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葛川  田明中 《南方文物》2013,(2):148-151,128
本次研究主要利用地质雷达对元上都遗址进行了勘察研究。通过对采集的数据进行处理分析并经过反复的研究分析出了外城东西大道的道路情况与明德门基础的详细情况和城门外护城河的相关信息。同时也提出了地质雷达特征图像识别的规律,为以后地质雷达在遗址探测中提供了很好的利用经验。并且进一步提出了物理探测和岩土类型遗址保护工作实际情况相结合的文物勘察方法——无损文物勘察。  相似文献   

After the downfall of the Ming Dynasty in 1644, parts of the Imperial family fled to the south establishing short-lived imperial regimes competing for power. The Jesuit missionaries Xavier Koffler and Micha? Boym joined the court of the Emperor Yongli of the Southern Ming where in the year 1647, eventually, members of the Imperial family converted to Christianity. One of them was the Dowager-Empress Xiaozheng who adopted the Name Helena after christening. In 1650 she wrote a letter to Pope Innocent X. asking for spiritual support and help in the dynasty's struggle for survival. This letter, for the first time translated into German, and the circumstances leading to its composition will be the focal points of this article.  相似文献   
The Ming dynasty Confucian philosopher Wang Yangming (1472–1529) has been the subject of a European and North American literature since at least the 18th century. But the rich history of writing about him in the West has been largely obscured by an English-language scholarship published in the 1960s and 1970s. This earlier literature nevertheless provides one window into the broader history of intellectual encounter between China and the West, shedding light on it from the angle of the discovery of one of late imperial China’s most influential scholar-officials. This article’s goal is to provide a history of writing about Wang Yangming in Europe and North America from the 17th century to 1950, demonstrating both how historical circumstances shaped his reception and interpretation, and that these earlier accounts shared valuable insights yet worthy of our attention today.  相似文献   
When the Jesuit missionaries began to work in China, they attracted the attention of the Chinese by introducing European knowledge. This is the context in which Jesuits such as Matteo Ricci, Giulio Aleni, Francesco Sambiasi and Ferdinand Verbiest made their Chinese‐language world maps. Sambiasi was a man of many talents. He was a tactful diplomat and a learned scientist. His world map shows him to be a skilful adapter of earlier knowledge, which he passed on to future generations. The six known copies of his map are in two versions, printed from two sets of wood blocks (c. 1639). A text at the top of one version explains why the world must be seen as a sphere, which demonstrates how these maps were meant to convince the Chinese public of European scientific findings.  相似文献   
本文通过对《蒋介石日记》的解读与论证,从新的角度证明了“宋明理学”对蒋介石的道德取向、人格塑造及思想理念的潜在影响。  相似文献   
19世纪 60年代以后 ,直东交界一带社区精英权力的拓展遇到外国教会的挑战 ,士绅团首在管理社区事务和维护道德教化领域的自我保护倾向拉大了其同州县政权的距离 ,并为体制外的民间组织公开化提供了社区空间 ,导致基层体制内外的多种组织反击洋教的联合行动日渐武装化。世纪之交的外患内忧使社区自卫运动促进了社区精英跨区域的横向联合和对区域性的民间文化的再创造。这一过程中形成的民间文化的三个标帜将多中心、区域性的民众反洋教集团联结成义和团运动  相似文献   
明末儒家伦理遭到了来自各方面的批评 ,并陷入了困境 ,诸如对“五伦”关系的前后顺序进行重新排列 ,夫妇、朋友二伦置于五伦之首 ;对君臣关系的新评价 ;相对主义孝道观的普及 ;对仁、义、礼、智、信“五常”的批评。明末是中国思想史上第一次大规模批评传统儒家伦理的时代 ,是近代文化与“五四”新文化的文化源头  相似文献   
本文认为唐三彩最主要的职能是充当冥器,但在现实生活中,唐三彩至少在两个方面发挥重要作用,一是用来制作宗教用品,二是用来制作建筑材料。  相似文献   
关于南京明城墙的建造年代,相关史料的记载或有疏漏、或相矛盾、或语义不详,造成了后世对明南京城墙建造年代的多种说法。本文根据史料并结合实地勘察,提出南京城墙建造的起至时间为元至正二十年(1360年)至洪武三十一年(1398年),前后共计39年。  相似文献   
南宋官窑源于越窑,其制品特点、工艺技术、窑炉设备与同期的越窑系窑场一脉相承。  相似文献   
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