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In 1817, Great Britain and the United States concluded the Rush–Bagot Agreement to prevent a naval arms race on the Great Lakes. Despite frequent transgressions to the agreement, by the 1920s, the agreement was heralded internationally as a model to emulate. The predominant scholarly focus on the agreement in the nineteenth century fails to explain why a broken agreement in one century was praiseworthy in the next. This article argues that the twentieth-century narrative of the agreement is of critical important to explaining the agreement’s impact on Canada–US relations. Through the lens of three stages of Canadian political leadership, this article demonstrates that the Rush-Bagot Agreement shifted from a rigid compact to a symbolic agreement that not only reflected but aided the transition toward one of the most unique security relationships. The article concludes that this extant agreement reinforces the prevalent notion of the “undefended border” in Canada–US relations.  相似文献   
内蒙赤峰巴彦塔拉辽代遗址浮选结果及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随巴彦塔拉辽代遗址的发掘过程进行了植物浮选工作,获得了包括粟、黍、大麦、荞麦、大麻等农作物籽粒,以及禾本科、藜科、豆科、锦葵科等植物种子。通过植物遗存的分类与鉴定及遗址出土相关考古资料综合分析,该遗址辽代先民的生业经济应属于以种植粟、黍、荞麦、大麻为主的北方典型旱作农业,同时兼营牧业。  相似文献   
赵尔巽的罪犯习艺所主张,其实与其长期在地方开办自新所或称自新习艺所的治理实践密切相关的,而非无根之水,更非效法西制。赵尔巽在任职地方创设的自新所,兼有惩戒、教化与施善的职能,这在某种程度上与西方近代狱制理念有一定的暗合,但是却更多的是对清代中叶很多地方自新所的开办实践的借鉴与改进,不可不谓是传统资源的现代转型。  相似文献   
明王朝道教管理制度由三大部分构成:其一,道教管理机构——管理道教的组织措施;其二,道士管理制度——"度牒"制;其三,宫观管理制度。明王朝道教管理从制度设计层面来看是合理的,然而明王朝道教管理制度的施行实践却不尽然。除了太祖和成祖严格执行外,其后诸帝皆有制不依,管理制度遭受破坏。  相似文献   
泉州湾宋代海船保存现状的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为国内乃至亚洲大型海洋出水木质文物保护的先例,泉州湾宋代海船自出土至今已保存近40年,经过多年来综合性地保护修复,其保存现状值得关注。本文通过对古船保存环境、船体构件保存状况、船体病害、材质状况的调查分析,综合评估船体保存现状,分析影响古船稳定保存的主要因素,从而为后续的保护工作奠定基础。  相似文献   
哈密国"三立三绝"与明朝对土鲁番的政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
明朝前期的哈密地区哈密国与哈密卫二制并存。由于土鲁番与哈密国国力强弱悬殊、明朝在哈密卫尚未驻军与当地无险可守、哈密国与哈密卫远离内地及在遇到紧急情况时难以救援、明朝对土鲁番政策有失误尤其土鲁番的一再入侵等,致使哈密国“三立三绝”与哈密卫徙址。土鲁番之所以敢于“三绝”哈密国,从根本上看,与明朝严加防御北元、对边疆其他各族推行“抚绥”的安边思想与政策有关。若究明朝对土鲁番政策实质,无疑在于“羁縻”了。  相似文献   
Bone remodelling in the areas of entheses is frequently supposed to be associated with physical stress and the activity patterns of ancient populations. The main aim of this study was to analyse the prevalence of enthesopathies among individuals living in different life conditions. A total of 197 individuals from the Early Medieval (9th century) Mikulčice site were analysed for enthesopathies ‐ 117 adult individuals from Mikulčice castle and 80 individuals from its hinterland. While the inhabitants of the castle were probably ranked among the higher echelons of society, the hinterland was predominantly inhabited by a farming population. It is hypothesized that individuals from the castle were exposed to lower physical stress than individuals from the hinterland. 9 fibrocartilaginous entheses of the upper and lower limbs were evaluated. Enthesopathies occurred in at least one enthesis in 76% of individuals younger than 50 years of age. Significant differences were observed in the occurrence of enthesopathies between castle and hinterland. Males from the agricultural hinterland show the highest prevalence of enthesopathies of all the population groups, while the lowest prevalence of the marker was recorded in males from the castle. Females in the castle were more affected by entheseal changes than females from the hinterland. Sexual dimorphism was more evident in the hinterland. The present study confirmed presumptions based on the archaeological finds, especially for males. This hypothesis cannot be accepted for females. We may suppose that in the 9th century, women living in Mikulčice castle did not represent a privileged social class. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
明代北京燃料的使用与采供   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明代北京使用的燃料,有植物性的柴炭和矿物性的煤两类。明代前期,北京所用燃料主要为柴薪,中叶以后煤的使用日益增加,到明代后期,煤逐渐成为北京的主要燃料。明代内廷所用柴炭,基本上通过强制性的徭役体系获得,而京城官民人等所需柴炭,则须通过市场购买。至于煤的开采和运销, 则主要采用民营方式。  相似文献   
唐代前期都督府探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有鉴于前人对唐代都督府认识的分歧,本文从文献的角度论证了今人观念下的都督府自唐代建立至安史之乱的不同职能,即军政职能、民政职能、监察职能。并重点阐述了前两种职能所依据的社会背景,二者之间的相互转化,以及三种职能下都督府与常州之关系,力图解决困扰都督府研究的一些问题。  相似文献   
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