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2007年,河南省文物考古研究所调查并试掘了河南灵宝市晓坞遗址,清理出两座仰韶文化早期墓葬。两墓均为长方形竖穴土坑墓,多人二次葬。其中M1内残存79具个体,M2残存17具个体。三门峡地区很少发现仰韶文化的二次葬墓,晓坞遗址墓葬是该地区首次发现的仰韶文化早期的二次葬,具有重要学术价值。  相似文献   
2009~2010年的发掘2009年至2010年,河南省文物考古研究所对郑州市南郊站马屯遗址进行了发掘。其中Ⅱ区发现丰富的仰韶晚期秦王寨文化遗存,遗迹有灰坑、墓葬、灰沟、瓮棺葬、房基、水井、陶窑、陶灶和围栏等,出土遗物有陶器、石器和骨器。站马屯仰韶遗存的发掘,进一步补充了郑州地区仰韶晚期秦王寨文化的内涵。  相似文献   
1995年,河南省文物考古研究所等对河南汝州市煤山遗址的西部进行了考古发掘,共发现龙山时期的土坑竖穴墓6座。墓葬分有二层台墓和无二层台墓两种。出土遗物以彩绘陶器为主,器类有壶、豆、罐、杯、碗等。遗物有石家河文化的因素,因此墓葬的埋葬习俗应受到石家河文化的较大影响。  相似文献   
为探索南京城墙科学保护对策及加固技术方法,针对狮子山的地形特征和城墙建造特点,通过城墙本体损伤调查和山体地质勘探,对狮子山段城墙再次发生局部坍塌原因进行了分析;采用传统造城工艺与现代加固技术修复坍塌墙体,恢复了城墙与山体的排水系统;对墙体裂缝病害进行安全监测,改善了该段城墙的生存环境.此方法可为进一步研究同类城墙保护提供技术参考.  相似文献   
The dominant stream of political geography research links ethnic or racial marginalization and class-based marginalization resulting from gentrification processes. This study presents a new phenomenon of “minority gentrification:” gentrification led by Arab entrepreneurs and business owners in the city of Acre which challenges the dominant research narrative and emphasizes the complexity of the relationship between class and ethnonational identity. Based on a qualitative research method including in-depth interviews with Arab business owners and lower-income Arab tenants, as well as analysis of policy documents and press articles, this study offers the term “stratified marginalization” to describe the relative advantage of Arab and business owners over lower-income Arab tenants. Simultaneously, it describes the trap in which they find themselves between their ethnonational and class identities and the explanations they provide for the gentrification process. Finally, the study describes the tension between Arabs from different classes as a result of gentrification. The research findings contribute to a re-evaluation of class and ethnonationalism intersectionality in a way that recognizes the benefits of gentrification for the middle-class ethnic entrepreneurs on the one hand, and the multiple margins of the lower-class ethnic tenants on the other.  相似文献   
新疆塔里木盆地策勒县达玛沟下游古绿洲为一片典型的历史时期形成的沙漠化区域,总面积约660平方千米。古绿洲上散落着胡杨墩佛寺遗址、托普鲁克墩佛寺遗址、大墓地、胡杨墓地、喀拉沁古城、斯皮尔古城等众多古代遗迹。喀拉沁古城为唐代所设的坎城守捉(坎城镇、绀州),也即媲摩城(phema)。唐代喀拉沁古城商贸发达、人丁兴旺、佛教兴盛,公元790年以后荒弃。斯皮尔古城原为汉代西域渠勒国王城鞬都城,约魏晋后期荒弃。文中对于达玛沟下游古绿洲上的佛寺和城址的废弃,以及古绿洲沙漠化过程前后经历的两个阶段和沙漠化的原因,进行了剖析。  相似文献   
In addition to a series of chronological markers (artefacts, pottery) in the archaeological contexts of ancient Tayma (NW Saudi Arabia), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon dating techniques were applied to generate reliable ages for the city wall system of the oasis. A massive aeolian sand deposit burying the oldest part of the outer wall of Tayma was sampled to obtain a minimum age for the construction of this wall. The sequence of OSL ages from the inactive dune (ID) (4900 ± 300 a, 5100 ± 400 a, 4400 ± 300 a, 3900 ± 200 a, 4000 ± 200 a) is in full accordance with 14C-AMS ages of charcoal embedded into the same dune (4190–4420 cal BP, 3870–4080 cal BP). Underlying alluvial samples from the inactive gravel sheet (IGS) in contrast give maximum ages for the construction which scatter between 6600 ± 300 a and 4900 ± 400 a. The new dating sequence provides evidence that the oldest part of the ancient city wall system already existed in the 2nd half of the 3rd mill. BC which is earlier than expected thus far from archaeological and architectural interpretation.  相似文献   
This article examines the emerging intrusion of sport into the realm of cultural policy in tandem with an increased emphasis on culture in civic planning programs. The empirical focus of the article is on the location of sport within recent campaigns by British regional cities to win the title of European City of Culture, to be conferred in 2008. The particular case study considered is the unsuccessful joint bid put forward by Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne and Gateshead. The article looks at how the economic revival of Newcastle has been driven by cultural regeneration, and at how sport has assumed a prominent place within the cultural symbolism and iconography of the city. Consideration is given to the policy background and implications; in particular, the developing links between sport policy and cultural policy and sport considered in relation to the “creative industries” and the arts as more traditionally perceived. The article offers critical reflection upon the role of sport within the desired cultural democracy of the planners and promoters of the “city of culture”.  相似文献   
In various disciplines, a renewed attention to history and the past can be discerned, not least in the field of urban analysis and urban planning. To understand the ways in which heritage can contribute to the functioning of cities today and tomorrow we need insight into the meanings of heritage for the cities? residents.With the help of the two concepts ?tied to the city centre? and ?solidarity with the city centre?, three city-centre resident types are theoretically constructed who are the ?connoisseurs?, the ?take-it-or-leavers? and the ?rejecters?. The empirical data collected in two Dutch cities, Leeuwarden and Alkmaar, made it possible to search for these assumed types to see whether they really exist and to find out if the different types give different meanings to urban heritage. Differences in the meaning of heritage means that the distinctions among ?connoisseurs?, ?take-it-or-leavers? and ?rejecters? could be used in setting heritage policy.  相似文献   
Town walls have always played a critical role in shaping the identities and images of the communities they embrace. Today, the surviving fabric of urban defences is a feature of heritage holding great potential as a cultural resource but in management terms one that poses substantial challenges, both practical and philosophical. Town walls can be conceptualised as a ‘dissonant’ form of heritage whose value is contested between different interest groups and whose meanings are not static but can be rewritten. Evidence is gathered from walled towns across Europe, including member towns of the WTFC (Walled Towns Friendship Circle) and inscribed UNESCO World Heritage Sites, to explore the cyclical biographies of town walls in their transformation from civic monuments, through phases of neglect, decay and destruction to their current status as cherished cultural resources. To explore this area of interface between archaeology and tourism studies, the varying attitudes of populations and heritage agencies to walled heritage are reviewed through examination of policies of conservation, preservation, presentation and restoration. Areas of commonality and contrast are thus identified.  相似文献   
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