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通过文献考证和实地调查,发现《中国历史地图集·清时期》“云南”图中,永昌、顺宁、景东府级界线和蒗蕖土州(舍)、南甸宣抚司治地等绘制有误,需作修正。  相似文献   
This review focuses on Pekka Hämäläinen's characterization and analysis of the Comanche empire as a spatial category in The Comanche Empire and discusses how this work relates to broader discussions about space and power in borderlands and imperial histories. Although empires have long been central actors in borderlands histories, “empire” has not necessarily been a category of spatial organization and analysis and certainly not one used to describe spaces controlled by Native peoples. By contrast, while Hämäläinen emphasizes the imperial characteristics of the economic, political, and cultural dimensions of Comanche history (as other contributors to this forum discuss), he also uses “empire” to characterize Comanche dominance spatially. Hämäläinen helps us to rethink the spatial dynamics that both shaped and were produced by the encounters between Comanches and Spaniards, French, Mexicans, Americans, and other Native peoples in the Great Plains during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. By analyzing how Comanches came to control vast stretches of the southern plains, The Comanche Empire challenges our assumptions about how Native polities and imperial powers (and groups like the Comanches that Hämäläinen argues were both) thought about territorial claims and how they employed more nuanced spatial strategies to assert their authority, extend their cultural influence, and control trade and resources.  相似文献   
宋东林 《南方文物》2013,(2):85-93,71
宋元时期是景德镇制瓷工业历史上非常重要的一个阶段,正是在这一时期,景德镇开始逐渐形成了具有自身特色的区域生产传统和产品面貌,并在窑业技术上多有创新,表现在窑炉的改进、窑具的创新和装烧方法的变革三个方面。本文从考古发现的景德镇窑宋元时期的窑炉与窑具入手,通过系统梳理其发展演变的脉络,以点带面,管窥景德镇制瓷工艺在10~14世纪的探索与进步,并尝试分析其他窑业生产传统对景德镇的影响。  相似文献   
考古发现的江西地区宋代石室墓可分为四型,大多数属于北宋中晚期,其总的变化趋势是:北宋初到北宋中期,石室墓的规模趋大,结构趋于复杂,北宋晚期以后,规模又逐渐变小,结构也趋于简单。石室墓一般为当时社会的中上层人士所使用,但随葬品并不繁多和贵重,可能与宋代江西地区浓厚的人文氛围及两宋政府提倡薄葬有关。宋代江西地区广泛流行的买地券在该地区石室墓中并不多见,且越是规模大、等级高的墓葬中就越发罕有买地券出土,但流行使用墓志。浇浆墓的形式有从中上层向中下层普及的趋势。  相似文献   
湖北宜昌万福垴遗址是西周中晚期至春秋时期的以楚文化为主的遗存,以该遗址M8出土的费昂斯(faience)珠为研究对象,以期通过分析其成分和结构特征并讨论其工艺特征,丰富对长江中下游地区该时期费昂斯的相关认识。本研究使用扫描电子显微镜,分析结果显示费昂斯制品以富钾费昂斯及混合碱费昂斯为主。再依据以往发表的西周时期费昂斯制品的科技研究,结合考古发掘相关材料,试图从费昂斯器物使用方式的角度,窥视其在古人精神文明进程中的角色,反观费昂斯在中原地区的发展脉络。  相似文献   
馆藏唐代彩绘人物俑颜料分析与修复保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为确定深圳博物馆藏唐代彩绘人物俑颜料的矿物成分,利用X射线荧光能谱仪、X-射线衍射仪等对这批俑的颜料成分进行了分析,结果表明:红色颜料为铅丹、朱砂;黑色颜料为无定形碳黑;白色颜料为铅白和高岭土等.同时,将其与陕西省内相关地区的彩绘陶俑或壁画颜料进行了对比,得知其所使用的颜料与后者基本一致.在此基础上,针对这批人物俑的保存现状,遵循最小干预等文物保护的基本原则,对其实施了表面附着物清理、拼对、粘接、修复补全等保护修复技术措施,使其恢复了原有面貌,取得了较为理想的保护效果.  相似文献   

In his long life Carl Linden lived variously and wonderfully. For more than half a century he was a teacher and promoter of Great Books in the classroom and in the neighborhood. Great Books in his hands and mind transformed him into a kind of latter-day Socrates, always questioning, always smiling, sometimes teasingly. As a naturalist he was a hiker/biker on the C&O Canal towpath and promoter of it, as well. His scholarly pursuits took him to Eastern Europe, especially to Russia and Ukraine, about which he wrote and taught for four decades. Finally, he was a bon vivant whose Socratic ways won him laurels in the classroom and friends in the places where good fellows meet.  相似文献   
A major aspect of Ireland's history is the continual problems of a sectarian nature, yet the issue of 'the troubles' gets scant consideration in the permanent exhibitions mounted in Northern Ireland's museums, and is only beginning to emerge in more temporary exhibitions and statements about museums. In addition, the belief that cultural heritage plays a significant part in conflict resolution in Northern Ireland has long been expressed in statements on education policy and local government programmes. However, the concept of using museums for exploring this history for a positive outcome has not, despite the scale of the political problem, been a high-profile issue in Northern Ireland's museums nor has it had a great deal of academic attention. This paper is a contribution to this gap. It assesses the role that Northern Ireland's museums play in the current political context. It evaluates the reasons why, since their foundation, museums in Northern Ireland have largely chosen to avoid controversial issues in their displays. It considers how attitudes are changing and how museum professionals are tentatively beginning to engage with political issues and enter into dialogue on subjects such as cultural and political identities in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   
本文通过对2000年以来长城保护方案及有关批复意见的系统梳理,重点从勘测、勘察、设计定位与保护原则、工程技术手段及设计文本与图纸等方面对目前勘察设计中存在的共性问题进行了系统分析;同时,根据不同结构类型的长城,还对现存主要病害和技术措施进行了抽样分析.在此基础上,本文从保护规划体系、立项审核、保护维修工作原则、勘察设计要求及项目实施与管理等方面提出了建议.  相似文献   

The author discusses a very rich resource for studying the Great Depression: the Censuses of Manufactures from 1929, 1931, 1933, and 1935. He highlights the strengths and weaknesses of this source in terms of the information available on the schedules and the quality of the data. In terms of information collected, these censuses compare favorably with the modern Census of Manufactures with some limitations. The author also draws on some published studies to argue that the records held at the National Archives are (in general) complete enumerations of the establishments existing at the time. He then conducts tests for the presence of measurement error and finds a limited role.  相似文献   
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