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依据侨资企业数据库及其计量分析,对侨资企业的侨缘禀赋、资源禀赋和市场禀赋三个发展阶段进行了回顾总结;分析了在目前中国投资环境变化下侨资企业的转型、投资趋向、桥梁作用以及从制造业到服务业的发展趋势。认为目前国内投资环境出现深刻的变化,外资优惠政策取消,劳动力与环境治理等经营成本提高,经济开放加深,内需增强。侨资企业面临地理转移与产业转型,侨资从制造业主导到服务业兴起,从出口导向转到依托国内市场发展,其竞争力从利用中国生产要素比较优势转向全球产业链中形成集群优势,海外华商在中国面临剧变中的新机遇。  相似文献   
论文简要介绍了周南京从印尼归侨到北京大学教授的成长经历,概述了其在华侨华人研究领域的成就和贡献并归纳了其主要学术观点:华侨华人称谓是科学的提法;华侨华人历史四阶段分期说;海外华人双重国籍主张错误说;提倡海外华侨华人与所在国主流文化和民族融合;经济矛盾是国外排华问题的根源说;不赞成"华人经济"与"大中华经济圈"的提法等,周南京教授孜孜不倦、潜心治学的事业精神,科学严谨、独立思索的治学态度,为华侨华人研究提供了一些启示与借鉴。  相似文献   
畏兀儿人沙剌班是元顺帝妥欢贴睦尔时期的重臣,他与其子世杰班在罢黜伯颜、举荐康里氏帖木达世等系列活动中扮演了至关重要的角色。《元史》和《山居新语》等文献显示,此人并未参与《金史》的编修。然而,目前反映少数民族史学史内容的学术成果大多认为,元代的畏兀儿人沙剌班是《金史》的编修官之一,其实远非如此。笔者翻检《道园类稿》中的碑刻发现,真正参与编修《金史》的沙剌班又名刘伯温,是张掖人,与同名的畏兀儿人沙剌班无涉,他们两人在元代的经历和活动亦各不相同。  相似文献   
王睿 《华夏考古》2011,(2):78-93,102
白瓷在发展的初期,经过了一个“早期白瓷”的发展阶段,早期白瓷涉及的时代的范围主要是北朝、隋、唐、五代时期.本文主要讨论的时间范围在隋唐五代时期.对于瓷器使用的研究,不仅可以从文献记载、古代交通上来展开,而且在瓷器自身的款识上亦可窥豹之一斑.从出土白瓷的考古遗址资料和款识的内容可以看到唐代白瓷器已在社会各阶层广泛流行.  相似文献   
本文在前人研究的基础上,结合当代考古发掘成果,对西汉时期广陵厉王的封域及其变迁作了有益的探讨,考订昭帝两次益封广陵厉王之邑,当为寻阳、全椒两县。  相似文献   
冷战主宰了20世纪后半期的国际政治。在后冷战时期,许多国家的学者利用新获得的档案资料来仔细考察和重新评估冷战史。自从冷战国际史项目于1991年在伍德罗.威尔逊国际学者中心建立以来,冷战国际史这一概念,已经被广为接受。根据相关英文文献,对过去十年美英两国冷战史研究新发展、新动向以及冷战史研究现状,做一总结归纳。主要涉及以下几个方面:美国的主要冷战研究中心、研究冷战的资料来源和新的研究方法、学者们关注的热点问题及最新研究成果的介绍、英国冷战研究概况等。  相似文献   

Histories regarding places and their peoples in South Africa can be traced to the early days of History being practised as an academic discipline. However, practising this form of history under (and outside) the flag of regional history was formalised only in the mid seventies, while informalised research practices in the field continued as methods complementing various schools of thought. Narrowly perceived local histories were considered as inclusive of the formalised and informalised regional history practices as knowledge contributing towards a broader understanding of a (geographically defined/ politically demarcated) region. Of interest is not only the historiography in this field (of which a few pointers are shared in this discussion) but some of the frameworks and methods to research and to record regional histories that have been used in the past. Equally of interest are the ways in which these frameworks and methods are still applied and thought of as dynamic and progressive to assist the historian to progress towards producing and packaging research as part of a comprehensive, all inclusive approach in creating knowledge as regional history studies. In South Africa, an extensive debate on how regional history studies should be broadly defined and understood when undertaking research, still falls short. This is due to the variety, diversity and complexity of knowledge contributing to the pool of information that should be packaged as regional history studies. To contibute towards a framework of understanding and packaging knowledge in this field of meaning to regional history studies, the reader is further exposed to an extended structure of perhaps understanding and doing research in this field: a field that has always been regarded as having the potential to be both integrative and multidisciplinary by nature. Yet its integrative analytical abilities also rest on the outcome of narrow-defined histories done on spaces and places before it is possible to embark on bigger research analyses in, for example, the spirit of modern social history applications to regional history studies. This discussion on ways to understand the limited past and present of regional studies (historiographically and methodologically) in South Africa is offered to encourage further debate.  相似文献   
明中叶后,华而无实的文风渐滋日盛,以故时人每有文佞之议。在这样的情形下,同样以复兴儒道为职志的阳明心学承担起救弊之责,而阳明心学“心即理”主张下的“正心”所倡言的“师古人之心”的具体内涵也本质上暗合了散文载道传统。因此,若推本溯源的话,“师古人之心”比师古人之文无疑在学道的取资上更加勘进一步。而其对“文以载道”的影响自然不再像前代那样单纯地附道于文,实际上更要求道熔铸于心而自然流露。这样,具道于心而自然发抒之文,不论诉诸于何种内容,以何种形式表现,则文章必然充溢着道的气息而“莫非道之用也”。  相似文献   
This paper considers increasing international interest, both academic and professional, in the implications and strategic significance of workforce diversity. Drawing on research that has been undertaken principally within the field of human resource management, as well as the experiences of museum sectors internationally, the paper explores the rationale behind, and potential efficacy of, recent initiatives to enhance cultural diversity within the UK museum sector through an approach characterised by the use of positive or affirmative action. It is argued that workforce diversity will become increasingly important to the sector as, in response to changing socio-political agendas, museums are required to assume new roles as agents of social inclusion. The paper concludes by broadening the concept of ?diversity management' (which has emerged from the field of human resource management) to take account of the museum's unique goals and functions and presents a conceptual framework within which the dynamic interrelationships between diversity within a museum's workforce, audiences and programmes can be considered.  相似文献   
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