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Studying or working abroad during the course of an undergraduate degree has been associated with many positive outcomes and benefits. Despite this, there is scant literature on the role higher education institution (HEIs) play in encouraging outgoing student mobility. There is subsequently limited practical guidance for individuals within HEIs wishing to increase student participation in mobility programmes. Using evidence from the existing literature, and primary research conducted for a PhD study, this paper addresses this gap and offers guidance for encouraging students' participation in the European region action scheme for the mobility of university students (Erasmus). This paper focuses on the mobility of geography students who underperform in terms of participation in the Erasmus programme.  相似文献   
论文基于多元身份认同的理论基础,通过16位在韩国工作生活的中国朝鲜族移民的结构式访谈,对影响其身份认同转变的相关因素进行了探析。研究显示,导致中国朝鲜族认同转变的主要因素包括:移居韩国前的高期望值导致的失落感,大量集中于体力劳动行业被边缘化,语言和文化障碍,韩国社会的歧视以及由此导致的自尊心伤害。韩国政府近期移民政策逐渐由优待中国朝鲜族转向对所有外国人群体的普适性对待,在此过程中,如果缺乏对中国朝鲜族这一特殊群体的考虑,将有可能影响韩国整个社会的稳定。  相似文献   
西安城墙的墙体常大面积析出白色盐粉,这种现象被称为"泛碱"。大量出现的泛碱现象不但大大影响西安城墙的整体美感,而且会降低砖材的力学强度造成脱落、粉化等病害,甚至对墙体的稳定性和安全性都造成威胁。为了了解其产生的原因,本工作通过X射线衍射分析方法对泛碱物质进行分析。分析结果表明,泛碱主要成分为NaCl、NaNO3、Na2SO4.10H2O、无水芒硝。结合对西安地区环境地下水和降雨等资料的调查,认为"泛碱"的主要原因为原材料以及地下水、雨水等引入的可溶盐。针对这一现象,提出了用"多层纸张贴敷法"除去导致砖石表面酥粉泛碱的可溶盐,再后期杀菌封护的保护方案。  相似文献   
王锳先生的《近代汉语词汇语法散论》是近代汉语研究方面的重要著作,它在研究领域、研究资料与对象、研究方法三个方面值得后辈学习。  相似文献   
Water management and population issues have always been particularly important in Spain, a country historically characterized by severe environmental constraints on agricultural growth and intense rural depopulation. This paper evaluates whether irrigation projects in Spain over the course of the twentieth century have achieved one of their main objectives, which was to reduce rural population decline. This paper makes two contributions. First, we compare the evolution of population in two of the earliest and most ambitious irrigation projects in Spain, the Riegos del Alto Aragón (Upper Aragon Irrigation System) and the Canal de Aragón y Cataluña (Aragon and Catalonia Canal System), both located in the Ebro basin. Second, the time period of the study spans an entire century. This long-term approach is crucial if we accept that irrigation requires time to consolidate its effects and, therefore, its impact on population may be long delayed. We show that the evolution of population in each of the two projects has been substantially different. We also analyze the factors that have caused or prevented population growth. We argue that financial, economic and environmental limitations have been significant, but also that political and geographical factors have played a major role.  相似文献   
改革开放以来的中国基督教史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,中国历史学发展的新景象之一就是中国基督教史研究的兴起。这一新兴领域的发展,首先,体现于多种研究范式的存续和转移,文化侵略、中西文化交流、现代化、全球化等范式下的研究成果体现了各自不同的解释力与学术影响。其次,则体现于研究焦点的流变,从基督教与中国社会的现代性变迁、基督教与中西关系,直到关注中国基督教自身的个性化发展,呈现了从研究基督教外围向内部移动的趋势。最后,体现于这一领域的开放性和成长性。基于中国基督教的区域史、性别史、宗教史、宗派史及人物史仍有相当的研究空间,同时随着网络资料和海外档案的获取能力加强,跨文化史料与视野下的研究,将成为这一学科新的增长点。  相似文献   
In East-Central Europe (ECE), the evolution of feminist geographies began after the end of state socialism. Aiming to identify individual and shared characteristics, this study outlines the development of gender/feminist geography in East-Central European countries. Providing a brief historical overview, the first part of the article substantiates the arguments that i) the evolution of feminist geography in ECE is linked to the post-socialist transition; although the fall of state socialism has removed the political, social and ideological obstacles that prevented its gaining ground, this approach is still considered to be relatively new; and ii) today, development is hindered mainly by conservative mainstream geography, which seems slower in transforming itself than in some related disciplines which have ‘embraced’ gender studies. The topics, methods and theories of feminist geography that have developed in ECE is significantly influenced by the resistance that advocates of feminist geography have to contend with from representatives of mainstream post-socialist geographies. The second part of the article presents the major characteristics of gender/feminist geography in Europe's post-socialist region, while providing an outline of the various methods used in an attempt to earn positive recognition for gender studies. The concluding section maps some lessons to be learnt on the relationship between the production of feminist geographical knowledge and post-socialism.  相似文献   
改革开放以来宋史研究若干热点问题述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,宋史研究取得长足进步,这不仅表现为典章制度史、财政问题与部门经济史、城市史、人口史、货币史、区域经济史、法制史、社会史、家族史、妇女婚姻、文化思想等领域都有颇见功力的专著问世,而且对诸多热点问题,如历史分期与宋代的历史地位、积贫积弱、宋代经济发展水平、南宋历史地位、皇帝与士大夫共治天下、宋太祖不杀大臣、相权消长、士风、士人转型与唐宋变革以及王安石变法等都有广泛而深入的讨论,大大推进了对宋代在中国历史上的地位及其特点的认识。思想解放、研究方法和倾向的多样化、宋代文献的整理和出版均对宋史研究的进步产生了巨大的推动作用。但研究中也存在不讲求学术规范、重复研究、短期速成等缺陷。  相似文献   
20世纪80年代以来,中国大陆整理和出版了大量关于汪精卫及汪伪政权的研究资料,同时一批具有较高学术水平的汪精卫生平传记陆续问世,另外在北京还召开了两次以汪精卫和汪伪政权为主题的学术会议,这些都推动了汪精卫及汪伪政权研究的良性发展.近30年来,中国大陆学者对汪精卫的方方面面都展开了研究,取得了丰硕的成果.从学者们发表的有关论文及论著来看,对汪精卫的研究主要集中在辛亥革命时期的汪精卫、大革命时期的汪精卫、汪精卫叛国投敌的原因、汪精卫的人际关系、汪精卫的政治思想等几个热点问题.学者们就这些问题展开了热烈的讨论,发表了大量研究成果,澄清了一些模糊认识,修正了不少学术观点.然而,在中国大陆的汪精卫研究中,也存在着一些突出问题和薄弱环节.要解决好这些问题,就需要众多学者的共同努力和有关方面的大力支持.  相似文献   
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