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南京明代墓葬出土玉带为玉之带,即镶玉片的革带,用于腰带上,既是装饰品,又是实用器,同时还代表着佩带者的身份。以此为依据,本文结合明代墓葬考古及相关文献资料,试对南京地区明代墓葬出土的玉带板,按其装饰方法之不同进行归类,并根据早、中、晚三期时代特点作简要分析。  相似文献   
Focused on the Hunan and Hubei areas during the Ming and Qing dynasties, this paper provides a discussion on the relief services for the aged. With an emphasis on the quota and object of the aged who needs to be relieved, the constructional scale of the relief houses and the operation patterns of the institutions, it reveals the gap between the ideal and the reality, the policies and the implementation, the philosophy of the philanthropy and the limit of the government budget. __________ Translated from Wuhan University Journal (Humanity and Social Science Edition), 2004: 3  相似文献   

As a world-renowned heritage site, the Ming Great Wall in Qinghai Province, is an example of an earthen site that is seriously threatened by a series of deterioration. Its damage assessment is the precondition for further protection planning and implementation, but related research was found to be scant. To fill this gap, we explore to study its damage assessment by applying Fuzzy-AHP and AHP-TOPSIS to determine the damage assessment levels for 18 earthen sites selected from Qinghai Province, combined with their occurrence environment, engineering properties of rammed earth, deterioration characteristics, and building technologies. After obtaining and comparing results, the AHP-TOPSIS is indicated to be much closer to the real damage conditions. Therefore, this method is proved to be more suitable for the damage assessment of earthen sites in Qinghai Province. This study also holds the potential application of the AHP-TOPSIS in the damage assessment for other earthen sites in Northwest China.  相似文献   

The majority of research on residential architecture of Shanghai has focused on modern Shikumen. While in Shanghai, there are more than seventy representative residential buildings of Ming and Qing Dynasties, which demonstrate great achievements in technology and art; few efforts have been made on them. Via literature research and on-site investigation, this article contributes to the investigation of timber frames of tingtang of Ming and Qing residences in Shanghai. It studies the characteristics and influential mechanism from three aspects. First, it reviews the history of residences development in Shanghai. Second, it interprets the establishment of the timber frame style. Through-jointed frame in ancient Wu Area was influenced by the space need and the Central Plains’ raised-beam frame. It finally evolved into “zhengtie raised-beam frame + biantie through-jointed frame” style by Xiangshan Bang carpenters. Third, the article discusses the regional characteristics of being material economic and flexible collocation, which reflects the local customs. The study clarifies the importance of social background influence on timber frames of tingtang of Ming and Qing residences in Shanghai. It is one of the series of architectural studies in Jiangnan region, and appeals for more attention to the protection and maintenance of traditional architectures in Shanghai.  相似文献   
明代兵备道最初因弹压动乱而设,具备鲜明的军事特征。明中期后,为集中权力、增强对地方控制,明廷将兵备道与分巡道大量合并,致其于治乱之外渐具行政、监察等其他职能。目前学界将兵备道多驻于动乱或冲要之地归因于其治乱之职能,这其实是一种误读,忽略了兵备道本质上并非单纯的军事单位,而是重要的地方治理机构。以郴桂兵备道为例,梳理其由设立至嘉靖年间与分巡上湖南道的合并,再至万历时驻扎方案确定的过程,可知兵备道驻地选择与明廷地方治理策略密切相关。该策略转变下的兵备道职能拓展、巡抚间博弈等因素,对兵备道的驻地选择产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
20世纪初,中国古物大量流散欧美,价格高、易携带的古玉尤为大宗。笔者于1979年-1980年曾旅行探访20余所博物馆,在各馆库房仔细研究玉器。到1990年代,再多次前往重要的馆藏从事专题研究。"良渚玉器上的刻画符号"就是当时我密切关注的专题之一。在本篇中,笔者除回顾百余年流散欧美的良渚古玉收藏及出版情况,介绍四件圆周有刻符的良渚玉璧外,也略论约16至20世纪仿赝良渚古玉的特征。  相似文献   
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