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一种饱水木质文物含水率无损检测方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
含水率是评估饱水木质文物糟朽程度最常用的物理参数之一。目前含水率检测常用方法有烘干法、电阻法、近红外光谱法等,但这些方法或属于破坏性分析,或检测范围不适用。为寻找一种适用于饱水木质文物含水率的无损检测方法,基于饱水木材组成理论模型,建立了含水率与湿态密度、灰分含量三者之间关系,进而提出一种检测含水率的便捷方法——溶液密度法。采用上述方法对天长、淮北等地出土饱水木质样品含水率进行测试,并与烘干法测得标准值进行验证。结果发现两者数据较为接近,相对误差在10%以内,证明了该方法的可靠性。进一步研究发现,样品越糟朽,使用该方法获取的数据与标准值之间相对误差越小。说明该方法更适用于糟朽饱水木材含水率的检测。  相似文献   
为探明桂林七星岩景区摩崖题刻文物所赋存的山体里断裂带及岩溶洞穴等渗水通道的发育情况,采用考虑道间时差相位的多道瞬态瑞雷波探测方法,结合工程地质勘察资料,揭示了山体里对摩崖题刻产生溶蚀病害的断裂带及岩溶裂隙等渗流通道的空间位置和规模,为石刻文物注浆保护方案的制定提供了科学依据,也为瑞雷波方法在相关工程的应用提供了经验和借鉴。  相似文献   
植物根系的生长和腐烂对土遗址具有不同程度的破坏作用,影响其长久保存。为确定明代长城土遗址本体内树木根系的生长分布情况,本研究利用探地雷达技术,对甘肃高台境内的明代长城遗址内生长的河西杨根系进行了探测研究。结果表明:河西杨根系主要分布于探测区域北侧,并由北向南延伸,周围分布有侧根,根系主要分布在深度为35~85cm范围内,主根直径约为12cm。400MHz天线的探测深度可达2m,而900MHz天线具有较高的探测精度,二者结合使用可更好地判断地下根系的生长情况。本研究首次获得遗址内根系三维图像,并在不破坏土遗址结构的前提下,确定了树木根系的分布状况。该技术为长城遗址保护方案的制定和加固修复措施的开展提供了重要的科学依据。  相似文献   
为充分获取河北定州商墓出土玉器的物质信息,利用X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱分析(Raman)等无损光学技术手段对玉器进行科学分析。获得玉器成分、矿相和结构等信息,研讨其质地和来源。从而探究先民的玉料来源、制玉技术、文化发展与文明互动交流诸方面问题。进一步探讨当时的生产力、社会发展水平,经济组织形态以及拥有这批玉器的人群在当时背景下的发展程度。研究结果对进一步研究河北地区的商代社会有参考价值。  相似文献   

We present a new technique to detect flat archaeological sites with minimal ceramics using an unmanned aerial vehicle that maps surface stone concentrations. Methods deployed include point pattern analysis of stone concentrations and a machine-learning technique using unsupervised classification of visible stone signature qualities, which are used in simple linear regressions to compare with geophysical and ceramic surface survey results of a site in Iraqi Kurdistan. There is a stronger fit (r2?=?0.77) between surface stone concentrations and architecture identified by geophysical measurement, while surveyed ceramics show a weaker fit to defined architecture (r2?=?0.31). Surface stone concentrations are potentially a better proxy than ceramics for determining the presence of past settlement in regions where stone was commonly used, sites are relatively flat, and ceramics are found in low concentrations. The methods advanced here can be scaled to wider areas, particularly in mountainous regions, where surface stone features are present.  相似文献   
针对明代"文俶"及清代"永瑢"折扇画面上的虫蛀、残缺、脱色、掉粉,扇骨残损、断裂等病害,借助电镜纸纤维分析等科学手段,对补纸材料的选择、金笺的固色、扇面原折印褶皱处虫蛀洞的补缺等进行了全面分析,制定了扇面清洗、揭离、补缺、全色、接笔的修复方法。同时,在扇骨的修复实践中,探寻与运用"贴肉""续筋""榫卯接骨"等古法,还原修复了扇骨断裂与缺损前的原貌,最大程度地保留了古人在折扇上的审美与实用价值,探讨与实践了传统工艺与现代科技相结合、还原修复古代折扇的一种新的理念与方法。  相似文献   
The analytical performance of non-destructive portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) is compared with that of Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) and Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) for the elemental characterisation of a group of glazed stonewares from North-East Asia. As a non-destructive technique pXRF is potentially well suited to the elemental analysis of high value archaeological and museum collections but has yet to be critically evaluated for the analysis of archaeological stonewares. In this study we use multivariate evaluation to compare results from non-destructive pXRF in relation to ICP-OES and NAA analysis for the same group of samples. We conclude that, although pXRF is comparatively limited to a small number of major, minor and trace elements, these are sufficient to identify the same compositional groups as high dimensional ICP-OES and NAA datasets for this assemblage.  相似文献   
本文论述了与传世的明文徵明《拙政园图咏》的三个相关问题:文徵明与拙政园主人王献臣的密切关系;文徵明没有直接参与拙政园的设计;现存《拙政园图咏》虽有存疑处但依然无确凿证据说明其伪。  相似文献   
The bulk metal compositions of twelve socketed axes of the Geistingen type are determined in a fully non-destructive manner by neutron resonance-capture analysis (NRCA). These axes named after a hoard found in Geistingen, a Belgian village along the Dutch-Belgium part of the river Meuse, are considered in the literature to be votive or prestigious objects from the Late Bronze Age. They contain considerable amounts of antimony, arsenic, silver and nickel, adding up to 6–16 wt%. Seven axes have no detectable, or little tin; the other five objects contain 6–12 wt% tin. The compositions of the Geistingen axes are evidence for a further example of the return to the Early Bronze Age practice of smelting fahlore related minerals.  相似文献   
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