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This article focuses on some aspects of boys' and girls' outward appearance in pre-modern Muslim societies according to medieval legal sources. These compendiums are analysed as the product of a continuing, two-way dialogue between law and reality, and as reflecting the desired norms side by side with existing customs. They were not created in a vacuum but are anchored in a local, socio-economic, cultural and political reality. Muslim jurists followed the physical and psychological changes of children, classified them, and concluded that these changes will be followed by changes in their outward appearance. They have constructed children's appropriate outward appearance according to age, gender distinctions, norms of modesty and manners of adornment. A careful examination of this legal discussion presents a case study of pre-modern traditional societies in which components of outward appearance reflect and construct at the same time norms of modesty, means of adornment and gendered socialisation of children's outward appearance.  相似文献   
陕西咸阳杨家湾出土的西汉彩绘兵马俑出现大面积严重风化褪色现象及彩绘层严重脱落、起翘,应尽快采取抢救性保护措施对其进行保护。在系统分析了该批彩绘兵马俑的病害种类及其产生原因后,通过XRD、SEM—EDS和Micro FT-IR对其彩绘颜料成分进行了分析。此基础上,制定了一个系统的修复方案,选取了合适的修复工艺及修复保护剂。结果表明,三乙氧基硅烷缩合而成的树脂胶材料对彩绘层进行回帖后,其强度有了明显的增强。经过自行研制的RFC显现加固剂处理后的彩绘颜色显现出了其古朴清晰的原貌,且颜料附着力增强。  相似文献   
目前人们研究《楚辞》最常用的版本即是宋洪兴祖《楚辞补注》本,此本宋本不存,所存为明翻宋刻本。其中王逸《楚辞章句》,不论是序还是注都存在一定抵牾。这一点在《招隐士》作者及《招隐士小序》上反映尤其明显。本文拟从三种不同文献记载,对《招隐士》作者及王逸《招隐士小序》进行辨误,认为《文选集注》《招隐士小序》最近王逸小序原貌。  相似文献   
现今对书画文物原装裱的修复保护越来越得到重视,《宋艳艳女史草虫花蝶图卷》为上海博物馆藏重要文物,虽然已非宋代原装,但现装裱也已经有一百多年历史,流传至今装裱已出现包首磨损残缺,天头前部残缺,天杆处开裂,覆背首端严重拱起等病害,亟需修复。修复采用保留文物装裱原貌及改善原裱不合理处的方案,通过将包首与天头分离,分别进行修复后,再复位还原;去除不合理"引条"纸以改善局部拱起不平的现状;以及对原包首边缘做皮纸包边保护,以提高老材料的强度。修复后的包首和天头恢复完整,原先因加"引条"纸而拱起严重的部位变得平整柔软,更有利于今后的展示和收藏。  相似文献   
Nation-states’ investment in heritage supports Benedict Anderson’s thesis that nationalism offers collective immortality in the face of individual mortality. By the same token, however, corruption – a metaphor based on the impermanence of the flesh – corrodes the official face of heritage, offering more covert and carnal understandings of urban life and of its architectural beauties while also affording opportunities for kinds of profiteering that damage the very fabric that heritage policies seek to celebrate. Both these aspects of social reality represent the ‘cultural intimacy’ that governments seek to deny or suppress but on which their citizens’ loyalty often depends. It thus becomes imperative for scholars of heritage to recognise that heritage and corruption represent two closely interrelated dimensions of the management of the past in the present, and that theories of heritage therefore cannot afford to ignore the concomitant implications of local ideas about corruption and the practices on which they rest.  相似文献   
《上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书(一)》出版以来,学术界对其研究主要集中在文字考释、编联和复原方面。接下来的研究,应是对其内容的深入考察,以明其精神实质及学术价值,同时以检验和印证前一阶段的研究成果。本文结合《诗经》原文及《诗序》对上博简《诗论》第二章进行详细解读,拟有助于有关问题之解决。  相似文献   
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