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以往中国历史学轰轰烈烈的专题讨论,不仅凝聚了史学界的绝大部分精力,而且形成了一整套的中国化马克思主义历史理论或历史解释系统。它决定着中国史学的研究与编纂,塑造和影响着人们的思维方式。当前的史学学术转型无论如何不可能回避这些旧课题。从史学学科体系的角度看,改造旧课题,将其转换成为新课题,应该,而且可以成为史学学术转型的突破口。  相似文献   
回顾改革开放以来中国立法的发展,可见国家领导人的法治观念对社会、法律及两者的现代发展起着举足轻重的作用。邓小平的法制思想发展了毛泽东的法制思想,在法律与治国、法律与政党、法律与政策、民族与法制关系上提出了许多真知灼见:江泽民法治观的创新集中体现在中共中央两次用全会文件和国家的根本大法--宪法肯定了"依法治国"的权威地位。近20多年来,中国立法的实践有了长足的进展,在正确思想理论指导下,依法治国成为社会的共识,现代法制体系已基本建立,公民的法制观念已经有了质的进步。  相似文献   
Environmental history is a multidisciplinary enterprise united by shared interests in ecological change and the complex interactions between people and the environment. Its practitioners include expertise in the natural sciences, in history or archaeology, or in political ecology and related social sciences; but there is no agreement on a common agenda and limited success in bridging methodological and epistemological divisions that impede integrative and interdisciplinary research. World-systems history and environmental history also have overlapping interests in long-term change and matters of sustainability. The Mediterranean world sustained agricultural lifeways across some 8000 years, yet its environment has repeatedly been described as degraded, suggesting conceptual confusion between transformation and destruction. This paper is didactic in purpose and uses landscape histories for the Peloponnese and eastern Spain to show that the impact of recurrent, excessive precipitation events and of reduced quality of land cover are difficult to unravel, because they commonly appear to work in tandem. As a result (a) environmental change cannot be assumed or “predicted”, but must be studied inductively by experts with science skills, and (b) cause-and-effect relationships demand an understanding of ecological behavior, for which humanistic insights are indispensable. Social science models highlight systemic relationships from socioeconomic and structural perspectives, but are less suited to deal with the complexity of environmental change or the contingencies exemplified by human resilience. Near Eastern, Greek and Roman agronomic writings offer elite “voices” that speak to cumulative technological change, scientific understanding, and the context of intensification. Rural voices can be heard through ethnography, and in eastern Spain are extended into the past by archaeology and archival research. In the absence of structural constraints, they reveal collective decision-making with respect to a shifting repertoire of agricultural strategies that take into account market opportunities, demographic growth, finite resources and environmental problems. Such adaptability spells resilience, and “good farming” is culturally embedded as a civic responsibility, both in the ethnographic present and in the older, elite agronomic writings. But if the “moral economy” erodes in the wake of food stress, tax extortion, instability, insecurity, or ideological oppression, there is little incentive to pursue long-term strategies, so that behavior focuses on short-term survival. The context for this dialectic of poor versus good ecological management may be structural, but cause-and-effect in the traditional Mediterranean world ultimately depended on ecological and human resilience. Long-term sustainability is similarly non-predictive. It depends on people, rather than social theory.  相似文献   
本文通过对社会信息化的中介效应分析,探讨了信息技术变革与居民出行行为变化的内在关系及影响路径。基于提出的研究假设模型,对天津市居民(663例)进行"信息技术变革与公众出行"行为学调查和实证分析。研究结果显示信息技术变革对居民出行行为变化具有显著的直接影响作用;信息素养和信息资源在信息技术变革与居民出行行为变化之间具有中介效应功能。  相似文献   
基于低碳转型的内涵,本文以环渤海17个沿海地市2005-2012 年的面板数据为基础,构建环渤海沿海地市低碳转型的评价指标体系,运用集对分析法对其进行评价研究,并采用核密度估计模型及GIS 空间分析技术对其结果进行时空差异分析,揭示其内在变化规律。研究结果表明:①自2005 年到2012年,环渤海沿海地市低碳发展颓势明显,各地市低碳转型没有取得明显进展,各地市之间转型绩效的整体差距较大。②环渤海沿海地市经济增长在空间格局中并没有显著的变化,而在产业结构、能源利用、生态环境、发展支撑方面均呈现出反向变化的态势,说明低碳转型成效并不显著,仍然保持传统的发展态势。③环渤海沿海地市低碳转型绩效的时空差异是多种因素综合作用的结果,包括资金、人力与基础设施等经济社会支撑因素,国家政策、科学技术、低碳意识及企业家素质等新型推动因素,资源(能源)禀赋、区位条件等自然基础因素。  相似文献   
张元隆 《安徽史学》2006,(3):97-102
五四时期声名卓著的《新青年》,满腔热情地把国家振兴的希望寄托于青年,构成国家观念更新的新取向;针对民初君主政体的回光返照和共和国家的有名无实,大力播扬"主权在民"的思想,以唤起多数国民之自觉;在俄国十月革命的影响下,接受和宣传马克思主义的国家学说,实现了国家观念的革命性变革.这一变革自有其历史的因缘,更体现了先进者对国家命运的忧患意识和创造"理想之中华"的矢志追求.  相似文献   
From the 1950s to 1970s, physical techniques replaced many classical methods in the chemical and biological sciences. In this development, a novel type of method‐oriented scientists emerged, relying on cooperation with instrument manufacturers and forging close links with science‐funding agencies. Their main engagement was the development of methods and the improvement of instruments, responding to the needs of the chemical and biomedical communities. In the United States, an important institutional locus of such method‐oriented scientists were instrument centers, providing service to regional and national groups of scientific users. This article analyzes the knowledge transfer involved in investigating the Biotechnology Resources Program of the National Institutes of Health, and presenting the example of one of these centers, the Stanford Magnetic Resonance Laboratory.  相似文献   
民初建立的包括国会在内的一整套民主共和制度是一种供给主导型的制度变迁,这种变迁模式的成败取决于提供制度变迁的权力主体是否具有权威和理想。这一制度第一供给主体是南京临时政府,他们有理想但缺少权威,第二供给主体是北京政府,他们有权威但无理想。国会作为民主政治生活中限制个人独裁、维护公民权利的根本措施,就无法成功地在中国运行。制度需求的缺失也是造成国会失败的原因之一,但不是主要原因。  相似文献   
清末民初北京地区的社会变迁与慈善组织的转型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王娟 《史学月刊》2006,280(2):96-104
北京地区的传统慈善组织在清末民初发生重大变化:数量上呈现较大幅度的增长趋势;救助功能方面普遍地由施养向教养转化;操作管理方式逐渐走上联合统一的道路。这些变化与北京地区在近代所具有的典型社会特征有着密切联系,因此一定程度上本文是对慈善事业研究的一种区域性探索。  相似文献   
As traditional business organizations that played an important role in China’s economy, guilds have faced unprecedented challenges in modern times due to the invasion of Western capitalism and the changes of the traditional Chinese economic structure. It was difficult to maintain the old guild rules, such as limitations on opening new workshops, recruiting new apprentices, etc. Thus, some guilds that insisted on maintaining the old rules fell into decline, while other guilds, either willingly or unwillingly, made reforms in their organization and structural function to adjust themselves to the new situations. The latter gradually transformed into the modern trade association. The different fates of traditional guilds proved that guilds had to reform properly and adapt themselves to new economic and social environments in order to survive in modern times. __________ Translated from: Jiangsu Shehui Kexue 江苏社会科学 (Jiangsu Social Sciences), No.2, 2004  相似文献   
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