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纳西居民是丽江古城的魂。随着丽江旅游的发展,近年来纳西居民纷纷外迁新城.古城空心化现象严重地危及了古城的可持续发展。纳西居民选择留下来的机会成本远高于现实收益.这是居民外迁的原因。政府应当根据古城空心化现象的成因来构建相应对策。  相似文献   
During the nineteenth century, the existence of a southern border in the Córdoba province resulted from a complex situation where an expanding national state was inserted into a global economic system and into an environment occupied by various Indian groups. This situation created a mixed society on the borderlands. The military line was defended by forts, with one of them being the Achiras Fort (1832–1869). The fort was situated at the end of the mountain range of Comechingones. This paper considers the archaeological investigation of this fort. The most important and consistent part of the archaeological record is the Command. The Command was formed by two rooms. This work also presents the results of the excavations into the fort and describes the archaeological remains found. Finally, a general model for archaeology in the South Córdoba Border is presented.  相似文献   
An offer to teach military units deploying to Iraq about history and culture of the region raised questions that are relevant to all archaeologists whose areas of study are subjected to armed conflict. Should we engage with the military at all, giving them the benefit of not only our archaeological knowledge, but our familiarity with local customs? Or could that knowledge be used against the local population that has welcomed us over the years or in some way lead to destruction of monuments, sites, and museums? I summarize my experience and compare this program with parallel efforts by other archaeologists working with the military since 2003.  相似文献   
《巩昌分属图说》是一套彩绘的中国传统山水画式舆图及图说,为研究明代西北边防的重要图籍。笔者主要结合历史文献,从历史地理角度对舆图绘制的时间、背景、内容作了梳理和考证。  相似文献   
During the last few decades, Cape Town Castle has been extensively renovated. Parallel to this, a series of archaeological excavations were undertaken under the auspices of different institutions. During the course of these, it became clear that one specific site needed to be approached in a rather unorthodox way. This site, the main well situated in the centre of the previous headquarters of the Dutch East India Company at the Cape of Good Hope, was filled with water. Owing to its inaccessibility and other constraints, which made the application of adapted excavation techniques necessary, the need arose to call in the assistance of a diver-archaeologist. This article describes the approach to fieldwork undertaken in the Kat well during 1989 and 1999 and some of this feature's structural details.  相似文献   
迁村并点理论与实践初探--以长安子午镇为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迁村并点是解决三农问题、合理配置土地资源、消除城乡差别的重要手段,是实现区域空间整合的有效途径。本文对国内的迁村并点的研究现状进行了综述,以长安子午镇为例,通过对地域整体环境的把握,分析地域居民点之间的时空关系,提出区域整合的基本思路并对产业发展方向做了进一步的规划设想。  相似文献   
古谢邑地望在何处, 影响较大的有南阳说、唐河说和信阳说三种不同观点。谭其骧先生主编的《中国历史地图集》认为谢邑故址当在河南南阳县, 即今南阳县金华乡东谢营村。笔者通过对《诗经》中所反映的古谢邑地理形势的分析, 以及《水经注》、《大清一统志》等文献材料中所记的谢水、棘阳故城、新都故城与谢邑的相对方位的辨别, 再联系相关考古材料认为谢邑故址当在今唐河县郭滩乡古谢庄一带。  相似文献   
20世纪初叶西藏的日本军事教官矢岛保治郎   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
矢岛保治郎是20世纪初叶日本入藏者中一个颇具冒险色彩的人物。他曾怀着不同的目的两度入藏,并被西藏地方政府聘请为军事教官,在西藏活动达6年之久,成为近代日本与中国西藏地方关系史中一个相当重要的人物。对他入藏经过及其在西藏的活动进行考察,不仅有助于我们对西藏近代史的研究,而且对我们认识历史上日本对我国西藏的渗透活动有所裨益。  相似文献   
公元5世纪初,柔然崛起于大漠。在难以从根本上消除其威胁的情况下,为了防御柔然的侵扰,北魏先后3次大规模修筑长城。但是,长城作为单一的防线无法长久地阻挡柔然的骚扰和南侵,因此,北魏设置了众多军镇,构成统一有效的长城——军镇防御体系。  相似文献   
郭文  黄震方 《人文地理》2013,28(2):117-124
本文以皮埃尔点布迪厄的"场域理论"和列斐伏尔"空间的生产理论"为视角,以深度访谈和参与观察为基础,对周庄古镇从"一元同心并置结构"到"多元同心嵌套结构"转变过程中的多维空间生产进行了分析,结果表明:旅游场域形成之前的空间属于"内源性自生式本体空间",以"物理属性"为主;旅游场域形成后的空间属于"外源性嵌入式构建空间",倾向于"社会属性";旅游开发使物质空间景观化、文化空间多元化和社会空间复杂化,空间的分异和碎化趋向表明古镇社区正由"差序格局"转向"团体格局",进而表现为一种混合性"属地格局"。空间生产的动力机制主要是全球化背景下的地方怀旧情结、空间生产背后的政治力量博弈和空间生产中社区精英示范效应三种原因所致。本文指出在旅游快速发展背景下,古镇空间不是空洞的空间,空间的生产方向应该成为关注的焦点,这对理解古镇旅游空间场域的形成、生产及包容性发展具有重要导向。  相似文献   
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