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玉皇庙遗址位于湖北省丹江口市境内,现为丹江口水库中一小岛。1995年,文物工作者对南水北调工程文物调查时发现该遗址。在遗址采集新石器时代和周代遗物。新石器时代遗物与青龙泉和大寺遗址、朱家台遗址和乱石滩遗址等出土的同期遗物相近。周代遗物与官山河两岸早年发现的同期遗物相似。  相似文献   
《选》是中国学史上现存最早的学总集,“选学”研究由于敦煌宝藏的发现,在今天获得了新的发展。本试图从藏于各国的敦煌写卷入手,阐述写本在《选》研究上的语言字价值。  相似文献   
墙盘1976出土,1978年《物》第3期首次公开发表了墙盘拓本,其后不断有拓本出现,不同时期的拓本差别较大,有的甚至关系到字的考释。本搜集了拓本15种,摹本1种,在校勘的基础上,按发表的时间分为早、晚两个时期5种类型,并评定各类型的特点,鉴别其优劣。  相似文献   
2~7世纪的东亚世界,正处于国家整合和社会变革的非常时期。其时位于朝鲜半岛西海岸的国家——百济与中国大陆各朝代的交往最为密切和频繁,成为中国大陆、朝鲜半岛和日本列岛诸国之间沟通联系的重要使者和促进东亚汉字和儒学文化圈形成的重要媒介。透过古代史籍文献中的有关记载和考古的发现研究,以连接中国大陆东部和朝鲜半岛西部的海上交通为切入点,可以从航海史的角度揭示中国与百济之间来往和交流的历史面貌。  相似文献   
本文为作者代表中国考古学会在"南水北调中线工程考古发现与研究学术研讨会"上的讲话:一、为什么要保护好文物;二、考古学在文物保护中的位置;三、考古学如何在文物保护中发挥作用;四、此次会议取得的成果。  相似文献   
清至民国时期茶叶消费主体呈现许多新特征、新变化.平民百姓的茶叶消费带有更多的市场行为,少数民族茶叶消费数量更多,军士以茶充饷现象屡见不鲜,国外消费主体异军突起,官僚文人、富商大贾、和尚道士的茶叶消费与茶叶市场关系更紧密,皇亲国戚的茶叶消费披上了浓浓的市场色彩.这些新特征、新变化对茶叶市场发展产生了深刻影响.茶叶消费主体的消费数量、消费能力、消费层次、消费习惯、消费方式从某种程度上决定着茶叶市场的基本走势.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. It has become conventional to discuss nationalism in terms of identity. While this approach is fruitful and illuminating, it can often be ambiguous, running together cultural, social, personal and political issues. It becomes particularly problematic when discussing multinationalism, the character of which may be confused by reference to national identity alone. Allegiance is used in this article to explore how a political commitment to the multinational state can coexist with a range of national and regional identities in the United Kingdom. The argument is that, recent constitutional changes notwithstanding, the multinational ideal involves still a state of distinctive national identities tempered by the habit of allegiance to legitimate British government.  相似文献   
A geophysical survey at the pyramid complex of Senwosret III at Dahshur sought to determine the suitability of magnetometry and electromagnetic induction (EMI, or conductivity) for mapping the area where several ancient boat-burials were found in the 1890s. At least one boat reported at the time of excavation remains unaccounted for. Tests demonstrated that magnetometry does detect subsurface structures of stone, fired brick, and unfired brick under current site conditions. Data indicated areas of geological activity as well as unexcavated archaeological remains, though no definitive traces of boat burials. No excavation was undertaken but another survey season is planned.
© 2009 The Authors  相似文献   
一直以来,人们都将《管子.小问》中的"吴干战"与《左传》记载的"吴城邗"联系起来,并因此认定吴王夫差是在干国故都"城邗,沟通江淮"。本文通过对相关历史文献和考古资料的深入研究与辨析,提出吴干战不在江北之广陵,邗城不是干国,邗王是晋人专称的观点。  相似文献   
Cobalt-blue colorant was first used in the 18th Dynasty in the New Kingdom of Egypt. The source of this cobalt was cobaltiferous alum from the Western Oases of Egypt. The use of this alum, especially in glass, was suddenly limited at the end of the 18th Dynasty. There is little evidence of the production of cobalt-blue glass in the Ramesside Period (the 19th–20th Dynasties) in the New Kingdom of Egypt. In this study, we brought a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer to two archaeological sites located in the Memphite region and used it for onsite analyses of Ramesside cobalt blue-colored glasses and faiences. This method revealed that the compositional characteristics of the cobalt-blue colorant in these Ramesside glasses and faiences is different from the colorant derived from cobaltiferous alum used in the 18th Dynasty, based on the comparison of transition metal composition and alumina content with those of the cobalt blue-colored artifacts from the 18th Dynasty. This result suggests that a new cobalt source other than cobaltiferous alum from the Western Oases was utilized in Egypt during the Ramesside Period.  相似文献   
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