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近百年来西方港口地理学研究回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
查询13种外文数据库和76种外文期刊,依据文献的引用次数和可得性,遴选了1914至2010年间的521篇国外港口地理文献,通过梳理近百年的相关文献发现,效率评估、空间竞争、体系演化、港城互动、组织管理等构成了港口地理学研究的主要内容。在此基础上文章采用文献分析法,重点剖析了国外港口地理研究在研究成果、学者合作、研究区域和研究主题等方面的特点和新倾向。文章最后指出,随着全球化的不断深入和港口环境的深度变化,海向腹地、港口价值链、物流资源整合等新的领域将成为国外港口地理研究的新近趋向和前沿领域。  相似文献   
两次鸦片战争之后,随着"条约制度"的形成,中国的江海航运权逐渐为外人所攘夺.由于西方航运势力的东侵,中国的江海航运呈现出多样化趋势.在此历史背景下,中外船只碰撞问题不可避免地产生了,而由船碰所生的中外交涉、华洋诉讼诸问题,则复杂多端.但中外各方,尤其是晚清政府所采取的应对措施以及颁布的一系列防碰章程,却成为中国近代海商立法之滥觞.  相似文献   
西方国家大学技术转移研究的进展和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙鹏  曾刚 《人文地理》2011,26(2):20
技术、制度、文化和关系、尺度、调节是经济地理学理论构建的重要中介,也是当今"新经济地理学"理论建构争论的核心所在。大学作为技术创新的集中地,也是国家创新体系的组成部分之一,其在整个国家和地区的技术创新和转移中具有举足轻重的地位。大学技术转移的研究是近年来国外管理学、经济学和经济地理学研究的热点问题。文章通过总结国外大学技术转移研究的现状和发展趋势,结合国内的研究特点,给出了未来我国学者,特别是经济地理学者在大学技术转移的研究方面应该注意的问题,以便使得大学技术转移能在我国建设自主创新型国家的过程中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   
露营是符合休闲时代旅游者心理需求的一种旅游,更是当今时代的一种时尚趋势。国内露营旅游及露营地的发展也逐渐受到政府、企业、学者以及旅游者的关注。本文对欧美露营旅游的相关研究进行了梳理,系统的阐述了欧美露营地发展及研究现状。总结了欧美露营旅游在露营地规划建设、经营管理方面的特色,发现其露营旅游产品呈现出集观光与休闲、个性与新颖、探险与刺激等功能相结合的趋势,服务活动也逐渐趋于多样化。在此基础之上对中国露营旅游发展进行思考,期待为中国露营地的规划建设以及经营管理提供参考。  相似文献   
21世纪上半叶发达国家华侨华人社会的发展态势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
21世纪上半叶 ,随着老龄化进程的加速和知识经济时代的到来 ,发达国家将以更大的拉力吸纳其所需人才 ;中国作为发展中国家 ,其与发达国家之间的社会、经济等方面的差距依然存在 ,对华侨华人产生的推力作用依然存在。有鉴于此 ,今后 2 0— 30年 ,发达国家的华人社会 ,其规模不仅可能由目前的 6 0 0— 70 0万人急速膨胀为 2 0 0 0— 30 0 0万人 ,而且其成份亦将更为多元化、年轻化、知识化。如何使中国人的海外迁移活动成为对华侨华人自身、对其居住国以及对其祖 (籍 )国三者均有利的三赢行为 ,是有关各方面临的共同课题。  相似文献   
位于青藏高原、黄土高原与西秦岭交汇地带的甘肃陇南山地,区域内地形地貌复杂多样,为具有不同地域背景的民族、部落入居提供了基本的地理环境。而不同地理单元之间由于自然分界线与人文分界线之间相互依托、强化,使陇南山地历史发展呈现出"时间""空间"的双重分异和"内地化"与"边疆化"的双重趋势。在白龙江、洮河、岷峨山地、西秦岭、边墙、关隘、堡寨等大大小小自然、人文分界线中,由岷县、临潭、夏河连线所构成的"汉藏分界线"对陇南山地历史发展产生了根本性的影响。这条地理的、生态的分界线在约束人类活动的同时,又为人类最大限度的利用自然环境提供了可能。  相似文献   
The eugenic legislation was a defining aspect in the development of the Nordic welfare state. While sterilization is a widely recognized method of restricting reproduction, another part of the legislation was the castration of male sex offenders for criminal-therapeutic purposes. This article discusses the conflicts arising from the castration of male criminals. Especially targeted were male criminals whose crimes could be traced back to a conflicted sexuality, including homosexuality and such vaguely termed conditions as hypersexuality and an abnormal sex drive. This article highlights the exclusive connection of sexual violence to male violence in the context of Nordic castration legislation. It is further argued that the decriminalization of homosexuality did not lead to sexual liberation but rather to much more harshly restricted sexuality through medicalization. The medicalization of homosexuality and the castration of men labelled as sexual offenders show how the conformity of the Nordic welfare state has tended to restrict sexuality with the help of the concept of heteronormativity.  相似文献   
