also show that culturally induced dietary transitions occurred continuously throughout prehistory. The availability of high-resolution data on various levels, from intra-individual to inter-population, makes stable isotope analysis a powerful tool for studying the evolution of food practices.  相似文献   
论张家山汉简《盖庐》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张家山汉简《盖庐》篇,不仅使我们看到已佚《伍子胥》一书的原貌,而且对研究吴越的学术思想,提供了崭新的资料。  相似文献   
民国时期,桂系集团所实施的治桂方略中,“控制”和“发展”的成分共存。由于其立足点为开发经济、促进民族融合,因此为后来社会矛盾的缓解和边疆地区的稳定奠定了较好的基础。政府力量之所以能够发挥积极的作用,既取决于其职能的转变,也取决于相关社会因素的推动。  相似文献   
There are few described cases of metastatic carcinoma from the prehistoric eastern United States and none primarily differentially diagnosed from the southeast. A mature adult female exhibiting several large lytic cranial lesions suggestive of neoplastic disease was identified in a late prehistoric Mississippian Period (AD 1200–1600) context. Burial 371 is from Ledford Island, a Mouse Creek phase (AD 1400–1500) site from the Chickamauga Reservoir of southeastern Tennessee. It is the only case in this reservoir (total adult n = 843). The radiographs of the otherwise asymptomatic postcranium yielded radiolucencies in both proximal femora, both medial clavicles, the sternum, the surviving humeral metaphysis and fragmentary innominate. The locations are all consistent with metastasized carcinoma. The identity of the possible primary lesion is argumentative. Age, sex and the mixed nature of the osseous response are consistent with carcinoma of the breast but not to the exclusion of bronchogenic, thyroid, or kidney cancers. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
皖南地区的土墩墓及其出土文物反映了当时社会的生产、生活面貌,耕作农业有所发展、纺织等手工业初露端倪、原始青瓷生产日渐成熟、青铜冶铸业颇具规模并形成自身特色、社会分工日益细化。这些都是了解和探寻商周时期皖南先民经济生活状况的重要参考,具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   
绍兴富盛跳山东汉建初买地摩崖是现存浙江境内有确切纪年的汉代摩崖,也是我国现存最早体积最大的买地券,被列为我国的汉刻重宝。通过追溯摩崖发现经过和结合相关史料,凸显此摩崖在金石学、社会政治经济学和书法艺术上的价值和地位。  相似文献   
冷战期间西方边疆理论的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对二战后至冷战结束前的西方边疆理论进行了探讨,认为冷战期间的边疆理论所反映的是这一历史阶段国家对自身利益界限的理解和认识,其发展是人类社会生产力提高和世界形势变化的结果。  相似文献   
清末民初盛行通过日译本转译西方著作,汉语中引进了大量的日语词汇和句法。笔者认为,比起一直以来通用的“欧化”的说法,把此现象称为“日化”更为贴切。本文以鲁迅作品中的具体“日化”语言实例为证,论证了“日化”的语言事实。对于“日化”语言一直以来遭忽视的现象,笔者从政治、经济、文化心理、汉字等方面分析了原因。  相似文献   
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