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Climate change has emerged as one of the key issues of the early years of the twenty-first century, bringing together concerns about human relations to nature, the responsibility of rich nations to poorer, the links from local activities to global conditions, and the obligations of present to future generations. This paper focuses on three key ‘narratives’ that are enshrined in international climate policy – asserting that ‘dangerous climate change’ is to be avoided; that the responsibility for climate change is common but differentiated; and that the market (in the form of carbon trading) is the best way to reduce the danger. The goal of the paper is to analyse the origins of these narratives, the power relations they reflect and promote, and some of the concepts and images used to support them, including those of climate determinism, climate stabilisation, ‘burning embers’, ‘tipping points’, Global Warming Potentials, targets and timetables, and carbon credits. I argue that by choosing the market solution of trading carbon we have created a new and surreal commodity, unfairly allocated pollution rights to nation states based on 1990 emission levels, and established a new set north–south relations and carbon transactions in the name of sustainable development.  相似文献   
宋代熙宁年间,着力通过市易法、募役法等解决国家的财政收入问题,进而在国家行政体系的改革中推行增加吏禄、以重法治赃的"重禄法"(亦称"仓法",因首先推行自仓吏)。而市易法的收入是"重禄"的直接经济来源。实行"重禄法"以治吏惩贪,一定程度上遏制了吏的卖法弄权。由于熙宁改革的破产,重禄法难以广泛推行,并在元祐初年被名义上废止,但其以"重禄人"的形式至少推延至南宋绍兴年间;吏之有禄成为行政惯例,延续到南宋。重典治吏的思想则贯穿于宋王朝的始终。  相似文献   
In this paper we present the Emigrant Policies Index (EMIX), an index that summarizes the emigrant policies developed by 22 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) states. In recent decades sending states have increasingly adopted policies to keep economic, political or social links with their emigrants. These “emigrant policies” vary in scope and nature between different countries and include measures as diverse as dual citizenship policies, programs to stimulate remittances, the right to vote in the home country from abroad, and the creation of government agencies to administer emigrant issues. The EMIX proposes a useful tool to condense and compare a wide spectrum of policies across countries. Its development involved the collection of official data, as well as a critical review of secondary literature and input from experts as complementary sources. Through a rigorous framework for constructing the index, we show how emigrant policies can be aggregated to measure the overall degree and volume of emigrant policies in LAC states. The results of the EMIX portray a region that has indeed made serious efforts to assist their diaspora in the states of reception and to encourage their involvement in the political, economic and social fabric in the states of origin. The results, however, also reveal great variation in the emigrant policies and the administrative setting adopted by LAC states.  相似文献   
Boundaries are an increasing focus for academics and practitioners seeking to understand public policy dynamics. In anti-corruption policy how these boundaries are established and by whom has far-reaching implications for public trust. Drawing on interview data, this paper explores the enduring tensions and administrative conflicts at play in three key aspects of the anti-corruption boundary making process: behaviour, responses and institutions. The evidence presented demonstrates that these boundaries are unstable and unresolved. While some tensions, such as those between morality and the law, are enduring, many of the administrative conflicts indicate a sensible and purposeful balance between the important considerations of accountability and responsiveness on the one hand, and efficiency and effectiveness on the other, is yet to be achieved.  相似文献   
城市化进程中,逐渐式微的归侨聚居区呈现被符号化的特点,其物质和文化形态的改变在一定程度上强化了“侨文化”的地方再想象,并加剧了边界随之发生的新变化。本文主要采用叙事研究方法,以广州华侨新村为例,尝试探讨在城市化进程中归侨聚居区边界的演变及其对想象的社区的影响,由此进一步解析归侨聚居区符号化的过程与动因。研究发现:①1954年至今,新村归侨共同体维系纽带经历了从国家利益到对幸福生活的向往,再到集体记忆的嬗变,折射出社会环境、空间形态以及邻里关系的变化与归侨的自我认同感、群体认同感之间的耦合关系;②华侨新村不仅是曾经表征爱国主义的物质载体,在资本与权力的支配下归侨聚居区被片面截取并赋予了其它阶层想象的意义和元素。  相似文献   

Highways and Byways in South Wales. By A. G. Bradley; with Illustrations by Frederick S. Griggs. London: Macmillan and Co., 1903. Pp.418. Price 6s.

Côtes et Ports Français de la Manche. By Charles Lenthiérie. Paris: Plon, Nourrit et Cie. Pp. 319, with 8 Maps. Price 5 francs.

The Survey Atlas of England and Wales. John Bartholomew and Co., The Geographical Institute, Edinburgh. Under the patronage of the Royal Geographical Society, 1903.

Botany of the Fæeröes, based upon Danish Investigations. Part II. Copenhagen: Det Nordiske Vorlag, Ernst Bojesen. 1903.


Formosa wider the Dutch, described from Contemporary Records. By Rev. Wm. Campbell, F.R.G.S., English Presbyterian Mission, Tainan. London: Kegan, Paul and Co., 1903. Pp. 629. Price 12s.

