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传统剪纸艺术重新受到现代设计者的强烈关注,这一现象说明剪纸艺术不仅与现代设计在风格上有着惊人的一致性,而且与西方现代设计理念也有着惊人的相似性。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯地区近代移民研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
清代以来。内地的人口不断增长。人地矛盾日益突出。晋、陕地区的人口大量迁往鄂尔多斯地区,对该地区的经济发展、人口分布、社会结构及民族关系等方面都产生了深远的影响,对边疆的巩固起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   
曹清 《东南文化》2001,(11):74-77
艺术的力量不容忽视,南京博物院艺术陈列馆的现代馆需要鲜明的个性,这个个性要具有时代特色浓厚的展示内容来填充,从而达到推动社会文明进程及城市发展的目的,这是本文努力强调的。  相似文献   
The faunal sample from the Middle Stone Age (MSA) and overlying Later Stone Age (LSA) deposits of Diepkloof Rock Shelter (Western Cape Province, South Africa) includes at least 40 taxa, mostly mammals, but also tortoises, snakes, birds (especially ostrich represented by eggshell), and intertidal mollusks. The LSA sample contains only species that occurred nearby historically, including domestic sheep, which LSA people introduced to the region by 1800 years ago. In contrast, like other Western Cape MSA faunas, the Diepkloof MSA sample has more species and it is especially notable for five large extralimital grazing species. These imply a greater-than-historic role for grasses in the local vegetation, particularly in the post-Howiesons Poort (latest MSA) interval where the grazers appear most abundant. Extreme fragmentation and dark-staining impedes analysis of the MSA bones, but cut-marks, abundant burning, and numerous associated artifacts suggest that people were the main accumulators. Rare coprolites imply that carnivores could have contributed some bones, and concentrations of small mammal bones, particularly near the bottom of the MSA sequence, suggest a role for raptors. Tortoise bones are common throughout the sequence, and the MSA specimens tend to be especially large, as in other MSA assemblages. The LSA specimens are smaller, probably because LSA human populations were denser and preyed on tortoises more intensively. The most surprising aspect of the Diepkloof assemblage is its marine component. The coast is currently 14 km away and it would have been even more distant during much of the MSA when sea levels were often lower. Intertidal mollusks, particularly black mussels and granite limpets, are concentrated in the LSA and in the Late and Post-Howiesons Poort layers. Only LSA shells are complete enough for measurement, and the limpets are small as at other LSA sites. The implication is again for more intense LSA collection by relatively dense human populations. Both the LSA and MSA deposits also contain bones of shorebirds and Cape fur seals. Whale barnacles and occasional dolphin bones indicate that MSA people scavenged beached cetaceans.  相似文献   
An analysis of possible developmental-functional causes of cranial form suggests that the morphology of ‘robust’ Pleistocene/Early Holocene Australians such as Willandra Lakes Human 50 might best be explained by four underlying factors: possession of a (1) large neurocranium, (2) narrow cranial base, (3) viscerocranium with considerable midfacial projection, and (4) large dentition, especially the cheek teeth, with their associated large jaws and high volume masticatory muscles. Some of these features are likely to be highly heritable, while others are caused/exaggerated by influences from ageing processes, diet, and a hunter-gatherer lifestyle in an arid environment. These underlying ‘causes’ are either apomorphies of Homo sapiens (1 and 2) and thus absent from pre-modern specimens such as from Ngandong, or represent plesiomorphic features of latter Homo (3 and 4). It is concluded that combining current knowledge of cranial development-function with genetic studies of the population history of Aboriginal Australians provides the most parsimonious solution to understanding their origins.  相似文献   
于民 《安徽史学》2012,(1):83-88
中世纪和近代早期,英国关税性质发生了根本性变化,从一种国王特权税,逐渐演变为处于议会严格控制下的议会间接税。中世纪和1625年前的近代早期,关税主要是国王的一种特权税。1625-1660年间,随着议会和王权斗争的高涨,以及议会的暂时胜利,关税一度转变为处于议会直接控制下的间接税。复辟时期,关税的最终课征批准权继续掌握在议会手中,但因缺少日常操控权,其关税权残缺不全。光荣革命后,因议会在与王权的斗争中取得了决定性胜利,关税演变为完全由议会严格控制的间接税。  相似文献   
本文以笔者五次调查所获资料为依据,论述近代以来贵州天主教中外文献史料的分布状况,初步整理贵州天主教史研究资料兼述其学术史,以期立足新史料,细化近代西南民族地区中西文化交流史的研究。  相似文献   
中国现代史学科体系是在与党史和革命史体系逐渐区别开来的过程中初步确立和发展起来的。李新等人主编的《中国新民主主义革命时期通史》奠定了中国现代史的基本框架。王桧林主编的北京师大版《中国现代史》继承和发展了这一框架。它的撰写、修改、趋向完备是和中国现代史学科的形成密切结合着的,它所提出的“三条道路、两个斗争、一个结局”的中国社会的演变规律为史学界所公认,它为中国现代史学科体系的初步建立和发展做出了贡献。  相似文献   
The earliest known personal ornaments come from the Middle Stone Age of southern Africa, c. 75,000 years ago, and are associated with anatomically modern humans. In Europe, such items are not recorded until after 45,000 radiocarbon years ago, in Neandertal-associated contexts that significantly predate the earliest evidence, archaeological or paleontological, for the immigration of modern humans; thus, they represent either independent invention or acquisition of the concept by long-distance diffusion, implying in both cases comparable levels of cognitive capability and performance. The emergence of figurative art postdates c. 32,000 radiocarbon years ago, several millennia after the time of Neandertal/modern human contact. These temporal patterns suggest that the emergence of “behavioral modernity” was triggered by demographic and social processes and is not a species-specific phenomenon; a corollary of these conclusions is that the corresponding genetic and cognitive basis must have been present in the genus Homo before the evolutionary split between the Neandertal and modern human lineages.  相似文献   
近代边疆研究日益引起学术界广泛关注,既是学术研究内在学理自然发展之结果,也与当代社会各界关注边疆问题的历史性反思有着密切关联。对近代边疆史的研究,既不能割裂其与古代边疆史的延续性,也不能拘泥于断代史的话语诠释;既不能忽略边疆问题的殊相,也不要陷入地方史的思维;既要有纵向的深入思考,也要有横向的宽广视野。须从整体思维出发,在全球史视野下审视近代中国边疆问题与全球化进程中国际秩序重构的复杂关系,以国家史观念从全局上把握近代边疆问题与中国国家建设之间密切不可分割的互动关系。  相似文献   
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