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A. Boehm  J. C. Moore 《Geofluids》2002,2(2):147-161
The late Miocene sandstone intrusions of northern Santa Cruz County, California, are the largest subaerial exposures of clastic intrusions on earth. The intrusions are sourced from a sandstone, underlying mudstone, accumulated in an outer shelf to upper slope environment. Dikes are the most frequent intrusion type, reach the greatest thickness and tend to strike north‐east and dip steeply. One giant dike is more than 150 m wide. Sills are least frequent, locally > 8 m thick and have no clear preferred geographical distribution. Clustered intrusions are commonly < 10 cm thick and mostly composed of dikes of various attitudes. The majority of the intrusions probably were injected shallowly as some extrude onto the seafloor. The local seafloor extrusion also indicates injection during the deposition of the Santa Cruz Mudstone (7–9 Ma). The intrusions are concentrated at the basin margin. Fluid pressure at the centre of the basin and perhaps hydrocarbons were communicated to the basin margin through the then sand, causing fluid overpressures that contributed to the fluidization and intrusion into the overlying mudstone. Primarily north‐east‐striking, steeply dipping dikes and secondarily, shallowly dipping sills are most significant in terms of regional connectivity of intrusions and physical dilation of the formation. The orientation of the dikes and sills indicates a regional stress field with a horizontal NE–SW maximum and a NW–SE minimum compressive direction. The simultaneous development of dikes and sills suggests similar magnitudes of the minimum and intermediate principal stresses. Preferential weakness along bedding contributed to the development of sills. Palaeomagnetic data indicate no significant block rotation around a vertical axis. The maximum principal stress direction indicated by the intrusions is about 55° to the San Gregorio Fault and about 70° to the San Andreas Fault during the late Miocene. This stress field is similar to the modern stress field and suggests moderate fault weakness.  相似文献   
The microstructures and chemical compositions of some 55 Egyptian blue and green frit samples from New Kingdom Egypt and 15th century BC Mesopotamia are determined using analytical scanning electron microscopy, the main focus being on frit cakes, powder residues, and frit vessel and bead fragments from one of the “factory areas” at Amarna in Middle Egypt. Replicate Egyptian blue frits produced in the laboratory are similarly investigated. Comparison of the microstructures of the ancient and replicate samples suggest that frit cakes are the primary product, and that these were ground to produce the powder, and then moulded to shape and refired to produce the vessels and beads. Egyptian blue and green frits are shown to be distinct pigments, the pigment produced depending on the relative proportions of copper oxide and lime in the mixtures. The bulk and glass phase compositions are used to try to infer the different sources of the quartz, lime, copper and alkali flux used in the production of frits from Egypt and Mesopotamia. An estimate is made of the scale of production of Egyptian blue frit in New Kingdom Egypt.  相似文献   
2000~2005年,在西安市北郊发掘了北周时期的安伽墓、史君墓、康业墓和李诞墓。前3座为粟特人的墓葬,后1座为厨宾国婆罗门后裔。这表明,西安市北郊一带不仅是北周粟特人的墓地,而且也是包括厨宾人在内的旅居中国的外来人的墓地。其葬制与葬俗对于中西文化交流与丝绸之路的研究,具有重要意义。  相似文献   
信访工作在建国初期社会建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建国后人民群众通过来信来访的方式向党和政府反映大量的社会问题,主要集中在失业问题、干部的官僚主义和违法乱纪问题以及三农问题。信访工作在建国初期对于化解各种社会矛盾和推动社会建设起了重要作用。  相似文献   
朱浒 《东南文化》2008,(2):62-68
海上画派于清末在上海兴起,成为近代美术的开端。太平天国运动衔接了海派肇兴的时机,在地理上对海派形成了一种包围,在文化心理上对其产生了强大的冲击,加快了海派的形成进程。战争对早期海派画家的人生观和艺术观产生了重大影响。太平天国壁画中的民间因素,也被海派绘画所吸收,成为海派审美趣味转变的主要来源。因此,太平天国运动对早期海派的形成和发展具有一定的影响。  相似文献   
为量化研究夯土性质对陕北明长城遗址雨蚀破坏模式的影响作用,采用室内模拟降雨试验的方法对夯土密度和雨蚀量间的关系进行定量化分析。研究结果显示,大到暴雨条件下,干湿作用产生的破坏是低强度夯土(密度1.5 g·cm^-3、1.6 g·cm^-3)最主要的雨蚀破坏模式,冲刷破坏造成的雨蚀量较小;水力侵蚀产生的冲刷破坏和重力侵蚀引起的小范围掉块是高强度夯土(密度1.7~1.9 g·cm^-3)最主要的破坏模式,冲刷破坏造成的雨蚀量较大;当土体含水率在3%~7%区间时,夯土的雨蚀量和密度呈指数函数关系,二者呈现正相关性。研究结果为探索多因素作用下夯土雨蚀的破坏机制提供方法借鉴,是土遗址病害研究的重要组成部分。  相似文献   
王和 《史学月刊》2008,(11):103-110
是否遵循实事求是的方法论原则,是判定唯物史观还是唯心史观的根本标志,也是二者判然有别的分水岭。唯物史观不以任何先验的东西为前提,唯心史观则相反。凡是不遵循实事求是方法论原则乃至有意违反这一原则的历史观,毫无疑问一定是唯心史观,而绝非唯物史观。根据实事求是原则去考察历史,符合过去人们所理解的五种社会形态理论本来所规定的意义和内涵,因生产力不断发展而导致五种社会形态依次演进更替的例子,在人类历史上并不存在。  相似文献   
为了使已经经历过保护修复的14幅南京堂子街太平天国时期的壁画能够更好地保存和展览,在全面的现场调查和修复资料收集的基础上,对壁画实施了现场预保护、搬迁以及实验室保护修复。采取了比较成熟的保护材料Paraloid B72、Primal AC33对壁画进行加固回贴;并将蒸汽清洗、激光清洗引入到壁画的表面清理中;同时改善了灌浆材料;采用了贴木浆纸、预先刷涂乙醇等改良工艺。在上述措施的综合使用下,壁画再次保护修复后效果良好。此保护修复方法可对类似需要再保护的壁画提供借鉴。  相似文献   
开封市产业空心化的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无论发达国家或是发展中国家,都会面临着产业空心化问题。通过对开封市经济数据的分析及实地调研,发现开封市的产业空心化属于离制造业现象:经济地位明显下降,固定资产日渐减少,工业发展缓慢且结构不尽合理,第三产业比重低且结构失衡。指出开封市产业空心化具有欠发达区的共性特征-贫困恶性循环积累性,同时也是其特定的区位条件所引致的。最后提出开封市产业空心化的防治措施:以增强技术创新为核心,进行体制机制、科研体制、教育制度创新及人才的激励机制等;以需求结构变化为导向,调整、优化产业结构,加强财政、金融改革及基础设施的支持力度;加速完善硬件设施,改变市区的对外联系等。  相似文献   
Glazed ceramics are a common material analyzed through geochemistry, whether in the form of tableware collected during excavations or tiles observed as part of architectural features. Within the framework of these studies, measuring the thickness of the transparent glaze is one of the useful variables available for the characterization of the ceramic, contributing to searches for provenance as well as serialization. However, this task often requires invasive methods performed in the laboratory, which may not always be possible. This paper develops a non-invasive and portable on-site system for measuring the thickness of ceramic glazes. Based on the depth from focus technique, this method makes use of a classical camera, a macroscopic lens, a translation stage, and a laptop for system control. In this article, we test this method through the measurement of glaze for ten samples as compared to results obtained for sections through scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   
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