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《新安文献志》收录的一通唐代户部蠲牒,具有很高的史料价值。文章基于对蠲牒内容的考析,结合新出《天圣令》,对唐代任官者及其荫亲的赋役蠲免内容与程序进行讨论,以丰富学界对唐代蠲免事务管理的认识。  相似文献   
刘晨 《安徽史学》2015,(3):135-142
“天兄”代言人萧朝贵与“天父”代言人杨秀清之间并非纯粹的同盟、挚友,两人在合作共事的背后,隐藏着鲜为人知的矛盾。在太平天国的孕育期,“天兄”曾通过揽权、培植私党、代理首辅,试图创造超越“天父”权威的神话。在金田团营的关键时刻,萧朝贵还利用直接命令、诋毁中伤、孤立压制等手段欲使病重的杨秀清脱离上帝会的权力核心,实现自己的政治抱负。但“天兄”(萧朝贵)与“天父”(杨秀清)之间的关系也不能简单地视为对手、仇敌,两者微妙的政治、宗教关系以及太平天国生存的主客观环境,都决定了萧朝贵的“夺权”仅是一股无法逾越地表的政治暗潮。  相似文献   
In the later Middle Ages the predominantly rural Frisian territories covering the coastal area between the Zuider Zee and the River Weser stood out by virtue of their anomalous position. One striking phenomenon in this area was the early breakdown of feudalism; another was the failure of sovereign rule to take root. A crucial development was how the resulting political vacuum was filled by communal institutions. This paper tries to explain this state of affairs, a situation the Frisians themselves referred to as ‘Frisian freedom’, in terms of the communalism thesis propounded by Peter Blickle. In summary, it can be said that the Frisian territories, at least while the communal institutions were in their prime, constitute an even more prototypical model of rural communalism than the founding cantons of the Swiss Confederation.  相似文献   
The paper addresses the impact of the Rhine Crisis of 1840 on Italian countries and explains the role they played in the European State System when the Continent seemed to be on the eve of a general war. As the paper attempts to prove, the crisis seriously alarmed the ruling classes as well as the general public and revealed the internal problems of the Italian countries as well as their deep distrust towards the egotistic and self-serving policies of the Great Powers. The paper therefore introduces the history of Italy during late 1840 within the wider context of European diplomatic history and serves as a probe into the history of the European State System during the Pre-March period in general.  相似文献   
Based on an analysis of musical childhood memories from over 80 Germans from the Bohemian lands and historical evidence, this article investigates processes of social and political integration and assimilation of German children and young adults who, in the aftermath of the Second World War, were either expelled to Germany or remained in their Bohemian homelands. Memories of Germans expelled to West Germany disclose the various ways in which musical repertoire and musical practices are able to mitigate both the loss of the homeland and the distressing overall effects of expulsion, as well as reveal how music facilitates the building of a new sense of belonging in the face of geographic displacement and material dispossession. The study further highlights how the reframing and even silencing of musical practices on the other side of the Iron Curtain in Czechoslovakia affected processes of social-identity reconstruction until and after the 1989 fall of Communism. Results of this study foreground that individual musical experiences reveal new historical narratives of how German expellees used and still use musical practices to negotiate intercultural power relationships and rebuild a sense of belonging in their respective post-war environment in West Germany or Czechoslovakia/Czech Republic.  相似文献   
This article explores the evolving use of Maccabaean ideas in sources concerning the conduct of Christian holy warfare between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. It demonstrates that the memory of the Maccabees and other Old Testament exemplars played an important role in shaping the idea of crusading and its subsequent evolution to encompass new frontiers in the Baltic and Iberia, as well as structural developments in crusading, such as the establishment of the military orders.  相似文献   
秦南海郡辖南海县说商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对传世古官印"南海司空"之性质和新出土南越国木简所见"南海"地名之性质的重新研究,对秦南海郡辖有南海县说进行了商榷,认为所谓传世秦官印"南海司空"估计是南越国官印的误断,南越国木简所见"南海"地名指的当是南越国的南海郡,也不能排除是指南海郡治(即南越国都番禺城)的可能性,但没有任何证据可以证明指的是南海县,有学者推测秦代与南越国时期一样也设有南海县,显然缺乏立论的根基。  相似文献   
2007年,河南省焦作市中站区发现了我国唐至五代时期名门望族范阳卢氏一支的家族墓地.墓地共出土墓志两方,一方为卢真启墓志,一方为其子卢价墓志.其中卢价墓志已发表,而卢真启墓志史料价值也颇高,为了解和研究唐至五代时期卢氏家族的历史,增添了新的实物资料.  相似文献   
2003年2月,云南省文物考古研究所为配合三峡工程建设,对位于重庆万州区武陵镇的中嘴遗址进行了考古发掘。本次发掘的遗存以隋唐时期为主,出土了陶器、瓷器以及其他遗物,从中透射出渔业活动是当时当地居民生产生活的一个重要方面,同时也可看到当地文化与周边文化的交流。  相似文献   
张家山汉简《二年律令·贼律》补释   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江陵张家山汉简原注过于简略。本文对其中的《二年律令·贼律》作了补充注释,部分标点符号也作了调整。  相似文献   
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