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Secondary pit deposits in historical occupations of Near Eastern mounds are usually regarded as uninteresting and are seldom analyzed. We used an integrated approach to study all the artifacts as well as the sediments in a pit at Tel Dor, on Israel's Carmel coast, dating to the 7th c. BCE – a period when the site served as an Assyrian administrative center. This pit was unusually large, had a peculiar ceramic assemblage, and many macroscopic metallurgical wastes. A detailed excavation and analysis revealed that the pit served intermittently as a waste disposal site for an iron smithy and for pottery that was presumably involved in maritime trading. On two occasions the area was also used for animal penning. Despite the obvious importance of the iron industry to the Neo-Assyrian Empire, actual workshops are rare in its archaeological record. Hence the new information regarding an Iron Age iron smithy in the southern Levant contributes to the study of this industry, and also to the history of Dor in this period.  相似文献   
图们江发源于白头山的东麓,由南向北蜿蜒穿流于长白山和咸镜山脉之间,自图们市开始东折,最后注人日本海。沿途的主要支流有海兰江、布尔哈通河、嘎呀河、挥春河等。该水系之北为绥芬河流域,以西  相似文献   
四川汉源县麦坪新石器时代遗址2007年的发掘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
麦坪遗址位于四川省汉源县大树镇麦坪村,地处大渡河中游南岸的二、三级台地及其以上缓坡地带,海拔高度为820~860米, 遗址总面积约为10万平方米(图一)。此区域在20世纪50年代以来历经多次大规模的围河造田、开山改土等基本建设活动,从而对遗址造成较为严重的破坏,现存地表已被辟为梯田。中国社会科学院考古研究所等单位于  相似文献   
2005年,对辽宁大连市土龙子4~7号积石冢进行清理。各冢均由数座长方形石砌墓室组成。墓室铺垫地石,再以石板、石块砌筑四壁,墓顶用多块石板封盖,墓室之上再积石堆垒。埋葬方式为多人二次或多人多次葬。出土遗物以陶片为主。冢群的年代应为庙山青铜时代遗址上层文化时期,距今约3000年。  相似文献   
The Hili archaeological complex in Al Ain (U.A.E.) is important for its wealth of third-millennium BC Umm an-Nar burial and settlement sites. Two of the most significant burial sites are Tomb N at Hili and Tomb A Hili North. The latter is a classic circular Umm an-Nar monumental grave, while Hili N is a pit-grave, one of only two Umm an-Nar period pit-graves discovered so far in the U.A.E. Both of these tombs contained the remains of hundreds of individuals, in the case of Tomb A Hili North, more than 300, while around 600 people had been deposited in Hili N. Both population groups have been the subject of anthropological and artefactual analyses and a comparison of the findings help to shed light on the chronology of the end of the Umm an-Nar period.  相似文献   
孙明 《四川文物》2021,(2):38-45
商周时期青铜器上的三角形加强筋技术主要用于觚、尊、簋、卣、壶、瓿、盘等圈足器的底部与圈足连接处,纵向延伸,上端较粗,承接铜器外底,下端向下延伸逐渐变细,多为等距或对称分布。加强筋的大小、数量多少的设置,根据器形因器而异,铜觚器体修长,圈足较高,加强筋多为2条或4条,纵向延伸较长,而铜簋、方彝等,底部面积较大,圈足粗矮,加强筋数量相对较多,纵向延伸较短。三角形加强筋技术起源于商代早期郑州商城陶鼎、铜鼎鼎耳与口沿连接处采用的加强筋技术,商代晚期至西周早期比较盛行,延用至春秋早期。商代晚期圈足铜器上使用较多,但又不仅限于圈足器,部分带鋬器,如爵、斝等,鋬的两端与鋬下腹壁连接处也有发现。其功能在于防止铸件连接处因凝固收缩的应力作用而出现裂纹,强化圈足器器底与圈足之间连接。  相似文献   
本文运用黄土地层学、气候地层学、生物地层学的方法尝试建立中国北方旧石器时代中期文化发展序列,认为大荔遗址、丁村遗址、周口店15地点、许家窑遗址、陕西长武窑头沟、辽宁喀左鸽子洞的年代分别相当于深海氧同位素的阶段7-8、6-4、6、4、4、3。并认为中更新世哺乳动物群在北方的最终消失大约在阶段6,如以中更新世哺乳动物群的消失作为中晚更新世界限,则和黄土地层学的研究结果比较吻合。  相似文献   
马鞍山寺门口东吴墓,墓葬形制为“十字形”多室墓,反映了与长江中游东吴墓葬形制上的承接关系,该墓葬未经扰乱,出土的一些陶瓷器和精美的铜镜,为研究长江下游地区东吴时期的墓葬埋葬习俗,提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   
This paper describes a case of an intrasellar tumour found in a male skull from Southern Italy dating from the middle Bronze Age. The sella turcica shows considerable enlargement in all diameters, erosion of the dorsum and marked depression of the floor. These features are consistent with a diagnosis of pituitary tumour, probably a non-secreting adenoma.  相似文献   
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