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Globalization, and the increased exposure to international competition that it has supposedly induced, has led to expectations of institutional convergence in, among other things, local and regional development policy and the politics surrounding it. There have been changes in the United Kingdom, but not of the decentralizing, neo-liberalizing form anticipated. A comparison of the British with the very different, highly decentralized, American case seeks to shed light on this. Emphasis is placed on both the strongly embedded nature of institutions and on misunderstandings about the strength of the forces of globalization.  相似文献   
走出传统模式--评王和著《从邦国到帝国的先秦政治》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晁福林 《史学月刊》2004,4(2):102-107
王和先生的《从邦国到帝国的先秦政治》一书,不仅阐述了先秦政治发展的历史脉络,而且给学术界带来了一股清新的哲理思考之风。他超越了传统的“五种生产方式说”和“部落联盟说”两个理论模式,并对传统文化的核心“群体本位”论做了精到的解读。该书进行的以三代历史为背景的历史分析,相当辩证、冷静而深入,值得一读。  相似文献   
关于邓小平"南方谈话"的研究,从1992年至今取得了很多可喜的成果,并呈现出逐步深化的态势.研究之初的侧重点主要在于对其内容的梳理和分析,并联系现实问题与历史经验,着力澄清某些不清楚或不正确的观点,以推动思想解放之潮;研究中期的特点是联系实际来考察"南方谈话"的真理性,并上升到哲学高度阐释其内涵,进一步认识其在指导意义上的普遍性;2002年以来,研究的角度更加多样,研究的问题更加深入,既增加了"南方谈话"与"七一"讲话的比较研究,又对"南方谈话"历史地位及其重大意义的探讨有了理论上的新突破.今后的研究,应当在此基础上,进一步明确研究发展的基本动因,采取多种方法拓宽研究视角,并强化比较研究.  相似文献   
20世纪60年代前期的"大兴调查研究之风"和"国民经济调整"同属探索时期的中国共产党在遭遇挫折之后,郑重地自省并自纠其缺点错误而采取的重大举措。调查研究为经济调整提供了可靠的依据和坚实的基础,经济调整成为推动调查研究之风形成广泛深入之势的强大动力。"调查研究"和"经济调整"二者在实践中形成良性互动,同时二者的实践还使全党重新恢复了实事求是的理性传统,进一步证明实事求是思想路线对党的各项事业的重要作用。  相似文献   
尹湾汉简《神乌赋》结尾所引《传》文中,涉及“勒靳”的一段不易理解,研究者的看法也不一致。本文通过对《传》文内容进行仔细分析,并援用传世文献与之比较,提出了读“勒靳”为“麒麟”的新说。  相似文献   
This article empirically explores how populist actors talk about the nation. This is a research area mostly tackled in studies on right-wing populism, with other forms of populist politics usually left out of the analysis. To fill this academic gap, we focus on the Spanish party Podemos and the Italian Five Star Movement (M5S). The former is a paradigmatic example of radical left populism, whereas the latter is commonly considered as a catch-all populist party with no clear ideological connotation. Through a discourse analysis on leaders' speeches and official public declarations, we focus on the role that national identity plays in the strategies of Podemos and M5S and on the type of nation they discursively construct. Whilst Podemos' populist strategy purposely aims at contending to the right ideologically loaded concepts and signifiers to construct an idea of nation fitting the party's leftist values, M5S's strategy mostly aims at appropriating valence issues, such as the “Made in Italy” brand and the concept of “national interest”. Thus, our analysis contributes to clarify the differences between the leftist political culture of Podemos and the “post-ideological” one of M5S, as also reflected by survey data confirming strong differences in “nationalist” attitudes between their respective electorates.  相似文献   
陆帅 《东南文化》2018,(2):75-80
南京江宁出土的刘宋罗健夫妇、罗道训三方买地券,为研究六朝建康社会的历史变迁图景,提供了第一手资料。通过释读、考证券文可知,罗健与罗道训为父子关系,其原为堂邑郡高山县人,后南渡过江,著籍南徐州南彭城郡。东晋末年,罗氏父子追随刘裕代晋建宋,活跃于刘宋政治中,由此迁居建康周边,买地营葬。罗氏家族的活动是晋宋之际建康周边社会变动的缩影。  相似文献   
Ethnic minority nationalism has always been one of the most important subfields of nationalism studies, yet it lacks the consideration in illiberal settings. Limitations of civil liberties and restrictive legislation have undoubtedly affected the existence and the ways to express minority nationalism when it is considered a threat to authoritarian government, which is the case of the contemporary Russian Federation. The paper provides a methodological framework that helps to investigate ethnic minority nationalism when its direct articulation is restricted. It argues that the combination of a cultural nationalism approach and complexity theory can be a fruitful way to explore minority nationalism in an illiberal nationalising state using the case of Russian ethnic minorities. It also argues that the complex context of authoritarianism and market economy creates tipping points towards the growing importance of ethnic minority identification as a basis for social solidarity.  相似文献   
New approaches to nationalism have focused on the role of human agency within nation‐building structures (nationhood from below, everyday nationalism, experiences of nation, personal nationalism, etc.). However, the development of specific methodologies is still scarce. This paper proposes the use of personal accounts (mostly journals and autobiographies, but not only) as sources for qualitative historical research in nations and nationalism. Departing from the concepts of ‘identity’, ‘experience’ and ‘memory’, it is argued that, although very problematic, these sources are a valid path to the study of nations as they are: social phenomena of discursive nature and political frame, whose real agents are individuals. When these agents narrate their lives employing the nation as a meaningful category, they are not producing mere second‐hand reflections of superior and prior realms, but are performing microhistorical acts of nation‐making that are significant for understanding any case of nation‐building. The paper includes an empirical example using British personal accounts from the Age of Revolutions (c.1780–1840).  相似文献   
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