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A noted American geographer surveys the spatial distribution and growth (between 2000 and 2008) of Internet users in the 15 countries of the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, and Afghanistan (Eurasia). A major focus is exploration of the correlations between rapidly increasing penetration rates in the region and hypothesized drivers of Internet growth worldwide (such as income, literacy, and telephone access). The author proceeds to examine various forms of Internet censorship practiced in Eurasia, which exhibit different degrees of severity and types depending on the country in question. A third section of the paper assesses the potentially transformative role of electronic commerce and governance among the region's states, including types of applications and the obstacles that this phenomenon confronts. A concluding section includes penetrating observations on the implications of continued expansion of Internet use on commerce, information access, and civil society in the region.  相似文献   
“二里头五期”遗存分析及其相关问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓“二里头五期”遗存,实质上是包含了不同年代、不同时期遗存的混合体,化性质与二里头化—至四期不同,属早商化。二里头二号宫殿的废弃、偃师商城小城之始建以及郑州商城开始进入最繁盛期的时间大体同步,均是在二里头四期(或先商第一段第Ⅱ组)与早商第二段第Ⅲ组之际,表明夏商分界当在此时。  相似文献   
本文在考辨官员引见资料的基础上,结合相关史料,对雍正朝引见的绿营武官的籍贯、民族、身份、年龄等问题作了详尽的数据表列并进行分析,说明了当时选武官轻视武举人、重视战功等现象,揭示了武官的区域分布和民族构成及其与政治社会的关系。  相似文献   
内蒙古扎鲁特旗南宝力皋吐新石器时代墓地   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南宝力皋吐墓地位于内蒙古自治区扎鲁特旗鲁北镇东南约40公里,东北距道老杜苏木10公里,南距南宝力皋吐村2公里,地理坐标为东经121°19′、北纬44°24′,海拔高度220米(图一)。墓地所在区域为波状起伏的半沙化草甸,生态植被十分脆弱,是大兴安岭南麓草原与科尔沁沙地的交错地带。这里地势开阔,起伏平缓,平均落差仅5米,地表  相似文献   
2006年,对内蒙古赤峰市康家湾遗址进行发掘。该遗址以夏家店下层文化遗存为主体,遗迹有房址、墓葬、灰沟、灰坑、灶等,出土较多陶器、石器、蚌器、骨器等。该遗址不属于石城址,房址均为土坑半地穴式。它的发现,为研究阴河中下游地区夏家店下层文化的聚落形态及建筑形式提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
Understanding paleoenvironmental conditions, including the frequency and amplitude of seasonal variation, is crucial to understanding a wide array of human behaviors in prehistory. In vertebrate calcified tissue, inorganic oxygen isotopes derived from apatite have been widely used as a proxy for paleoenvironment and seasonality in the archaeological record. However, organic sources of δ18O and δD in mineralized tissue have remained largely unexplored. Here we measure the oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) composition of dentin collagen sequentially sampled from the lower cheek teeth of four modern ovicaprids from the Baga Gazar'in Chuluu (BGC) region of the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. A significant correlation between trends in hydrogen and oxygen isotope values within individual teeth was identified. The amplitude of isotopic variation observed in sampled tooth dentin is similar to the yearly range of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic variation observed in meteoric precipitation for the region. These data indicate that dentin collagen δ18O and δD isotopic values reflect seasonal variation in the organic oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of diet and ingested water. We argue that paired measurements of dentin collagen δ18O and δD appear to be reliable seasonal climatic indicators.  相似文献   
2013年初,为配合古籍数字化,安徽省图书馆开始修复馆藏《正德三年进士登科录》。通过分析破损现状、查找相关资料、咨询修复专家、制订修复方案、选配纸张、清洗书页、修补书页、书皮及托纸、修整书页、装订书册、残片修复与函套制作、完善修复记录,经精心修复,修复质量合格、效果满意。论文着重探讨了"古籍修复需要讲究依据"、灵活运用"修旧如旧"原则、保留修复资料等相关问题。此修复研究可为行业修复此类古籍提供相关借鉴。  相似文献   
建福宫花园建筑历史沿革考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建福宫花园位于紫禁城西北部的建福宫后,为原乾西五所中之四、五所所在地,于乾隆七年改建成建福宫花园,由于初建的建福宫花园有许多不尽人意之处,之后又陆续添建碧琳馆、慧曜楼,改建玉壶冰等建筑,至乾隆二十三年花园方总体告罄。本文试梳理出建福宫花园建筑的历史沿革,分析其改建、添建的原因,并探讨建福宫花园的使用情况。  相似文献   
从现存图样资料看清代晚期长春宫改造工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过调研现存的图样和文字资料,逐步深入地考察了清代晚期长春宫改造工程的过程和工程项目,从而揭示了今天故宫博物院长春宫一区原状陈列展览所无法展现的历史面貌,并以此为线索对于清代宫廷生活、建筑空间及其使用、审美好尚进行了初步分析,特别着重分析了咸丰皇帝和懿贵妃(后来的慈禧太后)在这里扮演的历史角色。  相似文献   
内蒙古中南部考古学文化演变的环境学透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏峻 《华夏考古》2005,(1):62-68
内蒙古中南部位于我国北方农牧交错带的中段, 是气侯变化的敏感地区。全新世以来的气侯波动, 对于塑造这里的自然景观和古文化的面貌起着重要的作用。本文分析了全新世大暖期的不同时段上古文化的特点和生计方式的变化, 并从沙地进退、湖面升降的视角探讨了这一地区考古学文化的演变以及人地之间相互作用的过程。  相似文献   
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