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宋代石藏葬制的发端一般被认为是治平四年(1067)英宗永厚陵,仔细查考文献可知,此时实以石椁作为变通形式。真正在皇堂内设置地下石藏,始自元丰三年(1080)慈圣光献皇后陵。而在此之前,熙宁八年(1075)韩琦墓已首次特诏构筑石藏。此后,又有少数与皇帝关系特别密切的王爵及对朝政起重要作用的宰臣得以使用。通过排比北宋后期帝陵、后陵、特制亲王宰臣墓、亲王墓资料,发现在墓室尺寸、石藏尺寸、石门有无等方面都构成了比较明显的等级差别。在考虑宋代墓葬等级问题时,除了地上设施诸因素需要纳入考察视野外,对于特制墓例地下形制的独特之处也要给予充分的注意。  相似文献   
青年农民工就业质量问题的实证研究——以长沙市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭国胜 《攀登》2009,28(4):76-81
通过对长沙市301名青年农民工的实证研究表明,青年农民工的就业质量偏低,且受人力资本、社会资本和社会制度的影响显著。要提高青年农民工的就业质量,必须加大青年农民工的人力资本投入,努力扩展青年农民工的社会资本,不断完善现行的社会制度体系。  相似文献   
周海生 《攀登》2009,28(5):68-73
领导干部问责制是问责制的中心环节和切入点。近年来领导干部问责在实践和制度建设上均取得了进展,但问责主体、问责范围、客体界定、问责程序方面仍有完善的空间。为此,需进行相应的制度建设,以促进领导干部问责制适应现实的需要,并为中国特色问责制度的确立奠定基础。  相似文献   
抗战时期国民政府征兵的推行弊端丛生,广受社会诟病。在导致征兵制推行弊失的众多原因中。日寇的疯狂进攻造成中国大量兵员的需求、战时经济的贫困及社会组织的弥散使征兵制的推行困难重重;基层保甲的徇私舞弊、贪赃枉法严重制约着征兵制的顺利推行;而征兵、征工、征粮之间的冲突也使征兵制的推行捉襟见肘。  相似文献   
X-ray fluorescence analysis of obsidian artifacts from sites located in Chaco Canyon and from three Chaco-era communities in New Mexico permits determination of their geological origin. These source data are used to describe patterning in obsidian procurement in sites located in Chaco Canyon dating from A.D. 500–1150, and in a three non-Canyon communities occupied during the period of Chaco Canyon's regional prominence (ca. A.D. 875–1150). These data demonstrate that the most proximate sources generally dominate the sourced obsidian assemblages from sites of all periods, but also suggest differences in procurement patterning both over time and across space. Within Chaco Canyon, there is a notable shift from Mount Taylor obsidian to use of Jemez Mountains sources over time. These data also suggest that earlier analyses of obsidian from sites in Chaco Canyon misidentified some obsidian artifact sources; these new data indicate the central areas of disagreement and provide a revision of procurement patterning. In the Chaco-era communities located outside Chaco Canyon, procurement patterning diverges. The Blue J community shows an increase in use of the nearby Mount Taylor source over time. Two communities located toward the southern extent of the Chaco great house distribution reveal a markedly distinct procurement pattern, obtaining nearly all of their obsidian from southern sources largely unrepresented at Chaco Canyon. Combined, these data provide new insights into raw material procurement and artifact production at sites in Chaco Canyon, and in communities occupied during the Chaco Phenomenon, the period of the Canyon's greatest regional influence.  相似文献   
This work describes the procedures, the different techniques and the pipeline used for creating a digital framework that should assist the Superintendence of Pompeii in the digital reconstruction, classification, management and visualisation of archaeological finds inside an advanced 3D web-based repository of reality-based data. Specific topics have been focused on the quality assessment procedures adopted to ensure consistency and reliability of data throughout the whole 3D models acquisition and pipeline creation, as well as on the particular semantic reality-based structure adopted to develop an information system into a knowledge one. The main purposes of our framework have been the usage of 3D digital models as a restitution of the real object and as a metaphor for navigating through the data; 3D models were used as archaeological cognitive systems and developed as a collection of structured objects, identified through a precise terminology that allows to easily extend the concept of 2D GIS to 3D GIS. In addition, the system was developed as a scalable application that allows the use of the same database by different users, simply filtering the data according to the specific requirements, and can operate both as standalone and web-based application.  相似文献   
2007年,内蒙古长城资源调查队在调查乌兰察布一呼和浩特段明长城大边时发现一处石刻,刻于明洪武二十九年(1396年),主要记述了兴筑石刻附近长城的时间、修筑者、所修长城的起止位置及长度等,为研究这段明长城的修筑史提供了一份价值极高的文字资料。同时,明代洪武年间北边防御体系的建立与这段长城关系密切,长城与沿边卫所共同构成了点线结合的综合防御体系。永乐时期,明朝调整了北边防御战略,北边防线南撤,这段长城的作用逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
中国古代的用鼎制度分为殷、周两大文化系统。殷商文化系统是鼎的组合,呈偶数形式,表现出殷人追求对称美以及对女性的尊重。而周文化系统的礼器鼎的组合形式呈奇数,表现了周天子至高地位的形成,反映了周人的阴阳思想和等级意识。  相似文献   
杨勇 《旅游科学》2012,26(6):42-54
本文在厘清旅游产业潜力和竞争力关系的基础上,将二者纳入统一的分析框架,通过构建适当的测度体系对旅游产业综合竞争力进行实证评价。研究发现,我国旅游产业综合竞争力包含了竞争绩效、产业潜力和技术效率三个维度;旅游产业综合竞争力及其维度基本呈现出东部较强、中西部较弱的态势,这一分布状态也基本与当前我国经济和社会综合发展状况的分布态势相吻合;旅游产业综合竞争力三个维度中,技术效率对旅游产业综合竞争力的挖掘和未来发展具有最为突出的推动性和影响力。  相似文献   
2008年9月,南京三山之原发现明太祖朱元璋最幼女宝庆公主墓葬.该墓为前后砖室券顶结构,墓前有绿釉琉璃构件,为研究明代公主墓葬制度提供了新的例证.墓葬遭破坏,仅存墓志,记载了宝庆公主的生平.另于发掘中征集到驸马赵辉之孙赵伯容墓志,为研究赵氏家族历史提供了新的资料.  相似文献   
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