深入研究俄日早期的相互认识是探寻俄日关系历史的重要途径,更是把握两国关系前景和领土之争的关键。研究俄日关系史就应该回到两国发生接触的源头。6—17世纪俄国主要通过东方阿拉伯国家、蒙元(中国)等第三方积累起对日本的早期认识。人文主义思潮涌现后,随着科学知识的普及和西方探险、游历活动的开展,俄国人对日认识不断更新和拓展。这些早期认识为俄日的正式建交提供了潜在助力。从17世纪开始,伴随俄国的远东疆土开发,俄国获取日本之消息的渠道趋于直接而畅通。本文立足于广阔的历史时空,从地理和文化关系入手,考察俄国对日本从模糊、片段式的了解到逐渐准确、详细的认知过程;从历史地理学角度呈现俄日早期关系的发端。  相似文献   
Archaeometallurgy frequently seeks to correlate between the temporal and spatial distribution of ancient metal objects and their chemical composition. In this study, we examined whether and to what extent local or temporal deviations in the content of modern artifacts can be identified as a proxy for archaeological material that is typically less controlled and therefore more difficult to cluster. For this purpose, Euro coins of 10, 20 and 50 cents from Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Belgium, which are made of copper (Cu) with 5% aluminum (Al), 5% zinc (Zn) and 1% tin (Sn), were analyzed using a simple XRF analyzer. The mass ratios Sn/Cu and Zn/Cu were measured with a relative precision c.a. of 5%. The mean content of the coins from each country was then determined for 20–39 of them. The difference of the mass ratio Sn/Cu observed – from 0.0101 to 0.0111. One coin from Luxemburg shows differences in various areas of its surface of up to a factor of 1.5. Thus, the results of this small pilot research show that even in modern metal artifacts we can detect differences in metal content, which can be correlated to their production and utilization places. Therefore, this study can serve as a model for evaluating compositional variations noted in archaeometallurgical studies where the standard deviations are greater and the differences can be linked more readily to spatial and temporal differences.  相似文献   
This article considers the role of public arts policy in producing societal definitions for “art” and “artists”. It examines administrative definitions generated and used by the Nordic system of state support for artists and reflected in its administrative categories and structures of decision‐making. Using the concepts of “artistic field” and “artistic classification system” as starting points, the article focuses on the regulated and institutionalized interaction of the state and artistic fields in decision making, and on the administrative categories emerging from this interaction. Through this interaction, professional and administrative definitions of “art” and “artist” are closely intertwined in the four countries discussed. The administrative categories examined show considerable variation between the countries related to differences in the nature of this interaction. The definition power involved in state support for artists is related to the nature of this interaction, as well as to such factors as the legitimating arguments, objectives and criteria for the support.  相似文献   
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