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吴琦  马俊 《安徽史学》2012,(2):14-24
在明代君臣关系中,君权一直处于强势地位,并左右着官员进退。明中后期,这种情况出现了微妙的变化。时值万历朝出现大范围缺官,以京官为首的文官群体以此为契机,引发了群体性的致仕乞休现象,不惜以影响政府的正常运作为代价,孤立皇帝,从而扭转了在致仕问题上长期处于被动的局面,并由此引发了官员对于君臣关系、权力分配及仕隐哲学的再思考,影响了主流舆论的变化以及政治力量在中央与地方之间的转移等。这种主动弃官的现象所折射出的理性精神和反传统思想在一定程度上催生了晚明政治文化的进步因子,并为中国日后具有近代意义的民主政治发展奠定了基础。  相似文献   
1998年,成都市文物考古研究所等对成都龙泉驿区青龙村的一座砖室墓进行发掘。墓葬为较大型的长方形双室券顶砖墓,墓圹平面呈亚字形,两墓室均由封门墙、墓室、棺床、耳室和肋拱组成。此墓是迄今发掘的除王建永陵之外的最高级别的前蜀重臣和分封亲王墓葬,为前蜀墓葬制度的研究提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   
日本自明治维新走上近代民族国家的道路以来,在外交政策上一直奉行扩张主义,使亚洲邻国深受其害。然而我们今天在考察日本对外扩张的历史时往往着重于其对邻国的侵略,而忽视了日本强行把琉球王国纳入其版图成为现在日本的冲绳县这一史实。其实吞并琉球作为日本近代扩张的第一步有着极其深远的影响,日本正是因为受到顺利吞并琉球的鼓舞,才会变本加厉地加紧对外扩张的脚步。琉球被吞并后设置的冲绳县作为日本侵占的第一块领土,也成为其殖民政策的试验田,其后日本在台湾、朝鲜殖民政策的背后都能看到其对冲绳统治政策的影子。  相似文献   
2009年,宁波市文物考古研究所和鄞州区文物管理委员会联合对栎斜村的墓葬进行了抢救性考古发掘,共发掘三国到唐代的墓葬19座,发现4座纪年墓,出土青瓷器、硬陶器等各类器物66件,相关的墓葬形制演变、纪年墓砖铭文、埋葬习俗特点为宁波地区三国到唐代的墓葬断代、墓葬形制和葬俗研究提供了典型的年代标尺和第一手资料。  相似文献   
1911年爆发的辛亥革命是中国近代完全意义上的民族民主革命运动,它为中国博物馆事业的发展创造了条件。1925年成立的故宫博物院则是辛亥革命未竟之业,标志着中国民族民主运动在文化领域的胜利。然而,由于文献记载和档案资料稀少零散,加之辛亥革命发生与故宫博物院成立相隔时间较长,辛亥革命对故宫博物院建院的推动,以及故宫博物院开院之于辛亥革命事业的意义,未受到足够的重视,国内外相关研究也十分薄弱。通过梳理历史文献及档案,本文以政治内涵、文化认同和博物馆事业为视角,阐释了故宫博物院与辛亥革命之间的密切联系,并力图客观地呈现当时社会事件的历史情境。  相似文献   
Recent debates in the history of science aimed at reconstructing the history of scientific diplomacy have privileged the analysis of forms of diplomacy coming from above. Instead, the objective of this paper is to raise awareness of these debates by looking at attempts at scientific diplomacy from below. Such a shift in perspective might allow us to observe the impact of marginalized social agents on the construction of international diplomatic choices. This article particularly focuses attention on how the legacy of Bernalism has fostered the emergence of two different types of science diplomacy. On the one hand, Bernalism has influenced the goals of organizations such as UNESCO and the World Peace Council, which are forms of science diplomacy I would term from above. On the other hand, Bernalism has also been at the origin of radical scientific movements that I propose to interpret as forms of scientific diplomacy from below. These have, in fact, played a cardinal role not only in raising public awareness of the social and political roles of science, but also in the more direct participation of scientists in defining the political objectives of their research activity. From this point of view, I analyze how an association like the World Federation of Scientific Workers proposed (at least in the beginning) greater democratic participation than the top-down structures of other forms of scientific internationalism.  相似文献   
This essay will discuss the hegemonic role that texts have come to play in the historiography of subcontinental mathematical traditions. It will argue that texts need to be studied as records of practices of people's working lives, grounded in social hierarchies. We will take particular mathematical texts to show how different occupational registers have come to shape practices that defy the binaries of concrete and abstract, high and low mathematics or the pure and applied conundrum. Measuring, counting and accounting practices as part of the routine work of practitioners performing their caste occupations then provide us with a spectrum of the computational activities that controlled and regulated the lives of people in the past. In the process the act of computing itself gained certain political values such as cunning and manipulation, identified with professions of village accountant and merchant, for example. Drawn from my earlier work on these records, I discuss the occupational role of the accountant as a political functionary who assessed and authenticated the measurements of land and produce in the village, making values of the labor performed by others, and creating avenues for his own proficiency as a mathematical practitioner.  相似文献   
陈胜前 《南方文物》2013,(2):94-100,112
问题通常是研究的中心,而考古学研究的问题来自哪里却长期困扰着中国考古学研究者以及即将进入研究领域的学生,因此有必要梳理考古学研究问题的形式、内容、来源与背景关联。文章侧重指出考古学研究的问题来自于考古学"透物见人"多层次推理的过程,我们需要从外在与内在的关联之中来审视考古学所研究的问题,唯有如此,考古学研究的问题才可能丰富精彩。。  相似文献   
The Germans from Russia are a prominent settlement group in the rural landscape of Saskatchewan. Perhaps because they came incrementally, by chain migration, rather than by organized group colonization, they compose an ethnic group little noticed by historians. Also, their immediate origins are divided, inasmuch as earlier German-Russian immigrants came directly from Russia, whereas many twentieth-century German-Russian immigrants came to Canada from the United States, mainly from North Dakota and South Dakota. This article offers the first focused, scholarly historical treatment of German-Russian immigration and life in Saskatchewan. Drawing on oral histories collected with the support of the Faculty Research Program of the Canadian Embassy, it focuses particularly on growing up German-Russian on the prairies, positing a German-Russian ethnic identity distinct both from neighbor immigrant groups in Saskatchewan and from origin communities in the United States.  相似文献   
外籍人才引进中的国籍之争与“中国话语”的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文阐述了国籍政策调整的国际趋势;探讨了现代国籍理论的西方特性、中国国籍政策的特殊内涵等问题;并对当前关于人才引进中国籍争论的几个误区进行了分析。认为中国的单一国籍政策是强化国族认同的内在动力和客观需要;放松国籍限制只是全球化时代的趋势之一,不能忽视强化主权认同、努力消除双重国籍潜在风险的趋势;基于近代西方移民文化的国籍理论有悖于近代中国历史演进规律及国家现代化进程;本族裔外籍人才的个人权益只是国籍政策调整中的一部分依据;通过"双重国籍"形式主要是解决公共服务与发展机会两个方面的问题,而这完全可以通过其他形式或途径进行解决。  相似文献   
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