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Thelodont scales and associated fragments of conodont elements identified as Turinia sp. cf. Turinia australiensis and Ozarkodina sp. cf. Ozarkodina buchanensis respectively are described for the first time from the Early Devonian Murray Creek Formation of Reefton, New Zealand. The conodont and thelodont components of the fauna suggest a late Pragian to early Emsian age for the assemblage.  相似文献   
Abstract In early 1919, people like Hu Shi and Chen Duxiu were regarded as members of an ivory-tower "academic faction" (xuepai), embroiled in a debate with an opposing "faction." After the May Fourth demonstrations, they were praised as the stars of a "New Culture Movement." However, it was not obvious how the circle around Hu Shi and Chert Duxiu was associated with the May Fourth demonstrations. This link hinged on the way in which newspapers like Shenbao reported about the academic debates and the political events of May Fourth. After compartmentalizing the debating academics into fixed xuepai, Shenbao ascribed warlord-political allegiances to them. These made the Hu-Chen circle look like government victims and their "factional" rivals like the warlords' allies. When the atmosphere became hostile to the government during May Fourth, Hu Shi's "faction" became associated with the equally victimized May Fourth demonstrators. Their ideas were regarded as (now popular) expressions of anti-government sentiment, and soon this was labeled the core of the "New Culture Movement." The idea and rhetoric of China's "New Culture Movement" in this way emerged out of the fortuitous concatenation of academic debates, newspaper stories, and political events.  相似文献   
Since at least the 1960s, the importance of the tremendous territorial expansion under Qing role to the modem history of China has been generally acknowledged. Indeed, one can say that the frontier story is one of the things that makes the Qing "Qing." However, only in the last twenty years has the study of what is now termed the "borderlands" come into its own as a sub-field. This essay begins by describing some key concepts and terms in the study of the Qing frontier, including the Manchu wordjecen. It then raises the problem of narrative fiameworks, asking how we might best contextualize the growth of the empire, before going on to explore the implications of the discursive shift represented by the "New Qing History" and the extensive research on Qing borderlands associated therewith. A poem by the Mongol poet Na-xun Lan-bao provides the focus for a concluding discussion of a distinctive Qing frontier sensibility.  相似文献   
周祥森 《史学月刊》2005,1(10):5-12
作为史学发展进程中一种带有规律性的史学现象的新史学,是历史学发展的内在要求和历史学者的永恒追求。史学史表明,历史学的发展历程,在本质上就是一个一代一代的历史学者在传承既有史学文化遗产的基础上追求新史学的永无止境的过程。历史学者对新史学的追求,是历史学者史家主体意识的鲜明而集中的体现。历史学者所追求的新史学,虽有明确的方向性,但一般只是一个模糊的轮廓。正是通过、并且正是在历史学者对新史学孜孜不倦的永恒追求中,史学不断实现着对自身的超越。  相似文献   
建国前后,北京和上海都举行了规模盛大的"五四"运动纪念活动,这两次活动都不仅仅是群众性的纪念仪式,更深刻的意义在于,它一方面号召继承"五四"革命精神,表达对现实服务的方向;另一方面则书写着自"五四"运动以来中国革命胜利的历史必然性,从而确证新民主主义理论的正确性以及对中国革命和即将展开的新中国建设的指导意义,即为新中国确立了一个新的思想坐标——马克思主义、毛泽东思想。这种以"五四"为中介而实质上是为了引导和塑造新思想的纪念活动方式,成为后来"五四"纪念的传统,为社会主义意识形态确立领导地位发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   
新中国成立初期中南区婚姻制度的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立前后,中南区由于长期受封建婚姻制度的束缚,各种陋俗在许多地方普遍存在,广大妇女的社会地位极其低下。1950年《中华人民共和国婚姻法》颁布施行后,中南区在全区范围内大张旗鼓地开展了一场宣传和贯彻《婚姻法》的群众运动,经过调查试验、宣传发动和总结表彰,彻底地摧毁了封建婚姻制度,建立起了新民主主义的新型婚姻制度,形成了男女平等、民主和睦的社会新风尚,从而促进了中南区整体性的社会文明与进步。  相似文献   
中国农民工问题研究述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入21世纪以来,"农民工"问题渐成为学术关注的焦点之一。从现状与对策角度进行的研究较多,从历史角度进行的研究有待加强。目前学界围绕农民工的定义、"农民工"现象的起源、农民工问题的历史发展及其处理对策变迁、解决农民工问题的深层次困难、解决农民工问题的前景与基本思路,展开了有关讨论。由于"农民工"在我国城镇化、工业化与现代化进程中将长期存在,因此,"农民工"问题将持续成为学术关注的热点问题。  相似文献   
自19世纪至20世纪中期,华裔新西兰人被视为不被法律承认的异乡人;而从1987年开始,华裔新西兰人被视为主要的中产阶级移民群体而受到欢迎,并被寄予建立国际联系和裨益经济的厚望。在这两个群体之间,存在着如社会经济实力、籍贯、教育程度、移民动机等方面的巨大差异,最主要的是,他们与新西兰非华裔主流群体的融合程度不同。然而,不论是早期卑微的定居者还是近年来的高素质“空中飞人”,华裔新西兰人的定位没有改变,只要他们是华人的后代,而且“看起来是华人”,他们就永远不可能被当作“真正的新西兰人”。“华人性”总是被刻画成和“新西兰价值”格格不入。  相似文献   
论五四思想家对自杀现象的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自杀现象是五四转型时期一个重要的社会现象。从这些自杀现象中暴露出的种种社会弊端,比如社会的动荡、社会的黑暗、社会制度的缺陷、危险人生观的倡导等等,引起了五四思想家们的关注。他们对自杀现象作了多次讨论,分别从自杀的趋势和原因、自杀的道德和社会价值等方面进行了深入透彻的分析,并结合五四新文化运动的目标,提出了以提倡新的人生观和改造社会制度两种手段对自杀进行救济。同时,对自杀现象的研究使五四思想家深刻认识到新思潮中可能有危害人的思想的成分,绝对的怀疑主义和虚无主义使人们无所适从。他们明确提出反对这些偏向,对新文化运动的健康发展起了积极作用。  相似文献   
论“中国近代史”学科的形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的中国近代史学科形成于 2 0世纪 3 0年代。从学术史的角度看 ,中国近代史学科的形成主要是由于 :(一 )新材料的发现 ,包括清内阁大库明清档案的发现及海外中国近代史资料的搜求 ,特别是清内阁大库明清档案的发现 ,直接改变了学者关于近代史的观念 ,导致了中国近代史研究的兴起 ;(二 )史学新思想、新方法的输入 ,可以说 ,中国近代史学科的形成 ,就是新史料运用新史学的实践的结果 ,具体表现在三个方面 :一是进步史观的输入导致了中国近代史“近代化叙事模式”的确立 ;二是重视史法的倾向导致了中国近代史编撰模式的转变 ;三是普遍史的倾向导致了中国近代史内容的更新  相似文献   
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