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The rationales for ecological and landscape engineering are becoming absorbed within economistic interpretations of sustainable development grounded in maintaining 'environmental capital'. These interpretations incorporate the possibility of compensating for the adverse impacts of development with environmental benefits of equivalent worth, thus maintaining the 'stock'. Habitat creation is an important form of this 'environmental compensation'. This paper explores the conflicts surrounding environmental compensation as sustainable development is translated into policy and practice in the British planning system. The extent to which environment damage can be meaningfully compensated raises difficult questions of environmental values and technical expertise. Analysis at two levels – national planning policy and the negotiation of compensatory habitat creation for a specific development scheme – indicates that the pursuit of environmental compensation through present planning processes can serve to accommodate development interests. Furthermore, claims about the manageability of environmental impacts help legitimize particular patterns of economic growth.  相似文献   
现存于南京太平天国历史博物馆的太平天国三种原刻本印书,对于太平天国政治、经济、思想、文化、军事等方面的研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   
杨静 《安徽史学》2016,(5):100-108
19世纪末20世纪初,美国迎来了史无前例的东、南欧女性移民潮。然而,东、南欧女性移民在外形、语言、宗教、生活方式等各个方面都表现出了相异于西、北欧老移民的特征,因而遭到美国主流社会的敌视与排斥。女性移民进入就业领域更是严重违背了美国主流社会的女性观念。为了解决女性移民所面临的困境并助其融入美国社会,美国中产阶级发起了以女性移民回归家庭为核心的改革,旨在让女性移民接受美国主流社会家庭理念和生活方式。然而,改革者并未深入了解女性移民的社会文化和现实需求,使得相关改革具有明显的局限性,并没有发挥其所期望的效果。  相似文献   
秦汉时期岭南地区的墓葬中大量出土各种类型的联体陶器,被普遍认为是当地考古学文化的特色。这些联体陶器的分布、形制、共出陶器和墓葬背景呈现如下特点:它们在岭南地区呈现以秦汉郡治为中心的多点辐射式分布,数量和类型呈现"故王都—郡治—一般县城"的层级落差,近海较内地数量多、类型丰富;在发展脉络上,从多种类型到比较单一的五联罐再到急骤消失;联体陶器应该是一种南越国时期在外地工艺冲击下出现的本土化产品,与"边地半月形地带"和环地中海地区的kernos/pseudokernos可能存在渊源关系。  相似文献   
贺席燕  赵航  黄红良 《人文地理》2018,33(3):112-120
利用贵阳市出租车GPS数据,建立ArcGIS空间模型计算路段平均行程速度,以空间数据库和ArcGIS空间分析为技术支撑,分析道路拥堵状态的时空演化规律。结果表明:①路网平均行程速度的时间分布特征具有高度相似性,且工作日与休息日分布差异大;②工作日高峰时段拥堵区域分布主要以老城区为主。休息日总体上呈现离散分布趋势,且晚高峰时段交通状况比早高峰更拥堵;③工作日早高峰交通拥堵路段呈由中心核心区逐渐向外围扩散的趋势,晚高峰呈由外围向中心核心区聚拢趋势。休息日早高峰不明显,晚高峰呈现由外围区域向内聚拢趋势。基于上述时空演化规律,从城市功能分散、城市道路网、城市空间发展、城市公交系统等方面讨论了贵阳市城市道路交通优化调整对策。  相似文献   
The heritage industry now makes extensive use of digital audioguides and similar interpretation tools to reach new audiences but many remain rooted in authoritative and didactic conservatism. This paper critically evaluates the state of play in the field, from downloadable audio tours and apps, through more complex engagements with theatrically enhanced and affective simulation, to attempts at fuller dialogic visitor participation and the use of gps or RFID-triggered game mechanics. While ‘armchair’ and home screen-based game and interpretation models are addressed, particular attention is paid to the use of mobile and locative design, where embodiment in place is privileged over less associative or remote experience. The paper takes a research project led by the author as a case study. Ghosts in the Garden was conceived in collaboration with a museum and an experience design SME to test the potential of immersive, affective real world games on public understandings of history. It sought to engage visitors with researched history from below by using a pervasive media soundscape, the ‘ghosts’ of past visitors and a ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ game mechanic in which outcomes are variable, visitor agency is retained and a more radical model of historical knowledge suggested.  相似文献   
The past decades have witnessed a harvest of new books and articles exploring the modern republican tradition and its relevance for contemporary political theory. Members of this movement present the tradition as an alternative to both political liberalism and communitarianism and offer its unique conception of liberty (“freedom from domination”) as a distinct third option beyond the “positive” and “negative” varieties famously identified by Isaiah Berlin. Yet in recovering this view of liberty, civic republicans have neglected the essential role that religion plays in the modern republican tradition. This omission represents not only a serious deviation from the tradition, but, what is more, it fundamentally weakens civic republicanism’s capacity for theorizing and achieving political liberty at the level of institutional life. In the modern republican tradition, religion has been understood to undergird republican liberty both in terms of shaping the morals, customs, and habits of citizens and in providing normative authority for the value of liberty over domination. In this essay, I offer a counter-narration of the modern republican tradition that gives religion its due and challenges civic republicans to recognize the central role that religion has played, and should continue to play, in theorizing and promoting republican liberty.  相似文献   
释“中庸”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“中”字在“内”、“正”意义上是对天人之际诸事物初级本质的概括:事物的根据在事物的内部,事物的本质力量是中正;在“合”、“和”意义上是对天人之际诸事物次级本质的概括:事物内在对立面相契合的经验事实是人们判定是非的标准,事物的本质力量来自于事物内在对立面和多因素的中和。根据《中庸》本,在本来的意蕴上,中庸精义乃实事求是。  相似文献   
论文运用历史研究方法,从倭乱时期的移民和明清交替时期的移民两个方面考察了明代遗民的迁移以及定居过程;分析了明代遗民同时具有对明朝、对韩国、对明代遗民社团的多重认同和形成这种认同的客观条件,并将明代遗民的地位变化过程与韩中关系的变化过程相结合进行探讨。相对于向来以单一民族自居的韩国,朝鲜时期的明代遗民,是对韩国民族的一种学术性挑战,同时明代遗民研究对韩国华侨华人历史研究也是一种新的开拓。  相似文献   
赵琪 《史学集刊》2012,(3):116-122
从《尚书·周书》的诸篇诰辞中,我们可以看到以周公为代表的西周政治家们已经得出天命以民心为依归的观点,并以此来解释夏、商、周三代的历史递嬗。战国时期的孟子继承了该思想,并进一步以其来解释三代以前的历史递嬗。司马迁在思考天人之际时,既继承了周公、孟子的上述天人思想,并以此来解释古今历史递嬗中的"常";同时又有自己更深一层的思考,并以此来解释古今历史递嬗中的"变",从而最终做到"通古今之变"。在此,司马迁的"究天人之际"与"通古今之变"实紧密结合在一起,而这正是他能够"成一家之言"的原因所在。  相似文献   
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