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We present the results of a multi‐method archaeometric study concerning the architectural elements reused in Monte Sorbo church (Sarsina, central Italy) between the eighth and ninth centuries AD . The provenance study has focused on classical marbles and stones, which clearly do not originate from the local Apennine geological formations and are thought to come from extra‐regional sources. A large fraction of the tested marbles is from Asia Minor, coming from both the Proconnesian district on Marmara Island and, probably, the Hasançavuslar site near Ephesus (Greco scritto). Of the four remaining marbles investigated, one is from the Carrara district and three are from different Greek quarrying areas, such as Mount Pentelikon (Athens) and the Thasos and Paros islands. The data also highlight the reuse of decorated gravestones made of Pietra di Aurisina as architectonic elements. This limestone is a fossiliferous carbonate stone outcropping in the Trieste Karst region (north‐eastern Italy), which was exploited by both the Romans and the Byzantines. The assignment of all of the columns of the central nave to the same source area provides an argument in favour of their provenance from a single monument, which was probably located in Sarsina or Ravenna, with the ‘colourful taste’ that is typical of the late Antonine and Severian periods.  相似文献   
本文通过研究追缴回来的三件"叔休器"和见于著录的五件"叔休器",判断目前所见所有"叔休器"均属同一器主。叔休可能为春秋早期管理当地盐业贸易的职官,身份地位均较重要。同时结合铭文内容等认为"叔休器"可能来源于淮河流域信阳一带的周代诸侯小国"冠"。冠、番、樊等可能是被淮河以外诸国称"繁"的不同小国,它们位于淮河流域信阳一带,在商周时期盐铜贸易环节发挥了重要作用,逐渐形成盐铜交易枢纽"繁阳"。  相似文献   
The aim of the paper is to summarise the present state of knowledge concerning bitumen trade in the Near East from the Palaeolithic (70,000 BP) to the Early Islamic period. During the Palaeolithic and Early Neolithic period, bitumen utilisation was mostly concentrated in settlements close to oil seeps. From the Ubaid 3 period, bitumen from the Mosul area became more important and was traded as far as the southern Persian Gulf. The Uruk period is a turning point for Mesopotamian history as settlements evolved into city‐states. These cities had a great need for raw materials, and this marks the beginning of large‐scale exploitation of Hit bitumen. This bitumen was traded at settlements along the Euphrates, where a large trade network was established. Hit bitumen entered the Persian Gulf at the turn of the second millennium (Dilmun period). Bitumen from Iraq (Mosul and Hit) became predominantly used in most settlements along the southern coast of the Gulf. During this period Iranian bitumen was also exported and this supply tended to increase, especially during the Partho‐Sasanian period. Dead Sea bitumen had its own exchange network, which was concentrated across present‐day Israel and Egypt where it was extensively used for mummification.  相似文献   
To date Mleiha has yielded eighteen stamps belonging to Rhodian wine amphorae. Eleven of these can be dated to the second half of the third and the first half of the second centuries BC. Rhodian stamps are vital for the chronological framework of the PIR‐A period at Mleiha. Most of them, if not all, belonged to funerary contexts but were unfortunately rarely found in undisturbed contexts. The stamp types of the eponym ?ριστε?? and of the fabricants ?πολλ?νιο? and Φιλοστ?φανο? do not seem to occur very often.  相似文献   
新中国诞生后,百废待兴。冀朝鼎在帝国主义实施禁运和经济封锁的困难面前,积极探索中国外经贸的新体制,加强外汇管理,以灵活的外交,与11个国家签定了外贸协定,还成功地与日本、英国等未建交国家进行“民间贸易”.打破西方列强的孤立政策.开创了中国对外交往与贸易的新局面。  相似文献   
侯云灏 《史学月刊》2002,4(6):5-13,41
面对改革开放的新形势,受“左”倾思潮影响的教条主义史学面临来自多方面的挑战,史学危机的呼声不绝于耳,西方各种史学思潮纷至沓来。史学工作者本着解放思想、实事求是的原则,结合实际,重新学习,调整步伐,注重历史学的学科特性,与时俱进,使马克思主义史学获得了新的生机。  相似文献   
试论重庆万州中坝子遗址夏商周时期文化遗存   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
万州中坝子遗址是三峡地区一处以商周时期化为主的重要遗存。经过近年来的发掘,清理出商周时期的灰坑、墓葬、水田等多处遗迹现象,同时获得一大批陶、石、骨、铜器等遗物。根据陶器组合及型式变化和地层关系,本将中坝子遗址商周时期化遗存分为二期四段。通过对比,其年代与鄂西地区的中堡岛三期类型、川西地区的三星堆二期化大致相当。另外,因中坝子遗址位于古代巴人活动的中心区域,对该遗址的研究也为探索早期巴化提供了十分重要的资料。  相似文献   
二里头二期文化与后羿代夏问题   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
后羿是生活于夏王朝西方的原始部族首领.后羿部族统治集团取代夏王朝政权,入主中原约历40年,对夏王朝时期的社会、文化造成了巨大影响.作为夏文化的二里头文化,其二期文化就是在继承一期文化的基础上,受到西方原始文化和东下冯类型文化的强烈影响而形成的.  相似文献   
国内城体育场地点遗址是吉林省集安地区一处重要的高句丽建筑遗迹,通过对出土遗物和相关文献等的分析可以发现,体育场地点遗址可能是高句丽时期一处与"御膳房"相关的仓储遗迹,它为寻找国内城时期高句丽的王宫遗址提供了重要线索。体育场地点遗址的年代上限应不早于371年,在高句丽迁都平壤(427年)以后逐渐废弃。  相似文献   
雷少  丁风雅  吴波 《东南文化》2016,(4):23-37,65,67,127,128
鱼山遗址位于浙江省宁波市镇海区九龙湖镇河头村,东距现海岸线直线距离约7.3公里。2013至2014年,宁波市文物考古研究所等单位对其进行了Ⅰ期发掘,分别发现河姆渡文化、良渚文化、商周和唐宋等四个不同时期的文化遗存。其中河姆渡文化二、三期,良渚文化晚期和商周时期堆积之间的自然淤泥层,对于研究沿海地区史前至商周时期文化面貌、人地关系等基础性问题提供了一批重要资料。  相似文献   
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