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The skeletal remains of unidentifiable persons, recovered in recent years from the churchyard adjoining the House of Correction in Oslo, included 91 instances in which the maxillae and/or mandibles had been preserved, and these were examined. The length of the apical translucent zone in unsectioned teeth and the amount of secondary dentine deposit have been regarded as two of the most reliable factors in odontological age estimation. This study has used two methods, each using one of these factors, on single-rooted teeth from, respectively, 78 and 76 individuals. The distribution of age at death, as estimated from the two dental methods and from anthropological criteria, was then compared with the distribution of age at death of 380 individuals recorded in the church register for the House of Correction. Age calculations from secondary dentine, measured indirectly on dental radiographs of premolars, and estimates based on anthropological criteria both seemed to approximate to the chronological age distribution better than age estimates based on the length of the apical translucent zone. Statistical analyses indicated that all three methods of age estimation were significantly different (p<0.05). When compared with the church register, each method assigned a lower percentage of individuals to the younger and older age-groups and a higher percentage to those in the middle. No statistical difference could be found between the age distribution from the church register and estimates from either anthropological criteria or dental radiographs; but when age estimates based on these two latter methods were compared, 39.5 per cent differed by more than 10 years.  相似文献   
司马氏灭蜀,为巩固统一,强行迁移蜀汉政权之侨寓大臣将领子孙至中土,使其社会地位急剧下降,后来虽任用诸葛亮后代,应景而已。对蜀地土著土人,晋廷有所优遇,多加征召,但入洛之蜀土颇遭北人歧视,朝中无援,仕途不畅,其地位比之其汉代先辈多有不如。  相似文献   
新中国区际粮食流通的三次变化及其原因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新中国50多年间,粮食流通经历了计划调拨到市场调节的变化过程。在这一变化过程中,粮食流向流量发生了由南粮北调到北粮南运到北出南进乃至南北同出三次历史性变化。通过对这一过程和相关因素的分析可以看出,这三次重大的历史变化既是中国区域经济在市场化主导下非均衡发展的结果,同时,它又将对区域经济和国民经济、世界经济的进一步发展和调整产生重大的影响。  相似文献   
本文据<周易>通行本,结合新出简帛资料,对<离卦>卦辞和九四爻辞加以整合,并参照秦简<封诊式·出子>篇的案例,对九四爻辞重新加以诠释,还论及<周易>筮辞的取象与图像诸问题.  相似文献   
龚留柱 《史学月刊》2004,(11):20-25
陈伟先生对《津关令》“涉马诸令”原简次序的重新编排,涉及到如何认识汉代律令的本格式,也涉及到对“计献马”、“马价讹过平论”等内容的不同理解。结合相关资料,西汉初“禁马出关”之令起始于汉高祖刘邦时期,吕后时的《津关令》是其延续发展,但在汉帝时被明令停止执行。汉景帝时此政策又以“马弩关”令的形式出现,一直实行到汉昭帝时并最终取消。从整个实行过程的背景来看,这里的“关”主要指的是函谷、临晋、武关等内关,其扼制对象是关东的诸侯国,不涉及境外的敌对民族政权。  相似文献   
The translation of votes into seats under first–past–the–post electoral systems with single–member constituencies invariably results in disproportional allocations of seats relative to votes among the main two parties. It also tends to produce biased outcomes, with one party getting a more disproportionate share of the seats with a given share of the votes than does its opponent. In Great Britain, these biases favoured the Conservative party until the 1980s, but now strongly favour Labour. Production of those biases results from a variety of influences involving the interaction of the geography of party support with that of constituency boundaries. Increasingly, that interaction has favoured Labour: without any explicit manipulation of the constituency map to its own ends, it now benefits substantially from the equivalent of the malapportionment and gerrymandering cartographic abuses typical of the United States, because of its ability to manipulate its vote distribution within the constituency system.  相似文献   
丽阳遗址位于湖北省钟祥市胡集镇丽阳村。遗址堆积从春秋战国时期延续到明清时期。从陶瓦、盆的大量发现等现象分析,发掘认为丽阳遗址可能具有古驿站、馆舍遗存的属性。  相似文献   
在田野调查访谈的基础上,本文以美国旧金山湾区的中国东北新移民为研究实例,对社会资本和非制度性的社会资源配置在当代中国的跨国移民活动中所扮演的具体角色进行考察和分析。本文认为,近年来迅速崛起的东北新移民已开始成为当代中国国际移民潮的主要成员之一。近10多年来东北地区之所以会出现大规模移民海外的现象,其中既有古典经济学移民理论所提出的经济层面的原因,也有中国社会内部制度变迁的深层因素。而非制度性社会资源配置机制中的强、弱两种关系网,尤其是海外新移民社会中的弱关系网络,则对当代东北人的跨境迁徙活动及其在海外移居社会寻找工作等方面做出了莫大的贡献。  相似文献   
十一届三中全会前夕,在中共中央、国务院"对外贸易要有一个大的发展"的号召下,中国的对外贸易开始启动,中外贸易团体往来频繁,中国政府在完善原有对外贸易机构的同时,通过召开专题研讨会、派出国小组国外调研、定期举办商品交易会等方式,为发展对外贸易创造良好的条件。由此,1976~1978年间中国的进出口贸易发展迅速,并同世界上许多国家签订了一系列贸易协定。这是十一届三中全会上确定进一步发展对外贸易的基础,为后来中国对外贸易的发展创造了条件。  相似文献   
中国旅游研究30年:阶段、特征与规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随改革开放和旅游业的发展,中国现代旅游研究从无到有、从小到大走过了不寻常的30年。回顾发展,这一历程可概括为3个阶段——1978—1987年的探索与奠基阶段、1988—1997年的发展与深化阶段、1998~2008年的繁荣与困惑阶段;其特征与规律可以总结为5个坚持——坚持扎根实践推进旅游研究;坚持综合性、跨学科推进旅游研究;坚持科教结合推进旅游研究;坚持国际合作推进旅游研究;坚持广聚民间智慧推进旅游研究。遵循发展规律、立足现实问题、凝聚学人力量,必将创造旅游研究新的辉煌。  相似文献   
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