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赤壁古家岭东吴墓位于赤壁市赤壁镇芦林畈村三组,当地村民在兴建住房时发现。该墓规模较大,级别较高,墓室形制结构保存比较完整,虽经两次遭受盗掘,但出土陶器仍较丰富,是研究三国东吴时期考古学文化的重要资料。  相似文献   
《万笏朝天图》是首幅以乾隆南巡为主题的清代绘画长卷,组织绘制者范瑶系范仲淹二十世孙。根据范瑶著《纪恩日录》所记,该图卷描绘的是乾隆帝首访天平山范氏园邸的情景。雍乾之际,范氏宗族发展每况愈下,危机重重。作为宗族领导者,范瑶力行改革,多措并举重振家风,并试图通过接驾、献图等重建家族与皇权的密切关系。《万笏朝天图》即为江南士人家族与皇权互动关系的见证。  相似文献   
Despite cultural similarities between Canada and the United States, some observers contend that significant differences remain in attitudes and values between the two countries. For example, Lipset has observed that “efforts to distinguish Canada and the United States almost invariably point to the greater respect for law and order and those who uphold it north of the border”. Lipset’s argument is that Canadian values are based on the nation’s founding principles of “Peace, Order and Good Government” while American values stem from the country’s revolutionary origins and are based on the values of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” We test Lipset’s observations, and those of some of his critics, using parallel surveys administered to university students in two institutions on either side of the Canada–US border. This is a very demanding test of his arguments so the supportive evidence we uncover for his arguments is significant.  相似文献   

This paper examines an incident in 1824 in which the Ngāti Pou of Whangaroa Harbour (New Zealand) boarded a European ship, holding its crew and three missionaries captive for two hours. During the 19th century the incident was retold approximately 30 times in Europe and America. This paper describes the original incident from primary sources and then discusses how the various incarnations of the story enabled different authors to draw diverse moral lessons. The changing narrative provides a window into various European attitudes towards the Indigenous peoples of New Zealand.  相似文献   
One of the most powerful narratives deployed by colonists in the nineteenth century was that the colonized natives were inherently too weak to survive contact with those who were colonizing them—the Dying Native story. I argue that to understand the history of this story, we should differentiate between three senses in which it could be taken as true or false: physical destruction, genetic adulteration and loss of distinct culture. The physical destruction version of the “Dying Native” was contested by some settler-colonial governments as they developed the capacity to manage and measure the numbers of those whom they classified as “Indian” or “Māori” or “Aboriginal”. However, the “Dying Native” story persisted as a narrative of these peoples' loss of genetic and/or cultural distinction. One strategy of Indigenous intellectuals has been to assert that they have survived as “populations” by adapting as “peoples”. In this paper, I show how an authoritative demography of colonized Indigenous populations in North America and New Zealand afforded discursive opportunities to some Indigenous intellectuals.  相似文献   
山东定陶王墓地(王陵)M2汉墓为目前我国已发掘规模最大的“黄肠题凑”汉墓,201 3年被公布第七批全国重点文物保护单位.20 14年,中国文化遗产研究院组织编制的“山东定陶王墓地(王陵)M2汉墓保护工程方案”获国家文物局审批通过.本文概述了“山东定陶王墓地(王陵)M2汉墓保护工程”的项目背景、项目设计、任务分解及各个子项目工作的开展情况.  相似文献   
陈小三 《文博》2011,(1):26-31
韩城粱带村M27中出土的卣和尊具有复古风格,判断复古风格器物的年代不能仅仅依靠器形来判断,应更多关注铜器的细部纹饰。该墓中发现的卣和尊是两周之际对周初器物的仿制。结合该墓发现的其它器物来看,墓主人可能对古物有特殊的喜好。此外,扇形钺和特殊的凤鸟装饰不能作为寻找芮国始封地域的证据。  相似文献   
Nixon's self-declared war on drugs has been underway for over five decades. Not all aspects are well known, and many voices of those touched by the campaign were and remain unheard. In the early 1970s, the Turkish republic faced a political crisis. The military installed a post-coup leadership that acquiesced to longstanding American demands to halt all cultivation of the opium poppy. This was the first sustained battle in Nixon's war, and it had socio-economically devastating consequences for Anatolian peasants who had for generations farmed the crop for licit and illicit markets. To many Turkish citizens, the ban was the result of a new stage in Western imperialism and a direct consequence of their own leaders' failure to protect the country's rural poor majority, on the one hand, and their surrender of national sovereignty, on the other hand. Farmers' voices were rarely heard on this issue, apart from brief quotes in newspapers and in domestic and foreign governmental studies, but their plight attracted sustained popular attention due in part to the proxy geopolitics articulated on their behalf. Before the recently disenfranchised parliament that did not permit sustained discussion or debate of the poppy question, MPs nonetheless rendered impromptu testimonies protesting the ban, its impacts on farmers, the suppression of democracy, and nation's loss of sovereignty. Through an analysis of Turkey's parliamentary record and other contemporary sources, I approach this crucial episode in the histories of intoxicants and the war on drugs. In so doing, I demonstrate the potential and seeming success of proxy geopolitics echoed on behalf of a marginalized people and why engagement with such sources is essential in the wider practice of critical geopolitics.  相似文献   
In 1911 Gerald F. Shove, later to become a leading Cambridge economist, submitted to King's College a fellowship dissertation on the application of G.E. Moore's ethical philosophy to political theory. In the article the dissertation, hitherto unpublished, is discussed with reference to both the acceptance and elaboration of Moore's Principia Ethica by the members of the Apostles and Bloomsbury groups and Shove's intellectual and personal biography. The thesis tackles some major concepts in political theory like the nature of human societies, self-government, justice and freedom.  相似文献   
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