Le Japon d'aujourd'hui. Par G. Weulebsee. Paris : Armand Colin, 1904. Pp. 364. Price 4 fr.

L'Armée Chinoise. Par Général H. Frey, de l'Armée Coloniale. Paris : Hachette et Oie, 1904. Pp. 173.

Fasciculi Malayenses. Anthropological and Zoological Results of an Expedition to Perak and the’ Siamese Malay States, 1901–1902, undertaken by Nelson Annandale and Herbert 0. Robinson, under the auspices of the University of Edinburgh and University College, Liverpool. Anthropology: Part I. Zoology : Part I, Published for the University Press of Liverpool by Longmans, Green and Co., London, New York, and Bombay. 1003.


Beautiful Biskra. By C. Howard Tripp. Derby, London, and Watford : Bemiose and Sons, Ltd., 1903. Pp. vi + 93. Price 1s.

St. Helena: the Historic Island. By E. L. Jackson. London, New York, and Melbourne: Ward, Lock and Co., Ltd., 1903. Pp. iv + 343. Price 6s.

A Search for the Mashed Tawareks. By W. J. Harding King, M.R.A.S., F.RG.S. London : Smith, Elder and Co., 1903. Pp. viii + 334. Price 12s. 6d.

Dawn in the Dark Continent of Africa and its Missions : the Duff Missionary Lectures for 1902. By James Stewart, D.D., M.D., etc. Pp. 400. With Maps by J. G. Bartholomew. Edinburgh and London : Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier.

La Vérité sur le Congo. Bruxelles : J. Lebègue et Cie.


Jamaica as it is, 1903. By B. Pollen‐Barry. London : T. Fisher Unwin, 1903. Pp. xv + 240. Price 6s.


Western Australian Year Book for 1900–1. By Malcolm A. C. Fraser. Government Statistician and Registrar‐General for Western Australia, Perth, 1902.

Two Awheel and Some Others Afoot in Australia. By Arthur Jose. London: J. M. Dent and Co. Pp. 216. 24 Illustrations. Price 3s. 6d. net.


Geographen‐Kalender, herausgegeben von Dr. Hermann Haack. Erster Jahrgang, 1903–1904. Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1903. Pp. xv + 124. Price M. 3.

The Scottish Historical Review, being a new series of The Scottish Antiquary established 1886. Glasgow : MacLehose and Sons.

The Text and Versions of John de Piano Carpini and William de Rubruquis, as printed for the first time by Hakluyt in 1598, together with some shorter pieces. Edited by C. Raymond Beazley, M. A., F.R.G.S. London: Printed for the Hakluyt Sooiety, 1903.

The Mutual Relations of the Sun and Earth. By C. Robertson, M.D., M.R.S.G.S., Edinburgh : St. Giles Printing Company, 1903. Pp. 59.

A Monograph on the Tsetse Flies, genus Glossina (Westwood), based on the collection in the British Museum. By Ernest Edward Austen. With a chapter on mouth parts by H. J. Hansen. “Pp. ix + 319. London : Printed by order of the Trustees, 1903.  相似文献   
The combination of multiple theories in policy studies has a great potential value—new combinations of theories or concepts may produce new perspectives and new research agendas. However, it also raises important ontological, epistemological, methodological, and practical issues that need to be addressed to ensure disciplinary advance. This article identifies three main approaches: synthesis, in which we produce one theory based on the insights of multiple theories; complementary, in which we use different theories to produce a range of insights or explanations; and contradictory, in which we compare the insights of theories before choosing one over the other. It examines the issues that arise when we adopt each approach. First, it considers our ability to “synthesize” theories when they arise from different intellectual traditions and attach different meanings to key terms. Second, it considers the practical limits to using multiple theories and pursuing different research agendas when academic resources are limited. Third, it considers the idea of a “shoot‐out” in which one theory is chosen over another because it appears to produce the best results or most scientific approach. It examines the problems we face when producing scientific criteria and highlights the extent to which our choice of theory is influenced by our empirical narrative. The article argues that the insistence on a rigid universal scientific standard may harm rather than help scientific collaboration and progress.  相似文献   
In this article, I bring an ethnographic lens to untangling the influence of policy discourses on civil society-initiated projects of history education reform in the Balkans. Drawing on data from a multi-sited project conducted amongst historians, teachers, and NGO personnel, I ask: what are the dominant discourses that impact civil society-initiated efforts to promote history education reform, and how are these discourses made authoritative? How does policy act to organize the work of this cluster of actors, and what kinds of responses does it provoke? While educational policy discourses and their impacts are varied, I argue that such discourses can be profitably viewed as technologies of governance deployed in the service of post-national citizenship formation. In analysing behaviours of “complaisance”, how “competencies” emerge as a slippery signifier whose expansive meaning was exploited to multiple ends, and how the demands of post-national citizenship can, and sometimes do, detract from the goal of addressing controversial history, I map the field of possibilities in which my interlocutors found themselves, and highlight how they navigated their positions as mediators of particular, shifting, social worlds.  相似文献   
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